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Everything posted by popeter45

  1. i think its called localisation rather that Internationalization if you need welsh and or funny fake languages i may be able to help
  2. ok first part is the hardest dicom models are voxels but unity only supports mesh so voxel to mesh any suggestions?
  3. my dad programs dicom and i recently wanted a oculus rift so my dad gave me this proposal "make dicom work with the oculus rift and i'll buy one for you" what i think i will do is import dicom into unity first as it has native support for the rift
  4. i would love to use the oculus rift for iva view in ksp what do you guys think?
  5. lets stop flaming about a locked thread and get back on topic!
  6. i think that one was a passive multiplier instead of a active one
  7. a costumer of my dad told him about it then my dad told me a week before 0.14
  8. mady squad was thinking of ksp in 2004?
  9. think this is a troll with a pre-0.14 map
  10. are you sure all that link is to is the same photo
  11. by any chance at the end of all this can you make a imgur album of all the screenshots you made of this ?
  12. i surfed in north Devon for the first time
  13. if they can add vessel-vessel interaction the almost certainly
  14. from the stuff my dad does this the idea most server stuff does when you log in you get the persistance file plugin converts your changes in world to a low-data file that is sent to a main server server changes this to useful data the is added to main program server via same low-data file tell other users the update persistance
  15. as i said i don't like svn's as they slow down my pc
  16. how do you use git hub anyway? i can never find a download anywhere
  17. so how are we going to share files? i don't like svn's as they slowdown my computer i think dropbox is best
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