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Everything posted by hoojiwana

  1. They fixed the Cupolas drag as well as it's mass, it used to have twice the standard amount of drag and now it doesn't.
  2. At least they compress down to roughly the same size in an archive that TGA does, so the file people will download isn't so bad.
  3. Since 0.25 there's a new one that I've only seen with TGA textures, and that's the loader failing to create headers for them, and as such the texture fails to load. This is not unique to parts using MODEL{} since the failure is long before any parts get compiled. From what I've seen, yes. TGA has many issues, PNG can lack mipmapping and has the Unity loading time bug, but MBM has larger on disk space and can't be immediately modified without changing the filetype.
  4. Can't recall what version added it but you can set specific faces/edges/vertices to be smooth or sharp without having to apply the edge split modifier (you still need one I think) or fiddle with changing your split angles. Not quite on par with smoothing groups but it's so much better than what it used to be. in Edit mode.
  5. Yes. All textures exported from Unity with the part tools support alpha-channel specular. The FX changes aren't a bug, just changes to what the stock FX look like. MODEL{} configs are when you use the "scale" setting in MODEL as well as rescaleFactor (it was bugged before, fixed now), and the textures not loading you'll have to check your output_log to find the exact cause. Some TGAs just outright failed to load the first time, the issue went away when I switched to MBM.
  6. No problem! On the TGA front, from what I've been told it's a Unity problem, but there is a little thing in the changelog that might help out; Just to be on the safe side I switched my stuff to MBM, and B9 has gone over to PNG (I think), but obviously the bigger the pack is the more severe memory problems are going to be.
  7. Main changes are scaling issues with MODEL{}, part entry costs for the tech tree, and some particle FX changes, like the SRB one and the small flames one that 48-7S used. I don't know what filetype you use for your textures, but TGA has issues with memory bloat and I've seen some problems with the game not loading them outright the first time through loading, so you may need to check that too.
  8. If you're getting low res textures and such, check your game settings, they may have been reset.
  9. 11.3 is up for 0.25, including fixes for scaling on some parts and a total change of all textures to MBM. This means lower memory usage since TGA is bugged and hogs memory it shouldn't. Because of this you must delete the RLA Stockalike folder in GameData before updating to 11.3. As long as you don't start the game between deleting and installing you shouldn't notice any issues with broken or removed craft. EDIT: Available from Kerbal Stuff as well.
  10. Maybe it can't get through because there are lots of people checking for an update that isn't here yet? Rowsdower said it's not coming today.
  11. Is this secret project something you tried to do in the past but couldn't get working? And how is Blender treating you?
  12. Just needs it's CoM tweaked, given particles, stats balanced and then imported into the game, but apart from those it's good to go! The number on the dish isn't random. Yep, I had some tweaks I wanted to do and then news of the TGA memory problems reached me, and I can't think of a better time to switch texture filetype over than when everyone is updating the mod for 0.25 already. Glad you like the parts too! With stock cargobays I get the feeling people will be wanting smaller bits and bobs to squeeze into them, so Stockalike should work great for that.
  13. It's almost certainly this, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  14. Image not available A teeny tiny little high gain antenna, with a radio-transparent cover to protect it against the harsh environment of space. And it really is tiny, only 0.625m in size! In other news, the 11.3 update for Stockalike to bring it up-to-date with 0.25 will be changing all textures over to MBM, this is due to issues with the texture loader not playing nice with the TGA filetype I currently use. Because of this, when updating to 11.3 you will need to delete the Stockalike folder before installing the new version. I don't think there's any changes that might break craft files, but I can't account for every crazy thing people build! What do you think of this one? Shape is very close to that blueprinty image you linked me, the nozzle in particular is exactly the same. The link to that is still available in the OP in the "Previous Versions" section as "RLA Stockalike Alternative Models 0.1" and should hopefully work just fine both standalone and with the current version of Stockalike. I've not tested it though so I may be wrong, if there is problems with it let me know.
  15. Quixel Suite is only free right now because it's in open beta. In less than two weeks that ends and it'll go back to being paid-for software.
  16. I would be careful about using the NODE{} system, it has never worked as advertised since it was implemented. The original developer topic that introduced it has (I'm assuming) been moved into the moderator archive, and most of the experimentation people did was in that thread. There is this post that goes over a few of the rules people discovered about the system though.
  17. There's a tutorial in the OP of the Hotrockets thread that's pretty good.
  18. You could use FXModuleLookAtConstraint for the pistons. Stock rover wheels and the ARM claw use that module, and it is perfect for what you need it to do.
  19. I've updated the OP to be a little more presentable, and hopefully more space efficient. My concern about it is with lower resolution screens, especially those below 1440 horizontal resolution, since I'm using set widths for the tables. Let me know what you guys think of it and if it is causing any issues for you. Here's the first of two upper stage SRBs in Unity with the emissive running, the other will be 0.625m and probably in the CTCE colours. As part of getting this the correct saturation for the "white" I went back and tweaked the two Boostertrons to be whiter as well. Thanks for the comments guys, I'm glad you like the parts!
  20. Just do what the 1 man lander can does, it's larger than 1.25m but still works on that size range.
  21. That's assuming the feature is actually open to modders and not closed off behind the modding rules they changed last month.
  22. Maybe the community might trust you more about this method of production if you proved you were ever going to follow up on all these half-done features. Right now there is zero reason to believe anything you say regarding development, especially following all the cut features and haphazard development plan you seem to be following. I think that may be a matter for another thread though, as this one is about the rather poor marketing and lead up of this feature, or that this feature doesn't seem to fit well within the development of the rest of the game.
  23. Oh hey yeah. Not updated this since I'm not following the forums anywhere near as closely as I used to, and I really should've mentioned that sooner. Definitely a good idea to unsticky this thread and have someone else more involved in the forums take over.
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