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Everything posted by craigmt1

  1. Here's my current GameData folder, everything was installed using CKAN:
  2. I seem to be getting the same issue as a lot of people in this thread and I can't seem to find an answer. I get sound, but .1kn thrust and no fuel flow. Any ideas?
  3. Really enjoying this, but the lack of long range antennas in the early game are really killing this and make it quite a grind. Having access to 1963 command modules before being able to recreate the 1959 Luna missions is unreasonable.
  4. I've noticed that none (yes, none) of my spacecraft are now receiving any sort of power, despite being in direct sunlight and having sun exposure. I tried verifying the integrity of the game cache as someone on Reddit suggested, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas? I've included an example here: - - - Updated - - - Solved it by removing Copernicus and OPM I hope they fix them soon.
  5. Could there be a few links in the first post to some solar systems with planets in them so that I don't have to comb through 30 pages to find one?
  6. I've noticed that none of the converting parts (Carbon Extractor, Water Splitter) seem to be doing anything. Did I miss something or are they just not working?
  7. Currently using this in conjunction with Realism Overhaul and FASA, but aside from using the Apollo LEM RCS thrusters with Aerozine+N204, no other combination of fuels and thrusters seems to work. What is going on?
  8. I tried upgrading everything before I posted but still no dice. Ah well, I guess I'll use Hakari's F-1 for now.
  9. Here ya go: https://copy.com/ASnARvfgXGqsbdK2 It's basically a Saturn V with a dummy payload and procedural tanks. It may load with the fuel tanks empty, but even filled, and with fuel lines placed directly from the tank to the engines, it still doesn't ignite.
  10. I just can't for the life of me seem to get the F-1 engine from FASA working, it always flames out on the launchpad and says "LiquidOxygen Deprived". Every other engine in FASA seems to work fine, though. Any ideas?
  11. Just upgraded to the latest version, and I've noticed a major performance hit. Where a second in game clock used to be 2 on my laggiest ships, even on my smaller ones its almost 4 seconds for each in game second. I even went about removing obsolete packs like Jackbauer's engine configs and it is still very, very slow. Is it ModuleRCSFX causing the problems? I can't seem to get that to work properly either. Any ideas?
  12. Thanks, that seems like it will work. Haven't played in a couple months so trying to regather all the packs and figure out what's new. Would anyone know why no parts are loading in the VAB?
  13. Anyone know where to find rescaled FASA configs? Older link seems to be dead.
  14. Config to increase Science Lab to Skylab proportions: @PART[Large_Crewed_Lab]:Final { @rescaleFactor = 2.6 @node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.830905, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 6 @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.830905, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 6 @mass = 77 @MODULE[ModuleScienceLab] { @crewsRequired = 3 @RESOURCE_PROCESS[ElectricCharge] { @amount = 800 } } } Personally I think something like this should be included (maybe as a separate part) in the download.
  15. Would love to rescale this for Realism Overhaul, but having three independent models makes it pretty tough :/
  16. The parts look great, but for some reason I can no longer find the top section for the Apollo capsule and more importantly, the TWR of the fully assembled Saturn V is less than 1 for all stages, so it won't lift off the pad. Any suggestions? Edit: Doubling the values seems to put them closer to their true specs.
  17. Wondering if the performance is still an issue, and if the abysmally short life support time has been extended on the containers...
  18. Is this mod still being maintained? I used to love it but it seems like everyone on the forums and the subreddit is trashing it now in favor of other mods.
  19. Loaded new version, performance seems to have slightly improved but the framerate is still not too great. I'm still concerned about the consumption rates. A full tank and oxygen regenerator can only sustain a single Kerbal for 10 days. That seems absurdly low and rules out any interplanetary trips. The realism crowd seem to be the biggest users of this mod but if they're using Real Solar System and they can't even make it to the Moon I don't see why they would use it. That amount of oxygen should last at least 10-100x longer.
  20. Here is the output log. It's 11 mb, the exceptions start popping up about halfway down: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xgvswx48e4bjbqc/output_log.zip
  21. I'm really digging this mod, but I must say the performance issues are killing it for me. I'm running KSP on a top of the line rig and in the last fifteen months of playing this game with all kinds of mods this is the first time it's brought my experience down to the level of my crappy laptop. The rate of consumption seems a little unforgiving as well. A large 2 meter tank of oxygen can't only sustain a single Kerbal for 3 days? So much for my Skylab replica...
  22. Thanks for the link to the previous version MacTee. LeadMagnet, I changed that line in the source and rebuilt the project, seems to be working fine now.
  23. Already tried this twice, no difference. As mentioned above, I moved it from downloads to C:\KSP_Win, no luck.
  24. I'd love to try this out but I'm getting exceptions for everything, it's completely unusable. I can't select a directory even if I place my KSP folder in the root of C:\, and I can't even close the program without having to go through Task Manager. I even removed and reinstalled my current version of NET just to see if that would do anything, but it didn't. Is there a link to a previous version that I could use until the bugs in the current version are sorted out?
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