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Everything posted by Accelerando

  1. No Kerbal space combat ever, and you want to know why? 1. Kerbal space combat gets added. 2. 'It\'s boring. I don\'t want to wait 10 minutes to rendezvous so I can shoot one missile.' 3. Kerbal space combat is softened in the SF sense. 4. 'Now it\'s too unrealistic!' 5. Squad now has to (again) redo the combat parts of KSP to make it feel realistic without becoming too niche. 6. Squad eventually scraps the idea, because it is taking time away from them adding more useful features. See, I can strawman too! :
  2. Apollo astronauts didn\'t have a 3D computer-rendered map of the solar system to consult when making orbits. purple100\'s rocket does not use a robot arm and it certainly does not dock with anything. Since its only mission is to orbit Kerbin and land, this could be easily accomplished by autonomous systems. How would Curiosity make it to the surface of Mars if it needed human operators every second it executed a burn or a turn? Do NASA and the Air Force have a guy in Mission Control with a joystick and keyboard constantly regulating the thrust and directional changes of every Atlas V rocket they send into orbit? Does the DoD have someone on hand to control the precise movements of every Minuteman III outside of the silo?
  3. And once again, Western arrogance and imperialism will have triumphed over all! At least until their own economic system screws them over again and they sink into another depression. It\'s nice to support acceptance of other peoples\' thoughts and ideas (religion, atheism, etc.) but wrecking a country over it isn\'t going to foster acceptance or tolerance. Taking up arms against a people and trying to ram your lofty ideals of tolerance down their throats while killing their fellows will always fail in the long run because in the process you make your tolerance into a sham.
  4. I stopped playing DF because the interface is far too shoddy and overcomplicated for me to keep caring long enough to invest my time in giant megaprojects. Might try again, but I dunno.
  5. Tortilla. Alternatively, reconstituted freeze-dried bread.
  6. Tiny spaceships. It is possible to survive a solar flyby even with ghost forces, and generally if you\'re not getting too close — which, again if I recall correctly, is any point below a distance of something like 1.5 million kilometers in a stable orbit — to Kerbol your ship won\'t be ripped apart (although it may spin uncontrollably regardless of size).
  7. The Kraken is an error with the PhysX engine that IIRC causes errors in numerical rounding above ~9000m/s (it varies with rocket size, larger assemblies usually encountering it at lower relative velocities). This leads to extra 'forces' which cause your ship to spin out of control or otherwise go off-course in some way. I may be wrong, though. http://kspwiki.nexisonline.net/wiki/Deep_Space_Kraken
  8. Space Ration Bars, white on the outside with a filling of black-brown beans that help hungry astronauts enact a spitting image of the food\'s namesake acronym.
  9. Excuse me, some people simply don\'t have the means to save up more money so they can spend dozens to hundreds more dollars on brand new equipment just so they can get some enjoyment out of the game they already paid 7-15 dollars for. That\'s like saying I should spend $100 on a new microscope so I can continue to read books because publishers stopped printing the letters big enough for normal human eyes to process. Even if a person has the means — if I buy a game and it starts out easy to run on my computer (was the case in .13) but quickly grows to the point where I have to spend more money on equipment or peripherals just to play, I would call that a damn waste.
  10. >implying I found KSP on /v/ >implying video games
  11. Maybe as a joke part. The spheres inside cages you\'re talking about are actually a fairly common feature of realistic spaceship designs. The skeletal frame (the cage) lends structure and support to the ship without adding too much mass, which would beget the use of more fuel and so on. The spheres themselves are hard metal, the same vessels that are used to store fuel/propellant in more Earthly rockets -- only now exposed to the elements.
  12. I like most stuff by The Doors. Beyond that I have a fairly eclectic selection of rock, as I do with most music.
  13. Everything you draw looks cute and pudgy. On the other hand, how exactly does it balance on takeoff and landing with tracks only on the rear half?
  14. I know that. That\'s what I mean. My hypothetical AVATAR petition would be an in-joke because it would be a pun of sorts (hurr).
  15. Will this make my garage door start opening and closing on its own? I\'m unclear on exactly how the magnitude of a CME relates to electronics disruptions on Earth.
  16. Your perspective and construction could use work, but you\'ve done pretty well with the paints. I like your Saturn :9
  17. And here I was thinking that AVATAR link was going to be some kind of petition to 'save the Venture Star,' as some awful in-joke.
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