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Everything posted by DerekL1963

  1. So, plan ahead. And use Kerbal Alarm Clock to let you know when a window is approaching.
  2. There hasn't been an update yet where there hasn't been a noisy minority complaining that it was the end of KSP as an enjoyable game.
  3. No prob. Feel free to drop a PM if I can be of assistance.
  4. Have you considered updating this to take advantage of MJ's new porkchop plot feature?
  5. I'm seeing a lot more of that in .25 than previously.
  6. I really do wish the drop down were organized more logically though... all the related functions are shaken and stirred and all mixed together.
  7. We already have a fully functional toolbar system - why not use it until the AppLauncher is ready for prime time?
  8. No, as I corrected you in the other thread, this is a long standing bug that's become more prevalent in .025. Please stop spreading the misinformation that this only happens when there is something in the vicinity of the hatch.
  9. Sadly, not true (at least not in .025). There are increasing reports of an EVA bug. (I experienced this myself in .25 - 100% of the time my Kerbal simply flies away from the ship.)
  10. The thread title says it all... Has anyone made a set of numbered flags, Arabic or Roman?
  11. I'm not currently worrying about the end of Interstellar - just where to go from here if I want Interstellar in my current game and don't want things to break too badly when a more permanent solution is found. Looking at your MM file, I just install KSPI as per usual (sans the Treeloader directory), drop in the MM file, and I'm good to go? (Or as good as we can currently get?)
  12. Both MechJeb and SCANSat add extra nodes without having Treeloader... can whatever method they use be adapted to KPSI?
  13. Does this work with the double-height modules from A__Gun (posting 220 in this thread)?
  14. KDEX 1.02 works like a champ. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54656-0-23-5-KDEX-Kerbal-Dust-Experiment-v1-02
  15. This! The stock AppLauncher is decidely *not* ready for prime-time if you use more than two or three mods.
  16. Science Library 1.2 seems to be working just fine. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78305-0-23-5-Science-Library-v1-2
  17. This seems to be working just fine in .25.
  18. Looking forward to them... (especially 1.5 meter parts) because I use the heck out of this set.
  19. I'm not actually finding this all that useful.... There's no way to find the value (that I can find) so you can calculate the position for the next bird, and even when you do know the position of a bird the function doesn't seem to produce anything resembling the desired result. (Yes, I know about 180 and E and W.) Firing at apo gives one result, firing at peri a different one. So... what am I missing?
  20. Loving the new Maneuver Planner... but two things bug me; the maneuvers are in a very strange order (in the old versions they were more-or-less logical), and it no longer seems to same the-time-to-maneuver (instead, it always defaults to 0s).
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