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Everything posted by hugix

  1. That is a cool chart! KSP sure does make feel space exploration simple But i do feel it kinda does miss the point of what KSP learns the players. It educates us in the basics of orbital mechanics and not so much the engineering tasks.. In KSP an engine or a fuel tank will always work (unless you destroy / overheat it deliberately), you have to be a bit clever to make advanced payloads for bigger missions but it is the same as playing with lego's. You slap some parts together and you know they will work. In the real world you have to test all of it. This chart doesn't even has 10% of what a space program has to do more than we KSP players. (radiation, heat shields, Signal delays)
  2. Today I tried a interpretation of the Soviet Lunar return sample missions. Mission was to return a cube probe core back to Kerbin after it has landed on the Mun. Made a brilliant little lifter build from sepatrons to send the probe on a return trajectory. Had 4 small engines around it to perform the landing. got on the mun, Drilled into the ground with a antenna, Watched at the top of the return probe, sample collected. Lifted the probe of the Mun. Got into the Kerbin atmosphere.... WHO FORGOT THE ****ING PARACHUTEEEEEEEE!!!
  3. I think mods make the game more complicated. When you are adding more parts you create more possibilities. Which makes the engineering side more challenging. I love the KW rocketry pack because it challenges me to make the perfect launch vehicle for my missions. I got an entire range of new solid rocket boosters that I can use. A lot more than the 2 standard SRB's that are in the stock pack. And what to think about the fairings. I made for myself the rule that my payloads have to fit inside the fairring. This challenges my designs a lot. And even the mods that add more functions to the game are an addition. Mechjeb sure can do a lot. But you still have to know what it is doing. And it is adding a bit of realism to the game. When the Apollo missions landed at the moon the commanders didn't control the throttle but the descent rate of the craft. More like the translatron function of in Mechjeb. and what to think of the Kerbal Alarm clock function, how can anyone think that is a bad addition to the game?
  4. I'm wondering if John Hurt is a real regeneration of the doctor.
  5. Yeah but it is just a bad movie, it would be like the end of Star wars where Luke takes of Vaders (his dad) mask and it turns out it isnt Annakin but Jar Jar Binks...
  6. I've already seen it and it is an utter piece of ****. The storyline doesn't build up any tension. Cool moments in the voyage are played out way to fast. It has absolutely no suspense. The landing for instance, it doesn't go picture perfect (Not a spoiler you could have guessed this before, it is a movie!) but there is no suspense at all. They try to land, come across some problems fix it as best as they can and land... Even the EVA scene is lacking suspense. The EVA'ing astronaut sees something intresting, goes towards it. something terrible happens and the view is switched to a monitor screen with a ASCII art like representation of what is happening. ---[spoilers, select to read]--- And the ending is a complete joke, it almost smears poop in the faces of all the astronomers and astrobiologists researching Europa. It turns out that the entire crew is being eaten by a glow in the dark giant squid that is living underneath the ice of europa. ---[end spoilers]--- I did like the science parts of the movie, there is some orbital mechanics in it, radiation is always a risk, the team are not just "astronauts" but have real science / aviation backgrounds. To bad that the ending revolves about something completely unscientific
  7. Today I had my very first succesfull SSTO flight! And after I was in orbit I thought to myself, hey why not go the extra mile and land near the KSC, and so I did! And how!
  8. Hey guys, just saw this on space.com's website about KSP. http://www.space.com/22166-build-and-fly-your-own-rockets-in-kerbal-space-program-video.html I found it an interesting video about the game. But I did had the feel that it was to focussed on the crashes.(all though these are really fun!)
  9. did you found that out in a dream?
  10. I am currently in the process of ending all manned missions. Bringing all Kerbals back to Kerbin. I hope I have enough time !
  11. I use a special RCS tug around my space station. whenever I place a new module on one of my stations I stationkeep the new module with the station, then I undock the RCS tug from the station. Bring it over to the module dock with it on the back side (the side that I do not want to dock to the station). And bring it in. this saves me to put RCS tansk and thrusters on all modules. And it makes sure all modules have a docking port on the back side so I can always add new modules to the station.
  12. Collany sounds like a word this man would use :
  13. I love the crater on Dres, my mission there has missed it's 4th or 5th return window to Kerbin just because it is such a playground!
  14. First time I smacked the vehicle into the ground due to not realizing the immense horizontal speed my craft still had. But luckily there was a F5 button on my keyboard so I redid the landing. Still came in to fast horizontally but the vehicle only tipped over and survived. third time was the charm.
  15. Is it possible we could see a snippet of the new save files... I am quite fond of the flags I've planted and I'd like t keep them. I named all my flags after 2 things, the area where they are placed (a crated, ridge,mountain etc...) and a term I've had in my head during placing. most of the time I play during work ( I work at the register in a venue so during the show I got time to play) and named most of my flags to the band / DJ that is playing. I would love to continue my naming mission.
  16. Impromptu designs. I am an absolut idiot in testing my designs. today I tried to land a hitch hiker storage container with 3 legs a ladder and some lights on the Mun.. with on top a fuel tank and 4 radial engines. (after descent I wanted to release the system, fire it up once again and ditch it somewhere else). about a one and a half kilometer above the targeted landing site (I wanted to land somewhere above a Kethane supply and as close to a arch so I had little choice choosing my landing site) my descent stage was empty.I ditched it and fired up my 4 radial engines on my powered landing stage..... WHOAH my entire ship went haywire and started spinning. 800 meters, 700 meters. Quickly i disabled the 2 engines pointing north and south. 300, 200, 125 meters till touchdown.. Descent speed, 20..10...0...5. This happens to me all the time. whenever I plan a long, long... Long mission I always mess up the staging. Nowadays I check trice before pressing the spacebar.
  17. Just imagine , The space shuttle comming in from outer space soaring towards the ground... BANG..BANG... Just about a minute till touchdown, when WHOOSSJJ a 747 comes in underneath the shuttle, parks itself under the spacecraft, the shuttle now gently nudges down and mounts itself onto the mating adapters of the shuttle.. then 10 seconds later the landing gear of the 747 touches down. I would sell my mother to see that!
  18. Preliminary science has determined that the range of the signal is about 600 meters from the top of the hill.
  19. I got a crew of 3 awaiting their landing on Duna's south pole. I've already got a rover and a permanent habitat at the foot of the signal. I will also place a telescope at 0.0.0 S 0.0.0 W on Ike with it's view up to see what is directly below Ike.
  20. Ike is not visible from the SSTV signal since Ike is locked to one side of duna. Besides that, the inclinations don't match. The SSTV is on the southpole at a 60 degrees tilt while Ike is on a 0 degree tilt.
  21. Watch this episode of the CBS Showtime show Penn & Teller bullsh*t. It's about conspiracy theories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA97P5D-y7M (I got confused)
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