Download Link*INCOMING NEW HEV DP-2/EP-1 (Drop Pod/ Escape Pod)* Aftermath Pics Close-Up shots (in orbit) Re-entry Braking Chute opens at 50m Touch-down Opening up the "egg" Success! It can can survive direct impacts at 180m/s & below. The problem is getting a kerbal in xD MISSION 2: Mission 2 Objectives: better delay in the deployment of braking systems. ONly Braking at the last moments. Previous record: 42km: 427m/s, 36km: 584m/s, 27km: 828m/s, 17km: 865m/s Then I begin braking steps at drouge chutes at 8km: 410m/s, 5km: 214m/s, 4km: 140 m/s, 3km: 122m/s, at 2km: 112m/s then sepatrons deploy at 100m: 90m/s New: 9km: 598m/s 8: 434m/s, 5km: 261m/s, 4km: 187m/s, 2km: 133m/s at 100m deploy the chutes then at 50m chutes and braking sepatrons deploy then a few meters off ground 11m/s is the last one I could record before impact. Here are pics of the mission...... or