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Everything posted by Accelerando

  1. Here\'s an idea: You play as an aspirant developer desperately trying to overcome their mental block.
  2. Why don\'t you just tell us? These are game ideas, not actual games. But hey, here you go.
  3. Anime cat breasts made 800% expected goal? I can\'t imagine why.
  4. Object #: DCE-127 Object Class: Harmless Preventative Measures: DCE-127 is to be kept in a secure safe in the Site-22 vault and secured by electronic padlock, guarded by a 'small standard' detachment as per Agency protocols. As DCE-127 is possessed of no obvious powers granting it the ability to inflict long-term harm upon personnel, it is not necessary to wear protective equipment when handling it, but handlers are advised only to touch the detachable pedestal which exhibits no anomalous properties, or the cardboard box in which the object is normally contained. Description: DCE-127 is a small (14cm on long axis of symmetry; 5cm in diameter) plastic model of a ciliated bacterium, the only remaining piece of a set of educational childrens\' toys called 'Build Your Own MICROBES! [emphasis manufacturer\'s]' that was discovered in the desk drawer of Simkin Kerman, a 7-year-old child. All instances of the manufacturer\'s name on the package and the object have either been scratched off or damaged beyond recognition. DCE-127 was brought to the Agency\'s attention on [REDACTED] after operatives working as doctors at the [REDACTED] hospital informed the Agency of the sudden hospitalization of several children who had been brought in for extreme nausea as well as what was described as a 'burning, hot sauce-like' sensation upon the skin followed by severe rash and dryness. Drs. Folger, [REDACTED], and [REDACTED] noted upon close inspection that the children had begun to develop large patches of 'short, but thick, moving hair' and alerted Site-22, which dispatched Itinerant Collection Unit (ICU)-14 'Plague Doctors' to obtain samples from [REDACTED] and investigate the origin of the childrens\' condition. Investigation found that the children had all been playing at the Kermans\' house 4 hours prior to the incident, and had all collapsed suddenly at dinnertime, prompting Simkin\'s parents to call the hospital. The house was searched and DCE-127 acquired; following the incident, Level-1 amnesiacs were distributed to non-DCE and a cover-up story was passed to the public. DCE-127\'s anomalous properties manifest when it is attached to its pedestal in an upright position, standing on its long axis; there are multiple points of attachment present on the model, but anomalous properties will not exhibit themselves when the model is connected in these ways. When it stands on its long axis, DCE-127\'s opaque 'nucleus' will glow a dull red, and the plastic 'cilia' will begin to move slowly, apparently inhibited by the rigidity of the material from which they are made. No obvious means of mobility are apparent, although testing has confirmed the presence of a small electrical current across DCE-127\'s surface during periods of activity. If the tip of the model opposite the pedestal is pressed against a Kerbal subject\'s palm for a period of 1 minute or longer, the 'nucleus' will begin to exude a cloud of what appears to be a dark grey gas, or smog; captured samples of the material reveal that the cloud is comprised of an extremely fine particulate. The cloud will attempt to move toward the subject, and upon contact with the skin nearly instantly disappears. From this point on the subject is known as DCE-127-1. Around 4 hours after exposure to DCE-127, DCE-127-1 will become disoriented and fall to the ground, typically while complaining of one or more symptoms including severe nausea, stomach cramps, severe itch, searing pain across the skin, and weakness in the limbs. They will also develop a severe rash and skin dryness which cannot be alleviated by any known medication. Approximately two hours after these symptoms manifest, the subject will begin to display stubbly hair growth not unlike '5 o\'-clock-shadow' all across the body, beginning in large patches. This occurs regardless of sex or previous hair growth; and as the condition progresses, hair that was already present will fall out in order for the folliciles to accomodate the new growth. Testing of skin samples from numerous ID-J subjects reveals that the structure of the folliciles is undergoing rapid change during this time. Once the new stubble comes in, it will begin to move, seemingly of its own accord. The stubble itself, which is presumed to be an imitation of bacterial cilia, is nothing like Kerbal hair; although curiously, it exhibits few if any similarities to actual cilia, likely due to the difficulty of reconstructing such a structure on the macroscopic level using Kerbal tissue. Over the course of several weeks, the structures that have replaced DCE-127-1\'s original hair (or grown in in place of any at all) will grow out to their full size, broadening at their ends in a manner unlike bacterial cilia into a shape vaguely resembling a thin aquatic fin. At the same time, DCE-127-1\'s rash will spread over their skin until it encompasses nearly all of the dermis; during this period the epidermis will be shed, often in an irritating manner that requires pieces to be scratched off in order for them to fully detach. The rash will then begin to disappear; by the one-month mark, it is usually gone altogether, replaced in the skin by a sickly grey pallor. The skin by this point is extremely tough, save for sensitive areas that were not affected by the rash (usually membranous zones like the eyelids, lips, etc.) and is difficult to penetrate with a blade. The 'cilia,' on the other hand, are more easily cut; and when this is done, the structures ooze a thick, transluscent blue substance. This does not appear to cause much pain to DCE-127-1. Subjects are capable of floating much more easily in water, and can direct their 'cilia' consciously to allow them to move slowly through a liquid substance without normal swimming efforts. Once the transformation is complete, the effects will last about a week before reverting. The reversion process takes nearly the same amount of time as the original transformation, and can be stalled for another week by handling DCE-127 again in the above-described manner so as to trigger its anomalous effects once more. There does not seem to be a limit as to how long this process can go on; however, careful measurements have revealed that with each successive use, the mass of the model decreases slightly, which may suggest a boundary. ADDENDUM: On [REDACTED], DCE-127\'s mass fell below the [REDACTED]-mark and several of its cilia cracked off when it was bumped against a wall. Further testing is currently suspended.
  5. He asked if you 'knew stuff about blender that would help me,' not for you to 'write an entire tutorial.' I\'m not much of a Blender pro myself, but is recommended by a more experienced friend of mine. You might also want to try Blender 3D: Noob to Pro.
  6. '1000 years of nothing' is a rather inaccurate summary of the Middle Ages at best. Without the social and technological changes that occurred (albeit slowly) during that time, there would be no modern age as we know it. I would like to make a hard-SF space combat game using simplified spacecraft models and a minimalistic graphics scheme, a la DEFCON. Battles are confined to a 'theatre of war' as per the limitations of all factions\' targeting computer technology (and to minimize or eliminate the need to account for lightspeed information lag), and this theatre usually occurrs in the vicinity of a planet and/or its system of moons. As fleet admiral, the player\'s duty would primarily be ordering the ships around in sped up real-time. The player can outfit fleets with various loadouts and manage the maintenance and construction of bases to a limited extent.
  7. I used to, but then I accidentally the whole thing
  8. I suppose you\'re not worried about what this technology will mean for future generations of humanity when it finally does come to fruition, then?
  9. The fact that we are human didn\'t stop us from managing not to spend enough money on stupid wars to rule out sending people to the Moon. It\'s not likely to happen again at this point, no, but to say that we /can\'t/ purely because we are human beings comes off as rather daft to me, considering that it was humans who designed, built, and flew Apollo, and helped create the conditions that made it possible for the thing to become a reality in the first place.
  10. Who, me? I\'m saying that if you\'re going to base your judgment of any of that on movies or TV, you should probably take into account the fact that the most widely known movies and television programming on the subject in very recent history haven\'t exactly been the most flattering to the subject. At any rate, experiencing only your idea of 'fake' experiences (which I presume you mean to be any that are purely the result of computer simulation) is not what I have in mind for mind uploading. Argue all you want that this is what it could quite possibly turn into for the vast majority of those who undergo it, and I won\'t disagree; but being in a computer does not necessarily negate interacting with the outside world, which would be exactly what I would be doing if I were to ride a real spacecraft to another planet, even as an upload. So no, I wouldn\'t rather experience 'fake' events -- I would like to maintain control over my presence outside of the computer -- I just would like not to be limited to my human body.
  11. So why can\'t you just keep the ion thruster as an extremely slow-burning engine, as it is in the mods I\'ve seen, and not bother with the phsyics-defying solar panels?
  12. In memoriam of the man who ruled the weather.
  13. Only if by 'affordable' you mean '$300 per kilogram at a somewhat liberal estimate to ride a space elevator and transfer from there to Luna'. While this would certainly be a great cost reduction and could put a lot of people on the surface of the Moon within our lifetimes (assuming that an elevator can even be built; current carbon nanotubes fall rather short of the strength required to effectively anchor a ribbon/cable lowered from geosynchronous orbit), keep in mind that 300 per kilogram is still a pretty damn high cost. You\'ll be covering not only your own mass, but the mass of all the canned air, water, food, and equipment that\'s needed to support you offworld, not to mention that you\'ll likely be sharing in the cost of whatever ship you\'re going to be riding to escape Earth\'s gravity. That\'s not even counting journeys to other worlds, which would probably cost about an order of magnitude more (or several) even with an elevator. Barring the invention of personality uploading or cheap, reliable fusion power... As Iskierka mentioned earlier, humans have built many fusion reactors, but we have yet to witness one producing power at a rate that outpaces its own consumption. Profitable fusion was 20 years in the future 20 years ago, and it\'s still 20 years away now. I don\'t know about anyone else, but I\'m not hedging my bets on this one. It would be a horrible existence why? You say this of living within a simulation, yet your idea of the notion of life with the technology to communicate directly between minds is: If what you\'re basing your judgments off of is The Matrix and your friend\'s idea of the Borg from Star Trek, keep in mind that the Borg were hardly portrayed as 'good', either; dedicated wholly to unbridled expansion by industrial and military means, without a thought of pleasure or whimsy or enlightenment in their heads (for the most part, at least). (Correct me if I\'m wrong here, because I haven\'t seen all of TNG. =P Go figure. Either way, this is about portrayals in mass media...)
  14. 18, neuroscience major. I also draw, somewhat prolifically, paint, and play the piano. And build odd contraptions in KSP, of course.
  15. Optional extension of the human lifespan by (at least a fraction of) an order of magnitude, and mind transfer. Not mind copying and disposal of the original. Transfer. I prefer not to die, after all. I would one day like to be able to ride a starwisp to faraway worlds, or perhaps, as Groundhog mentioned, to inhabit a different sort of biological body. And I would like to be able to live long enough to see that happen while I\'m in a state of physical youth, because I don\'t think travel to other worlds or other biological bodies is going to happen any time soon on a scale large enough for most people to be able to partake of, Singularitarian ideals notwithstanding.
  16. So I take it nobody\'s designed a centrifuge-style station yet? For shame.
  17. I did something like that recently, hefting a miniature space station (you might call it the service module, except that this thing already had a ginormous service module to push the entire thing into TMI). Anyway, considering a single-stage crewed default parts mission to the Mun is possible in this game (four fuel tanks, a standard nonvectoring engine and a command pod, which I presume is able to support three Kerbals for at least a few days\' time), I\'m not sure how well Earth realism will apply to spacecraft leaving Kerbin -- barring, of course, any mods meant to make things as difficult as they are IRL. Sorry for the long reply time; I\'m terrible. And as for the complaints of broken pictures, I\'m not sure why that\'d be the case... I\'ve viewed this thread from multiple computers, multiple locations/IPs, and they show up for me (if not the first time, then after a refresh or two). Again, sorry! Have a Munbase.
  18. Now a general-purpose thread for my rinky-dink creations, and stuff! ----- Large Munar Lander: Selene I\'d always wanted to create a spaceship in KSP that looked authentically as though it could support a few people for more than a few days at a time, but could never find a command pod big enough (or enough 'equipment/scientific' parts labeled 'life support'), so since I haven\'t yet seen any mods that add this sort of thing, nor am I particularly well-learned in the ways of 3D modelling as yet, I decided to do what most people would do: Build it out of parts I could grab from elsewhere! To that end, I stuck a fuel tank below the command pod decoupler and separated it with a fat block of RCS from the fuel tank that actually supplies to the ship\'s engines, and lo, I had my Big-ified Munar Lander. Designed with a load of extra life support and some extra baggage room, Selene can accommodate three Kerbals for extended periods of time, or accommodate more than three Kerbals for a very short time sure to end in a fiery death for anyone unable to cram into the reentry module fast enough. While a little on the weighty side, Bill and Bob both were cited as remarking that 'a little extra security never hurt anyone'. Jeb was unavailable for comment at the time, but evidently remained very happy throughout the course of the vehicle\'s shakedown run. FIRST VOYAGE Selene rides Odyssey, the Intrepid SLS\'s deep-space boost platform, into parking orbit around Kerbin. Post-TMI burn, and leaving Kerbin. On approach to the Mun. 'We goddamn love gray rocks!' Approaching Kerbin once more. As you can see, a considerable amount of time has passed since initial Munar touchdown. This was thanks to a few superfluous deceleration burns prior to reaching the Munar surface, and a number of RCS shenanigans to compensate for lost fuel. Primary capsule separation, and preparation for re-entry. Chute deployed. Homeward bound! Aaaaaand... touchdown! So there you have it; I hope it\'s worth your time! I\'ll admit the design probably compensates fuel efficiency with its use of the verniering pods included in Tiberion\'s NovaPunch pack, so you might be better served by removing those altogether, but it\'s all your call. Just remember, Bill and Bob are counting on ya! Jeb -- well, I can\'t speak for him. Modpacks used: [li]Tiberion\'s NovaPunch pack[/li] [li]JordanCox\'s Intrepid 1.3 pack[/li] Selene Mk. II: Electric Boogaloo Upon his return from the Mun, Jeb wouldn\'t stop complaining about how boring it was just looking out the window onto a bunch of grey rocks. Why, he wondered, couldn\'t we drive over those rocks? With rockets? Thenceforth the engineers at the VAB, and their supply of fearless laborers (or perhaps just nearly blind, and unable to see the towering menage of parts just waiting to topple and fall on their heads) set out to construct a rather clumsy, but functional, rover attachment for the lander. Success! With that accomplished, they shoved the three Kerbalnauts into that roundish cone thing on top of the rover, and sent them flying! Okay, to seriousness. Selene Mk. II is, as noted, a scaled-up version of Selene Mk. I meant to carry a rover. Fun times to be had here! I certainly enjoyed cruising around the lunar dust flats in this stylish buggy, affectionately dubbed the Mikia IV after a good friend of mine. In-flight, landing. Rover deployment. Cruisin\'! Should you ever grow bored of rolling over grey dirt, the detachable Mei Long capsule carries enough fuel to take you back to Kerbin. Convenient. Requires: [li]the Down Under modpack[/li] [li]C7 parts[/li] [li]NovaPunch pack[/li] [li]WhiteMonkey pack[/li] [li]KW Challenger parts[/li]
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