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Everything posted by DerekL1963

  1. Mechjeb's settings are based on altitude, so the current discussion is based on altitude. Nobody is talking about starting a gravity turn at 10km. And knowing your setting for the start of the gravity turn is, by itself, useless - there are three other settings that determine the shape of Mechjeb's ascent trajectory. (In particular turn shaping goes a long way towards determining AoA at low altitudes.)
  2. I just dropped by to make the exact same suggestion! Hyperedit is invaluable for testing things, but I too only use it in the sandbox or one of my "cheated" science/career mode games for testing purposes. (And depending on what I'm testing, maybe not even then.) But it takes up screen real estate 24/7 when it's on the toolbar.
  3. Umm... that is completely incorrect. Yes, a proper ascent will eventually need a large AoA as it pitches over to begin building horizontal velocity. We used to be able to pitch over with impunity, but the new aerodynamic model sends the craft tumbling head over heels if you try it too low. (Below about 10-12k.) I interpreted "Dynamic Pressure Fadeout" the same way - that the limiter would be backed off when the pressure dropped below that value and aerodynamic effects no longer predominate. (I.E. once you're high enough that aerodynamic effects are no longer trying to send the vehicle tumbling.) But it doesn't seem to work that way, and the limit stays in place even when it's no longer relevant.
  4. But there's a weight penalty there - even though you've drained the liquid fuel, you're still carrying around the weight of the now-empty tank.
  5. Looking forward to it! This is one of my 'must-have' mods.
  6. You have that all kinds of backwards. If you fly prograde from launch - you're going to go straight up and fall straight back down. Prograde moves off the vertical only when the vehicle pitches. Which is why real rockets don't fly ideal "gravity turns", they fly pitchover maneuvers (even if they're often miscalled gravity turns) where pitch is modulated to control aerodynamic loads as well as the trajectory. Real rockets point off prograde routinely, it's how they shape their trajectory. (Even if you fly an "ideal" gravity turn, you still need to yaw.) The reason they don't get ripped apart or explode is that they modulate the amount they go off prograde to control aerodynamic loads.
  7. Still digging away at this issue... it does not appear to be a bug, but rather a mod incompatibility issue or somehow my game has become corrupted.
  8. The same as any other mod... Copy the 'Nereid' folder in the zip to your GameData folder.
  9. Don't right click and fill it.... it will stay empty.
  10. For some people, yes. For others no. There is no universal way to enjoy this game. That's what makes it so attractive to so many people.
  11. Chris, have you considered re-making these to be compatible with .25 (using the Better Rovemate body)? I haven't been playing much since the turn of the year, but now that I am I find myself missing the heck out of your rovers.
  12. OK, more oddness... the first crew to dock to a station (above 250 km) got the ribbon and count update. The second did not.
  13. Well, if the ESA (not Europe) or China had a spacecraft called Orion... I can see why it might be important to state where the launch would be from. But, since they don't, and even if they did it's not scheduled to launch on the 4th of Dec 2014... you're just being pointlessly picky.
  14. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement is your friend.
  15. Found a bug - FF does not award the Kerbin docking ribbon or update the docking count from missions over 250km.
  16. Not really... can't help you much without a better sense of what you feel is lacking or where you want improvement.
  17. I have found that Kerbal Joint Reinforcement is a much better solution.
  18. If you have module manager installed, just paste the following text into a text editor, and save it in your gamedata folder as "mj_everywhere.cfg". It'll add MJ to all command pods and probe cores. You'll never need a case again. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[MechJebCore]] { MODULE { name = MechJebCore } }
  19. All the solutions for get her upright are missing the elephant in the room... on that slope, she's gonna flip right back over. You need a solution to "get her upright and the heck off the surface in one move".
  20. CBBP - just FYI, the link in your sig still goes to the old Kosmos thread.
  21. While there is a bug, if you're still having them crash back into the core with Sepratrons, then you've placed your Sepratrons wrong. But, back to the topic at hand, I find the obsession with cost badly misplaced - because even without contract mods, I've never found costs to be a problem unless I'm flying a bunch of expensive non-contract missions. And even then, Strategies cure that handily. Tip: Spend rep like water since you can only have so much on hand. Once you've got most of the tree unlocked (enough to get probes headed out to the planets), consider spending some science.
  22. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement has older versions available for download. I wasn't using it then, but looking at the file dates one of them should work, I'd ask in the thread. Also, design matters a great deal - don't try and carry heavy loads through a Clamp-O-Tron. By .23, the Clamp-O-Tron Sr. is available, and you should be using it wherever possible.
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