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Everything posted by Accelerando

  1. Snide ad hominems are a sure sign that you are doing no better than what you conclude of myself.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slippery_slope#As_a_fallacy
  3. his mane and tail could use some more bounce/regular shape, and the upper eyelid is kind of displaced  I think it should curve more downward. not bad for a pony in the style of the show, here's a basic look at how I do colts if I want to go all out though
  4. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XlkC8MZi0Es#t=30s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <br> <br> <br> <br>Pretty snazzy shuttle replica  could do with a more orange tank though.
  5. Clearly, they are the great tree-homes of ancient Kerbalkind.
  6. Crewed and robotic submersibles would be great for exploring Laythe. Jool, not so much.
  7. Going to emphasize Laythe. Not really all that interested in the arid balls of rock.
  8. http://www2.zshare.ma/v8bwufhmlsg6 This is the modified settings.cfg file I use to reduce terrain lag. It forces KSP to use an older terrain (or ocean) engine, if I recall correctly. It's also windowed at a small resolution and has "simulate in background" turned off so it doesn't stress your PC while it's minimized. I'm using Tosh's Cart mod and have previously installed some variants on it prior to the latest release, so you may have to open up the file in Notepad or another text editor and delete the lines: HEADLIGHT_TOGGLE { primary = U secondary = None }
  9. I've got a question about Laythe: Will there be any solid ground, barring submarine trips? A weathered volcanic archipelago or two, perhaps?
  10. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? I can probably do this challenge, but I still fail at returning to Kerbin from a far removed solar orbit.
  11. It's not visible in that picture because it's too close to the sun.
  12. KSP .16 actually decreased lag for me, which was somewhat surprising because I had expected new features to increase its load on my system. Maybe .17 will be similar – I hope so.
  13. Pretty sweet, Nova. What are those things hanging off the bottom of the inflatable hab, if I may?
  14. This really deserves more love! Sorry for the late response. Your dialogue formatting is shaping up nicely in this installment~ Story's doing a good job of keeping my attention and bringing focus to the characters, too, in my estimation. Good luck with the next chapter!
  15. Water vapor is good at mopping up infrared. I would guess that radio waves are the most viable option, as the portrayals I have seen of orbit-surface beamed solar power involve using MASERs/tight microwave beams. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_window If it were possible to transmit power over the cable of a space elevator, perhaps beaming to an elevator power relay could be less lossy than direct beaming?
  16. I don't get what some of you say about aerospike instability on the launch pad. I've had 12m tall rockets sitting on nothing but an aerospike and they never budged as long as I didn't touch the maneuvering controls.
  17. Some things look like some other things sometimes. It's something to make one think, though. Uncrewed pods, the saviors of Kerbals in every corner of my space program.
  18. I've stated before that I'd like some rounder-faced fem Kerbs, would add some variation to the characters at least. Right now, especially with the "Meet the Crew" poster done up by Daniel (a very good work, all things considered) the Kerbs seem to be suffering from Only One Face, Can Only Be Distinguished By Nametags and Cosmetics Syndrome. Although Nova's Kerbal does an excellent Waldo impression.
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