Hello, does anybody know whether this would work with a making history client and a client without the expansion (if you stay away from new parts)
YES!!! This brings tears of joy to my eyes! I am so much looking forward to trying this out when available. Your work is very much appreciated, bringing the game to a whole new level, thanks!
Can anyone recommend a good starting build? (I would like to have spare fuel tank capacity, possibly some trading capacity and 5000 to spare for a direlect contract)
I think duplication can occur if you use reverting - maybe others can confirm this. Also if you are more than one player on the server, don't spectate the final connection during docking
If you try docking while one vessel is being controlled by another player or if just spectate the docking, it will most likely result in a duplicate vessel that crashes into the original followed by explosions all over
Have you made attempts to fix the docking issue recently or is the task daunting to such a degree that you are awaiting a holy light to shine upon an easy solution?