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Everything posted by r4m0n

  1. MechJeb 2.1 finally released :-) Most interesting changes: Full support for Career mode, with modules individually unlocking in several nodes; New MJ2 Pod part; Several bugfixes and improvements;
  2. Updated to 1.1.2, it now properly shows mod parts even if the tree wasn't made with them. They may show in odd places, but they will be there :-)
  3. The source code is posted, and it's clear that the mod can't execute anything that comes down from the net. If you want to be afraid of something, remember that the KSP site got hacked, and the patcher gets auto-downloaded from it when the game starts :-)
  4. TL0 ship, gets 5 Kerbals to Minmus and back with a Mün flyby, got 710 science on my first try. Could spend some extra time on the Mün to mine some extra low-orbit EVA biome data, but that was good enough (hey, you did say to show off XD)
  5. I recommend (and did myself) playing though the stock career mode at least once without using any mods whatsoever. I had a lot of fun with it, but after playing around with it found the distribution of the parts in the tree very odd. My abusing all my years of knowledge in KSP, I managed to make 710 science points in a single, TL0 mission. With that, I can easily finish the rest of the tree in another trip. The way science works right now isn't very balanced, and the tree doesn't fit every play style. A lot of people were questioning the position of the aero parts and probes, and I fully agree with them. And is for that reason that I jumped right into modding the tree as soon as it was possible, to allow people to try other ways to organize it, and share them. The tree modding tools aren't "must use" mods, they are there just for if you also find that the stock tech tree could be organized in some other way and would like to try it. If the stock one looks good for you, even better :-)
  6. Your problem was with duplicate parts, you probably have some extra copies of some part somewhere. I've added a workaround and updated TreeLoader for it, but you should check the log with the new version and clean up your part list.
  7. Please post a copy of your outputlog.txt after you get into the loading screen, so I can check what may be causing it.
  8. If you want to change the tree, you can delete the tree.cfg file from your save folder. That said, changing the tree after starting from another may have odd effects, and if you unlocked any node, things may be unlocked where you aren't supposed to be on the other tree.
  9. Yes, I'm planning on allowing supplementary trees for mods, but that will still take a bit more work. I'll keep you guys updated :-)
  10. Once the career mode has been revealed, a lot of debate started about how best to organize the tech tree. A lot of people, me included, weren't satisfied with the distribution of the parts and dependencies, and as the tree would be pretty hard to change drastically during the testing phase, I decided to start this mod. This mod enables users to try different tech tree structures, and coupled with TreeEdit (currently not publicly available, more about it soon) allows modders to create new trees. Right now, only one tree by Yargnit is available, but more will soon follow. Here is how his tree looks like: Download here Source code - code license is all rights reserved, for reference only. The compiled DLL can be freely distributed with any mods. The code communicates through HTTP with a central server for downloading the available tree list and the selected tree configuration. No user information is sent (else than the information Unity's WWW class sends in the HTTP headers).
  11. I've set up a forum for the #kspmodders IRC channel here, everyone is welcome to post links to mods there.
  12. Sarbian is taking care of MJ2 while I am awayish, but this is still the official thread.
  13. MJ2 2.0.9 updated for 0.21 compatibility, thanks for sarbian for the fix.
  14. The 0.20 changes were a bit hard on Damned Robotics, so it will take some time to get it back into operation.
  15. 2.0.8 released! MechJeb2 is compatible with the new GameData folder, so just extract the zip directly under GameData and everything should work just fine.
  16. There is a "Separator" item in the Misc category, and the "Max acceleration" item in the Vessel category is probably more useful than current TWR.
  17. The interplanetary transfer mode should work to go from a moon to another too.
  18. Hadn't updated the post since the forum crash, you can get the 1.3 release now from it.
  19. It may still take a bit more until we add enough fixes/features to it to call for a new version, but you can always get the latest dev build here: http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/
  20. Can't replicate creating a new craft in 2.0.7, saving it, copying over to the stock crafts and loading. I'll guess that if you either add the MJ2 module to an existing part or use a save from an old version, you can get persistence problems, but else than that, I think things are stable.
  21. Unity already uses multiple threads to run the game, so I don't see one extra being the problem there. The additional CPU load may be triggering something, though. I'd look at some way to mark KSP to always run on the good GPU. I don't have any experience with this situation, but you can try this.
  22. No. It will have the AR202 and a new pod, probably nothing else for now. I'll post a separate download with all the old parts converted for 2.0 for compatibility reasons, though.
  23. For anyone having problems with the UI loading, please download the zip file again. It seems my new Mono build pipeline isn't working well and it seems to have problems loading with some configurations.
  24. If you already have a working pod, all you need to do is add MODULE { name = MechJebCore }
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