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Everything posted by Danny88

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuji_(spacecraft) In the Tantares folder, each individual spacecraft is bundled under folders. That specific spacecraft is bundled under Fuji. Say you want to keep just the capsule and heat-shield installed, delete everything else in the folder except _Polaris_CrewA.cfg, and _Polaris_HeatshieldA.cfg and their respective dds files. Also, I don't know if you need the emissive.dds or not, Keep it just to be safe.
  2. I imagine there will be some Kerbal figurines sent into space eventually.
  3. I'm so excited. What will we discover? What will happen?
  4. The only bug I seem to have in 1.1.3 is some of the Tantares docking ports will not disconnect. It happens randomly, though.
  5. It's perfect as a little fuel supply for boosting interplanetary probes though!
  6. On 1.1.2 I'm doing a fair number of Kerbin system missions couple of asteroid fly-bys, no major planet missions yet other than probes.
  7. BURNS-VEST (Biological Universal, Return Natural Science - Vehicle, Electronic Supply Transfer) mission setup.
  8. Question: are there any grey or dark grey fairings that go well with Tantares parts? I do not have tweakscale configured for Tantares, so I cannot use those fairings for larger launch vehicles. Any tips on how to do that?
  9. Now you have me wanting to launch a ATV with THIS as the flag decal. Edit: It is done. Here we go: VEST Spacecraft
  10. Go ahead! It launches with your N-1 LLV, and you can see there is a probe left in Mun orbit that contains an engine for kerbin return if you spend too much fuel on landing and ascent. Edit: In fact, here's a version of the stack with all Tantares and Stock parts, with similar performance: image Edit 2: annnnnd an album of said new version.
  11. Phobos-Grunt remake? I love using it as a probe for the less-atmospheric worlds. So I decided against using LK since I wanted to make a mun colony. What do you think of my solution? (Parts from BDB and Tantares)
  12. Eh? Eh? Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more! Oh man. Now I'm imagining this sketch in space with Kerbals. Beale, do you know of any wooden rabbit mod?
  13. So that's the RCS goes. I had it up on the middle part! I also had A-Z3H Descent Engine and a small stack-tank on top so I could return from Mun. Edit: My Revised version:
  14. Ahhhh love those 60's designs <3 So it's something you're working on? Explains why it's kind of hard to fly at the moment. I did manage to land it on the Mun.
  15. This, I had to make a separate folder from the 1.05 Steam release before updating to 1.1, still using Tantares.
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