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Everything posted by r4m0n

  1. First try: Periapsis - 3520M Apoapsis - 3669M Speed - ~18Km/s Seems like the Kraken only inhabits the outer orbitals, down here is pretty quiet 8)
  2. That is VERY impressive if you are using a stock craft (which is the point of the thread). Mind sharing one shot of it?
  3. Yeah, that and Metro apps don\'t have an 'Close' button... You are now supposed to trust windows to decide when to hibernate/kill the apps...
  4. I\'ve seen the developer preview, and I\'m not impressed... Actually, it seems WAY worse than vista for desktop computers. Metro seems useful for tablets, but ONLY for tablets, and they are making it the main interface. I\'ll ignore it exists until something better comes along. W7 should last a decade or so
  5. Chicken on a raft on a Monday morning, Oh, what a terrible sight to see, The Dabtoes forrard and the dustmen aft, Sittin\' there a\'pickin\' at a chicken on a raft!
  6. Multiversal Mechatronics proudly presents it\'s first product to the public: The Sample Collector - Kerbal Edition Collector installed on testing craft First collection tests
  7. r4m0n

    TF2 Problem

    Looks like a null pointer problem within the game itself, I guess you need to take this to Valve. Sorry
  8. Ok, here you go then Stock only, no control at all, one flip and land on my nose 8) What is that, 75 points?
  9. Not touching controls after launch AND landing without a parachute don\'t seem very likely at all...
  10. Yeah, I\'m playing among the SoIs right now and found out that strategy to be the best... Here is my current attempt so far: I still have a lot of fuel and 2 full RCS tanks... Not sure I want to continue this, it gets boring fast ???
  11. Yeah, know that :-) What I mean is that near the SoI frontier between Mun (~2.2Mm) and Kerbin (9~13Mm) the gravitational force on your ship is low enough that you can zero your speed and just hover between the SoIs (I\'m actually doing that right now).
  12. I think the best way to do this would be to get in a very high Munar orbit and dip into Kerbin SoI. Other option is just to get to the SoI frontier, zero your speed and go back and forward between the SoIs... You would be left behind by the Mun pretty fast, though.
  13. The gravity should be low enough in the L1 and L2 points that you could hover there for quite a while...
  14. L1 and L2 don\'t work at all in KSP, if you are within Kerbin SoI you will lag behind (in L2) or go ahead (in L1) the Mun, if you are on the Mun SoI, you will orbit it.
  15. Qualquer tipo de pagamento válido por aqui iria precisar de uma representação nacional deles aqui, não acho muito provável no momento. Já tentou usar algum cartão nacional no PayPal? Eles fazem envio de dinheiro para contas no Brasil, talvez funcione ao contrário também.
  16. Here goes my first try. No calculations, just tried to guess where I would need to get into the atmosphere to drop in the right place... Got just a bit farther than you. Tried 2 times after that, but haven\'t gone any closer ;D Waiting the orbits to complete at low height (even at 10x) is quite a bit slow, but I hadn\'t noticed the planet spinning yet, it was quite a pleasant view
  17. Damn, I\'m getting old... I still remember Challenger...
  18. Dissidia was pretty good, but I\'ll stick with VI (VII as a close second)... I still like Chrono Trigger best from the Square RPGs.
  19. 3 pure FPS\'s, a game that haven\'t been released yet and no KSP in the list? Very weird selection of options
  20. Well, my try at non-stock parts got around 106,000,000G 8) Yes, 800+G is about what is expected at an 15Km/s re-entry, did that one at a first try with non-stock parts to see how many Gs I could do with twice as much V as I had before... With the solar collector, you could go as far and as fast as you want, especially now with time compression
  21. My mistake, looks like I was reading the gimbal all wrong all this time ???
  22. I initially supposed so, but taking heading 0 to be north (which I think is the correct), then going right is to the west. Not sure about that, though.
  23. Then Kerstok would be more appropriate, as it\'s usually spelled as Vostok, not Vostock
  24. You are doing nothing wrong, that is a known issue with the editor if the contents of the screen start to slow down the engine (which in some machines is always). The best you can do right now is after it happens, place down the part anywhere and hit control+Z to undo it, it should go back to the right place with the strut placed.
  25. If due east is going to the left on the default launchpad camera, then my tries at around 595Km ground distance also cleared the land mass, and at around 660Km total distance would probably suggest that your distance in the OP are also total distance, not ground distance. I should have screencapped those tries, looks like I didn\'t do that bad after all.
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