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Everything posted by erona

  1. If folks are using Kerbal Engineer Redux and Hotrockets together, I recommend using the latest test build since it fixes the issue with certain engines not calculating at all. Test Built KER
  2. Wooo!! The test version of KER worked like a charm! That's super exciting. I'll let you know if I run into anything else goofy.
  3. I'd like to confirm that KER does not work correctly with Hotrockets installed. Specifically the 2 stock solid boosters do not report any deltaV information etc. I tried this from a fresh install with only those 2 mods. KER only stopped calculating the SRBs once Hotrockets was installed. I suspect it has something to do with the ModuleEnginesFX specifically for the SRB because the other engines calculate just fine. Nazari1382 said that the SRBs are handled the same way as the other engines so he's not sure why KER doesn't work for them.
  4. I noticed that too Aqua and I am not sure why that is. I used an ellipse as my emitter and the random spread was distributed evenly in the XYZ direction which should create something circular. It looked like a cone in Unity. Could be a limitation of mod or particle system in KSP. Since the Unity file didn't save my effect I'm not sure if I should give it another go or wait and see what Nothke shares with us. I'm not very experienced with this stuff.
  5. Well after all that work Unity somehow managed not to save those smoke files so I can't edit them more.... Grrrrr. I might rebuild them but it took a while and I'm swamped at the moment. I'll wait and see what Nothke shares with us first.
  6. You can download the adjusted config and my smoke model here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6861684/Smoketrails.zip It only affects the small and large stock SRB.
  7. What do you guys think of this for the SRB smoke?
  8. Here's a video of my progress for the SRB. I modified the stock large and small ones. Download config and FX files https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6861684/Smoketrails.zip
  9. I decided to dive into Unity today and try my hand at some custom particle effects and got a pretty good smoke one going for the SRBs. I'll see if I can put something together by the end of the weekend. Also I'm going to try my hand at making some configs for KW as well if these turn out.
  10. Wow this is fantastic! I can't wait to see the results with the proper settings. Great work sarbian, nothke, and Nazari1382. It feels like Christmas is coming early haha!
  11. Thanks for the reply Nazari. That totally makes sense since I didn't see anything in your config that would suggested SRBs were different than liquid engines. Hopefully engineer works that out. Keep up the good work!
  12. I can't tell you how much I love this mod but can't bring myself to use it due to a bug. Engineer Redux doesn't calculate anything for the 2 stock solid boosters. Both the Rockomax BACC and RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster do not have any value calculated when Hot Rockets is installed. As soon as I remove it they calculate just fine. Any advice on how to resolve this? All the other stock engines calculate fine with Hot Rockets at least. I should mention I am using the latest version of Kerbal Engineer which said it was fixed to support engines with FX added to them. Also using the latest Hot Rockets release. Excellent update on the poodle engine by the way. Hoping to see some cool smoke effects in future updates.
  13. Some aurora effects seen from the ground using visual enhance. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6861684/kerbin_aurora.zip
  14. It's my own skybox but you are welcome to have it https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6861684/skybox.zip
  15. Thanks! I subscribed to your youtube channel today. Look forward to seeing it in there. If you have any feedback or input for adjustments to the textures I'm happy to help!
  16. It's one I made since I wasn't a fan of the really bright galaxy ones. Very simple stars with only a little bit of color variation and size. Here ya go. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6861684/skybox.zip Also here's my sun flare which I think really ties it all together. However installing it involves modifying assets which I don't think is allowed... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6861684/sun_flare.zip
  17. That aurora looks awesome in that recent video! I decided to edit the textures a bit to make them a little more subtle, green, and not so opaque when the sun is behind them causing them to be darker than the sunlight. I also fixed some pixelation issues. Here's a link with my tweaked textures. I left the user config setting the same. All credit goes to Westi29 for the original textures and settings. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6861684/kerbin_aurora.zip
  18. Forum user Westi29 had posted some files to simulate an aurora around Kerbin's poles. I decided to edit the textures a bit to make them a little more subtle, green, and not so opaque when the sun is behind them causing them to be darker than the sunlight. I also fixed some pixelation issues. Here's a link with the new textures and user config settings to paste into your visual enhance userCloudLayers.cfg file. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6861684/kerbin_aurora.zip I would add the extra layers in the config before the regular cloud layers so the aurora isn't obscured.
  19. Follow this guy's instructions http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/44135-0-21-x-Universe-Replacer?p=577857&viewfull=1#post577857
  20. Here's my shuttle. Visual mods only. All stock parts.
  21. Thanks for the feedback! I made a slightly brighter and maybe more realistic looking set (yellow / white) this morning as well. Enjoy! http://www./download/9njfs18lyvwf4qt/sun_flare.tex%20Bright%20Yellow.zip http://www./download/in6w86yob1jg65c/sun_flare.tex%20Bright%20White.zip
  22. No, I made my own lens flare to replace the one in the game since I always though the vanilla one looked too bright. Here's a link where you can get my replacement. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44135-0-22-Universe-Replacer-v4-0?p=849201#post849201
  23. I love the flare you made and decided to try my hand at making one as well since I wanted to have some rays coming off of it and missed the lens artifacts. Here are some pics of the one I made and links to my dds files. http://www./download/nrkboabvw98xabc/sun_flare.tex%20Yellow.zip http://www./download/2qf2dq5pp02ng47/sun_flare.tex%20White.zip I also made a version that has less color so it looks a little more realistic.
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