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Everything posted by r4m0n

  1. Using what I\'ve learned from the Insanity, I\'ve tried doing something with less tanks... I\'ve called it the Insanity Too: And the results? SUCCESS! Got to the Mun with pretty low fuel, was afraid that too little to get back home, but tried anyway (I\'m calling the launch after falling sideways the 'r4m0n maneuver') Managed to get just enough speed to get in a direct reentry path, and left a single pixel of fuel to assist in the landing... On which I started burning too early, lost the parachute as I zeroed the speed, and almost killed the Kerbonauts, but the pod managed to survive the impact. Here is the craft file, and the usual warning: This will kill your Kerbonauts if you make any small mistake, use at your own risk.
  2. So, you want a TALL ship on the Mun, you get a TALL ship on the Mun:
  3. And I just happen to see the thread... Let\'s see if NovaSilisko comes here now XD
  4. That is normal, physics simulation was quite a bit of error, so any orbit left running on 1X or 2X will be all over the place... If you go to 5X, the orbit will be set in stone and stay that way until you get back out of rails... Nothing you can do, really.
  5. So, I\'ve taken a look at your craft and how much fuel left you had, and thought to myself: 'Hum... I wonder if I can do away with some extra weight?' Turns out I can: This isn\'t for the faint of heart, the trip to the Mun and back was HARD. Getting in orbit and to the Mun was easy, but I couldn\'t land upright due to the lack of landing legs I was afraid I had lost them, but trying to move around I\'ve noticed I could flip the tank over the pod, and the vessel pointed slightly up when the tank hit the ground on the other side, so I tried igniting the engines just after hitting the ground and Bingo!, I\'ve had managed to take off again! We are going back home guys! I\'ve had just a sliver of fuel left, so the landing still worried me... Fortunately, I\'ve managed to slow down enough so that the pod was able to survive! That was a hell of a trip, I would love to see someone making a video of an attempt to do this again... Here is the craft file, I\'ve named it the Insanity, for obvious reasons ??? Use at your own risk, this WILL kill your Kerbonauts if you aren\'t very careful.
  6. Here is my first try with my Neo dV spacecraft (stock only, categorize as you will 8)): And yeah, I\'m that guy from the other thread =P
  7. This reminds me of EvE for some reason... I think there were some similar problems with time acceleration on Frontier too
  8. I knew it! (but then again, I\'ve been looking at the internals of the game, so I couldn\'t say it before XD)
  9. I\'ve thought about it, but couldn\'t find a good reason to turn an RCS thruster off... Do you have a good reason? If you do, I may add it.
  10. I\'ll need quite a bit of info more than that to help you. If you can post the part.cfg files in pastebin or something, that should be enough for me to spot the problem.
  11. Updated! New stuff: The VariableEngine now can vary efficiency with the atmospheric pressure, and start with the nozzle retracted, extending when active. New module for Solar Panels!
  12. Yeah, allowing plugins really kills this challenge... Also, the amount of time you spend at 0m/s matters a lot, or else you can just launch with a SRB and do it.
  13. Actually, Pluto and Charon are mutually tidally locked, so it does happen
  14. I\'ve made a plugin for CardBoardBoxProcessor to use with his solar panels and a VASIMIR engine he is working on. He will probably release it soon, but I can\'t tell when.
  15. I\'ll add that code using Input.GeyKeyDown() or Input.GetKeyUp() should be at the Update methods else than the FixedUpdate methods, or you will miss some of the events.
  16. Sounds like the problem is on the key side, if it can\'t turn it off after you turned it on with the GUI... Can I see the key handling code?
  17. The Toggle will have the state you are passing in computerRunning when you run this code... Are you updating the variable correctly?
  18. Set the maxThrust of your engines to 0 when you disable them if you will override the default code... I\'ll need to poke at the engines to find the available thrust at any moment, if some engine is disabled but reporting thrust, it will end up with the rocket not getting into a proper orbit with the ascent module, or crashing to the surface with the descent one. Also remember that if anyone else decides to replace the stock LiquidEngine, things will go BAD. A better option would be for you to make an extra part that scans the vessel for LiquidEngines and control them.
  19. That seems to be a fan-made MLP vs Touhou crossover game for StepMania (there is a download link in the video). I was kind of expecting a MUGEN game ;P
  20. That works if you only have one thing that always consumes the same proportion of fuel. Now, say you have an Ion engine that uses H2 and Power, and you have a Solar Collector that fill the Power tank with time? Or you have an LOX/LH2 engine, but you also have a Life Support System that slowly uses LOX? Now you unbalance the consumption.
  21. I don\'t think I understood properly... You can set the amount of fuel in the tank, and in the engines you select the consumption rate in units/s for full throttle... Else than the consumption changing during flight, I think this is sufficient for most cases.
  22. Some random stuff, could go under Engine/Fuel for now: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8560.0. Also, if you would be kind to update the MechJeb screenshot to the latest version P.S.: I recommend keeping the sections in alphabetic order, or things will get pretty messy in the future.
  23. Yup, it would go something like that in the CFGs: LOX tank: module=MuMechVariableTank type = LOX LH2 tank: module=MuMechVariableTank type = LH2 Engine: module=MuMechVariableEngine fuelConsumption = 1 fuelType = LOX fuelConsumption2 = 1 fuelType2 = LH2 Just for kicks, one of the tests I did before:
  24. Here is a collection of useful or silly modules. Most of the useful ones were developed with ideas from CardBoardBoxProcessor for his KOSMOS parts. Variable family The variable family of modules work together to allow new fuel types and dual-fuel engines, with an compatible RCS module. To avoid the current fuel-distribution problems, all modules seek fuel sources on the lower stages first, and drain equally all tanks on a stage. MuMechVariableTank The base module for new fuel types. Works exactly as a normal FuelTank, with just one new CFG property: type - A string defining the name of the type of fuel contained in the tank. Only engines with the appropriate fuelType will use it. MuMechVariableEngine The LiquidEngine replacement for the Variable family. It has the following advantages: Configurable for single or dual fuel use, with options for the usual liquid and RCS fuel, as long as the new configurable ones. Seeks fuel sources on the lower stages first, and drain equally all tanks on a stage. Can be grouped with other engines and provides a window to toggle each group individually. (useful for creating controllable retro-engines) Efficiency can vary with the atmospheric pressure. Nozzle can start retracted and expand when the engine is activated. CFG properties: group - A string defining the name of the group the engine will belong to. Default: 'Main engine'. start - A boolean value defining if the engine group will start enabled at launch. Default: 'True'. fuelType - The name of the fuel type the engine will consume (using fuelConsumption). Special names: 'liquid' and 'rcs', for the stock tanks. Default: 'liquid'. fuelConsumption2 - A number defining the fuel consumption for the second fuel type. If set to 0, no it won\'t use a second fuel. Default: 0. fuelType2 - The name of the second fuel type the engine will consume (using fuelConsumption2). Special names: 'liquid' and 'rcs', for the stock tanks. liquidSeekAnywhere - If using 'liquid' fuel, if the fuel lookup should follow the new Seek Everywhere rule or the standard liquid fuel way. Default: false (old way) efficiencyASL - The efficiency of the engine at sea level of pressure. 1 = 100%. Numbers larger or smaller than 0~1 range are useful to change the specific range, but the final efficiency will always be between 0 and 100%. Default: 1 (100%) efficiencyVacuum - The efficiency of the engine at zero pressure. Same as efficiencyASL, and the active efficiency will be linearly interpolated between the two values using the current atmospheric pressure. Default: 1 (100%) nozzleExtension - If different that 0, will extend the engine nozzle by the selected amount when the engine is active. It will look for a 'nozzle' object parented to the 'obj_gimbal' of the engine, or use the 'obj_gimbal' if none is found. The DAE model of the engine should have the nozzle in extended position, and the collider should assume the nozzle retracted. Default: 0 nozzleExtensionTime - Amount of time to extend the nozzle, if nozzleExtension is active. Default: 5 nozzleAxis - A vector indicating the axis where the nozzle with be extended through. MuMechVariableRCS The RCSModule replacement for the Variable family. It has the following advantages: Configurable for single or dual fuel use, with options for the usual liquid and RCS fuel, as long as the new configurable ones. Seeks fuel sources on the lower stages first, and drain equally all tanks on a stage. CFG properties: fuelType - The name of the fuel type the engine will consume (using fuelConsumption). Special names: 'liquid' and 'rcs', for the stock tanks. Default: 'liquid'. fuelConsumption2 - A number defining the fuel consumption for the second fuel type. If set to 0, no it won\'t use a second fuel. Default: 0. fuelType2 - The name of the second fuel type the engine will consume (using fuelConsumption2). Special names: 'liquid' and 'rcs', for the stock tanks. Toggle family The Toggle module is the base of a family of on/off modules with options for multiple dynamic settings, on/off models and rotation, with an optional keyboard interface. MuMechToggle The base module, which contains the following modes, configurable in the CFG: Toggleable drag: toggle_drag - Boolean, when active the default angularDrag, maximum_drag and minimum_drag will change when the part is on or off. Default: False. on_angularDrag - Value for angularDrag when the object is on. off_angularDrag - Value for angularDrag when the object is off. on_maximum_drag - Value for maximum_drag when the object is on. off_maximum_drag - Value for maximum_drag when the object is off. on_minimum_drag - Value for minimum_drag when the object is on. off_minimum_drag - Value for minimum_drag when the object is off. Toggleable resistance: toggle_break - Boolean, when active the default crashTolerance, breakingForce and breakingTorque will change when the part is on or off. Default: False. on_crashTolerance - Value for crashTolerance when the object is on. off_crashTolerance - Value for crashTolerance when the object is off. on_breakingForce - Value for breakingForce when the object is on. off_breakingForce - Value for breakingForce when the object is off. on_breakingTorque - Value for breakingTorque when the object is on. off_breakingTorque - Value for breakingTorque when the object is off. Toggleable model: toggle_model - Boolean, when active the selected object in the part model will change when the part is on or off. Default: False. on_model - Name of the object in the model that will be shown when the part is on. off_model - Name of the object in the model that will be shown when the part is off. Toggleable collision (not working well): toggle_collision - Boolean, when active the part collider will be disabled when the part is off, and enabled when on. Currently buggy, use at your own risk. Default: False. Toggleable rotation: rotate_model - Name of the object in the model that will be rotated. onRotateSpeed - Speed to rotate the object when on, in deg/s. If 0, the object won\'t rotate when on. Default: 0. onRotateAxis - Axis to rotate the object around when on, in local coordinates. onKey - String with the key to toggle the object on/off. The object will start off and go on when active, independent of the key. Default: P. keyRotateSpeed - Speed to rotate the object when using keys, in deg/s. If 0, the object won\'t rotate using keys. Default: 0. keyRotateAxis - Axis to rotate the object around when using keys, in local coordinates. rotateKey - String with the key to rotate the object counter-clockwise. Default: 9. revRotateKey - String with the key to rotate the object clockwise. Default: 0. MuMechRadiator Derived from MuMechToggle (ie: has all the same properties), the only new thing in it is that it permanently displays it\'s current temperature. Set its heatConductivity and heatDissipation to properly simulate a radiator. MuMechSolarPanel Derived from MuMechToggle (ie: has all the same properties), this module will generate 'power' (as in, any fuel type for a MuMechVariableTank) when the part is on. CFG properties: fuelType - The name of the fuel type the solar panel will produce. Default: 'Energy'. power - A number defining the amount of fuel it generates per second while active. Default: 0.1. Download here(latest version always included in MechJeb) Source code available here, GPL license
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