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Everything posted by hugix

  1. I would love to see a black shirt with the Loading screen (with Bill & Bob yelling and Jeb laughing maniacally) on the front.
  2. I recently did my first manned Dres mission. I am starting a Dres base to, but I want it to be (semi) mobile. Dres had a very interesting geology. Be prepared for a rugged non flat terrain. You either keep the home bas small, or in separated modules. If you want a rover, I recommend using the huge wheels or something snake like.
  3. Arde & Binbin should definetly be the names of two moons of the upcomming gas giant!
  4. I do this with the orbiting stage!. Sometimes it has some fuel left so I use the DV from that stage to burn my probe in its escape trajectory... And when it reaches AP it turned 180 degrees, is pointing ret so I can de orbit it. And at that same moment that stage gets power... I smack myself in the forehead!
  5. I keep forgetting to press 0 to unfold the solarpanels on my probes.... WOOHOO it is on a course to Duna!... Checking in on the probe.... No power... this happens at leat once a week to me....
  6. I think it is a good thing to disable heating in the debug console for developing add ons and what not. But any "true" gamer does not use that menu (except for the whakc a kerbal!)
  7. A fully functional base around the SSTV signal on Duna. A second manned trip to Dres, but this time with more fuel to explore more of the magnificent landscape of Dres, and not just the giant tear. A manned trip to Poll to examine the landscape there. And then try t get a Vall functioning rover there.
  8. It definitely should have a pool. And a library!
  9. Pointing towards space killed me. I am such a huge IT crowd fan.
  10. I've added some reasonable end of life parameters for current missions.
  11. It's a (give or take) 45 degree orbit. Perfect for research space stations since you can see almost all the land except the deserted poles.
  12. It would probably end in some sort of time lock.
  13. That market is already crowded with SpaceX, SN, Boeing and all. If Virgin wants to send people to stations they will need to come up with a different kind of spacecraft than the SpaceShipTwo. It will be a great ride but this whole "LETS GO TO SPACE" mania does remind me to much of the internet bubble.
  14. It is possible to go to Mars, jump in your Tardis, go to July 1959 and tell the people that there will be man on the moon in 10 years. You will be laughed at. Technology made us cars, airplanes, the internet, medicine, houses, everything around us. Sure technology is capable of bringing us to Mars. The problem is that technology needs money, and politicians rather keep that to themselves...
  15. I've added some more social points in the near future corresponding Virgin and the Apollo crew.
  16. If we ever get the opportunity to communicate with another species I'd vote for using the golden ratio to make them notice our "smartness".
  17. A person is a very hard concept to define. It took "us" a very long time before we realised the original inhabitants of Australia where persons and not pets.
  18. Gilly is fun. It is one of the funniest places to play with EVA's and everything.
  19. During a recent routine mission to Minmus I had something very weird happening. I launched my ship from Booster bay. All was normal, when the first two boosters where empty I jettisoned those, and all was normal.. Or so I thought. When suddenly I noticed a marker flying a few 100 meters from my ship. It must have been my spend stage.. But it was coming towards me! It missed my ship and flew up faster than my ship was going! It flew for about 50 seconds and then died in its acceleration. I had nothing on the spend stages that could have given it a boost. The tanks where spend and there was no other propulsion on board. I made these two screenshots in the map view.
  20. You could follow the ISS repair spacewalk : http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html
  21. I made a trip over to two sites on the Minmalayans, I'll start on naming it. Liftoff! Fairring sep The Minmalayns on the map The highest mountain is in sight. Landed on the second highest peak The entire area is the Minmalayan mountain range. Divided into 3 areas. -Mahalangur minmal the northern area, consisting of 2 high peaks (one of them has a surprise!), the higest mountain is called Minmerest and the second peak(south of Minmerest) I'll edit this post later. Halfeay through I had to go away.
  22. I call for the mountainrange on Minmus in around the equator (the triangle shaped thingy) as the minmalayan mountain range. Otherwise known as the minmalayans.
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