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Everything posted by hugix

  1. SSTV's are quite the challenge.
  2. What Pawelk mentions is not a hoax but a spoof. This particular theory comes from a mockumentary by William Karel. It explains that the astronauts went to the moon but could not film there. So they re did the moon landings in a hangar with Stanley Kubrick as director. It has quite a lot of give aways that it is fake, so is there an interview with astronaut David Bowman and Jack Torrence (2 fictional characters from Kubrick's movies). It has quite a lot of famous people working on the spoof, even Buzz Aldrin! The name of the mockumentary is Dark Side of the Moon.
  3. Jupiter has always been scary to me, with its big red stormy spot and its agressive orange. My favourite planet is Earth, I love the atmosphere, the views, it has this really cool moon you should definitely see it when you're there! Oh and the fact that my girlfriend lives on Earth gives it a few bonus points.. Second to earth it would be Saturn, the rings would be a brilliant sight, and there are tens of moons with a lot of unique features. the giant crater on mimas, the volcanic activities on Enceladus. don't get me started on Titan!
  4. I'm currently making some proposals fore Minmus and Dres, I have some fun names for some locations. I'll send them when I have clear ISA mapsat images
  5. - One manned mission to Pol, currently landed and doing science while waiting for the transfer window to open, - One manned mission on Dres, currently landed and waiting for the mission below - One extra fuel tanker to Dres, currently just passed its midcourse correction. - One rover on Duna's south pole at the anomaly - One permanent habitat destined for the anomaly on Dunas south pole. Currently in LKO awaiting the transfer window. - One space station in LKO
  6. Bob outside the ship to open up the solar panels. Forgetting to get out of the way Bob gets hit by the expanding panel and breaks it. That was the end of that panel... Bob tries to fix his mistake but soon realizes the futility of the task...
  7. After my first successful munlanding I did a few more and made things a little harder, I did some precision landings. My first precision landing was within 2 kilometers of the target, I was pretty proud. After that I started missions towards Duna and Ike. I remember one craft that first landed on Ike, on the way back it landed on the Mun, did a little detour towards Minmus and landed on Kerbin. That was a hell of a mission.
  8. Playing KSP a few hours before launcing inside a Soyuz towards space seems like a bad idea. Watching plane crashes a few hours before flying bad...
  9. I think we found all of them but I am sure that we have not solved all of them.
  10. Bill at the Muns south pole investigating a anomaly down there. Time to go home Whoops overshot KSP, that'll be quite the swim
  11. First name : The bay where the KSC is located is now named Booster Bay
  12. That would be like watching airplane crashes a few hours before flying.
  13. Okay, first of all I've had a few drinks today but I want to share this story with you despite my drunkiness. I love space and the exploration thereof. I receive the SpotTheStation notifications about 12 hours preceding the fly over. And today was such a day, it was the best day for a ISS flyover since I was working on a open air festival in my hometown Harderwijk Because of open air we had to end the music at 23:30. And there was a fly over at 23:46. I like to share the beauty of the ISS with my fellow men so I told security not to clean the terrain till 23:55. So we sat there... With maybe 20 people staring upwards.. Till some guest yelled "That one moves!" I started yelling, more people started watching... And from this little local festival, at least 200 people where looking upwards at the miracle called the ISS. Ive got a few photos made by hipsters where the ISS trail is al shaken and stuff, when I receive them I'll share them . But this was my first space talk exprience. I had a lot of people asking me simple questions about orbital mechanics and life support, and I was happy answering them... But how about you? Do you share space with others?
  14. I am interested in discovering and naming the various landscapes on Minmus!
  15. Sometimes when I'm out with not so fun people. Or just really bored I start doodling new Kerbal ideas. I work in a venue and a few days ago we had a quite evening so I doodled a new space station. It was the first time I ever thought about the different modules before I started building. The station is now about 50% done and is living quite up to the doodles I made .
  16. This struck me to as odd too. Nerd was defined as someone who spends to much time behind a computer, nowadays when I'm out in the town I'm the only one not staring blanky into my cellphone.
  17. This is something that has been bugging me for the last few years, and recently hit the headlines again. our whole world consists of technology, we use it every day. From the local weather news that gathered its data from satellites, to the HD television with the weatherman on it. All the way to the ingenious machines in the hospital to cure your illness. Technology has made our lives better and better. And continue doing so every day. But nowadays people seem to have a fear for technology (whilst still using it). Recently there was a news article abut a study performed by a few young Danish girls about the efffects of Wi-Fi on Cress. For me as a Computer network architect this is a direct insult. I do share the conclusion that young girls with an Iphone close to bed have trouble sleeping. I do agree that the suspect is radiation, but not the Wi-Fi / GSM / GPRS signals. but the Light radiating the Facebook app into their eyes. The WHO hasn't found a single cellphone related cancer yet. And we use cellphones quite a lot. Yet I do not understand why people have this big fear / hatred towards a force for good. This is the same hatred / fear that uor beloved space organisations have to deal with. People get upset when they read how much money we spend on the ISS or Curiosity or whatever cool space toy they build. When I think of Apollo my heart skips a beat, not just because of the beautiful images I see inside my head but also because Apollo was a huge technology boost. Without Apollo I wouldn't have the chance to type this! Yet still people whine "What did Neil ever do for us!!!", "Why spend so much money on space when there are people starving here on Earth..." What is your opinion as technology as a scapegoat. Is the blame fair? Does anyone know the reason for these reactions?
  18. I love the fact that is has a tiny little lovable moon with it!
  19. the bay that KSC is located in is named Booster Bay! A while ago there was thread abut naming the different places in the Kerbal system and I came up with this one. On Minmus there is this ^ shaped mountain range. I named it the Minmalayans. the top of the ^ For reference :
  20. I'll browse through the active space missions this weekend to update the guestimated end of mission list.
  21. I've had this a couple of times after undocking. the solution is to switch back to the space center and then back to the ship. It is unfortunate because you want your ship away from the magnets as soon as possible so after reloading it might be that your two ships dock again.
  22. A Triton based moon! A moon that is in a retrograde orbit around her parent planet!
  23. I had big troubles with mapsat in 20.1. I've downloaded 20.2 with this version of mapsat and the game runs as smooth as before. But I cannot see the mapsat button in the lower left corner... I've tried the mod in the legacy folders (/Plugins & /pluginData) and in the new method (/GameData/ISA_Mapsat/)
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