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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. once I got the mods reseated the game runs soooo smooth, even feels like its running a lot better than .19
  2. Awesome, thank you guys so much for the fast replies! I do not mind mods at all and look forward to trying both of these tonight.
  3. Been looking to try and solve this, I am trying to put together a simple large lander that can pull a similar lander design to Minmus. The landers are made of the lander can and a large fuel tank with the docking ports on the tops of the land cans. Once I dock them I have a horrible time trying to get it to fly with ASAS wobbling the heck outta it, I know this is a huge problem with stations but I need this thing to fly. I can turn it off but its pretty hard to burn to a planet with this off. Anyways I was trying to figure out what is the best way to solve this issue so I can properly fly docked ships
  4. Are you using the poodle engines? maybe try 2 or 3 nuclear engines, those burn forever.
  5. I feel the OPs frustration but to be honest OP I suck too but I just keep trying and trying and trying and eventually I make it happen in my own messed up way =)
  6. Has the OP actually tried a vanilla version of the game to see if they get same load times?
  7. Ok I'm going to n00b this thread up and ask... what mod do I need to do that function explained above?
  8. the solar panels from Kosmos team are really sweet those are the one I am very interested in getting to work with PowerTech.
  9. nhnifong, now are you referring to the parts.cfg files to edit this?
  10. Hey all! New to KSP mods! still getting the hang of things. Seem to have the basics down... but simple or small stuff seem to still have me stumped. For one I have MechLab, PowerTech, Powertech_MuMech?, MMI_Kethane, and zKreuzung plugins. I also have the PunchPack Remix, Kosmos SST, Deep Space, and Mechanical Mouse Ind. packs installed. My question I have is for the solar panels, I noticed some parts, such as the station parts from Kosmos SST(which BTW I had a hell of a time finding) the panels do not produce energy. I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction in either downloading cool solar panels that charge or how to edit parts to do this for me. Thanks for anyone that can help!
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