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Everything posted by popeter45

  1. well if your only doing a short sub orbital hop there is less systems needed in the pod so you could possible fit 6 kerbals in a 2.5m pod
  2. you can do almost any Mathematics or logical operation's in dx using high level shader language and physics calculations are some of the best for gpu's
  3. hey i have been using direct x 11 recently for some work related projects and found that unity support direct x as well i first test implementation could be like what i am doing now using the gpu to decompress many textures at once to speed up load time this could greatly incresses the preformance of ksp as lots of tasks can be made to run via high level shader code and reduce the cpu load
  4. i would love there to be a option to have different kerbins in the kerbol system that you can select when you make the world what i mean by that is in sandbox you could have a perfectly spherical kerbin for testing craft or have the mun closer or modders could add challenge maps (cross this gap or water world) this could be a option on world create in the difficulty menu and as i said make it moddable
  5. i have this weird bug with the dragon v2 at launch the pod decouples and there is nothing i can do to stop it i use a lot of mod but cant think of any that may cause it
  6. well using active texture manger i get to around 4.1 GB and it works so that rules out the seeing over 4gb thing maby there is a unity defined limit?
  7. 7GB! (so glad i have 16GB in this system) unfortunately with all my mods the game crashes (hence the 2 next to ksp) when i try to make a new save (assess violation whatever that is) and i cant seem to change chrome tabs when ksp is running http://i.imgur.com/git6zWy.png http://imgur.com/D59jKB5
  8. no i don't have any life support mod installed but i do have interstellar
  9. could anybody help me with this but when i have this mod installed and i have one of the premade ships flying around 40/50 km up the crew just suddenly die for no reason
  10. well czo's country in eurovision was interesting (he's polish if im correct?)
  11. would it be possible to have ksp at 4k or would that take up too much ram?
  12. where still to find out what is under that shroud
  13. only one left this feels so surreal but what's happened proteus?
  14. wait if both of the landers were destroyed how can berty carry on with the mission? they cannot gather any science from the surface
  15. maby try a external site? or even a word doc (people without office and use open office)
  16. MARS1 will be a 2 stage high apoapsis (1000km+) suborbital rocket with space for 1 crew
  17. ill start on a suborbital liquid fluid rocket called the Manned Aerodynamic Rocket for Suborbital test 1 or MARS1 (copy or redstone missile)
  18. i say combo of all three insertion burn with aerobraking and ike assist make reduction of Dv while keeping integrity of hull
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