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Everything posted by erbmur

  1. I really hope this doesn't die out. These parts do look incredibly awesome! Hope to see some more soon!
  2. I seem to be having the same issue. The parts are not appearing ingame. They are not in the aero tab, i've changed the category to structure, but they still don't appear. Does anybody know why this might be? EDIT: Found the problem!! In the parts file, the second paragraph: MODEL { model = z_case/mount2 } Should actually be: mesh = mount2.mu Respectively for each file.
  3. With the action groups present on the parts, would it be possible to add the option to rotate +90/+180 in one click?
  4. If you want to change the speed of the rotation, then open up the cfg file and towards the bottom of the file modify the line: keyRotateSpeed = 5.0 I have set mine to 10 and things seem a little less slugish
  5. download link not working? Apparently it is not the page I am looking for?
  6. Thanks for the reply Touhou! If its too much work then don't worry about it. Believe me i'm just as happy the way it is at the moment. Just means I have to kill a few more Kerbs before I get the right angles during flight.
  7. Just started using the vectoring engines mod and I have to say it is a brilliant piece of work. Is it/would it be possible to set up the memory slots of the engine while still in the VAB rather then having to do it on the runway? That way we would be able to set up the different angle based on the stages of a rocket while in the VAB so we can see the CoM? Or does anybody know of a way to keep the vector pointing towards the CoM during flight/staging?
  8. I think I may have encountered a bug with the sound. When in the space plane hanger, only when double symmetry is on and there is a part attached to the mouse, before placing it down, as I move the part over the craft I sometimes get the burning sound being played.
  9. Well, it's a start! Once again I just have to say that after I started using this mod i have really started to re-enjoy kerbal (if that is such a word?) To anybody who may be having the same thoughts about the sabers as I am, I found a workaround where I just put any other rocket onto the end of the craft and and configure that to use the same fuels as the sabers, auto-fill the tanks accordingly, and then just replace the rocket.
  10. Love the continued work on this mod! Does this fix the issue that was occurring with the B9 Saber engines not having a menu appearing in the VAB/SPH and not being able to fill tanks to accommodate for their fuel ratio needs?
  11. Yeah, I seem to have this happen on occasion. But it only happens as long as the ship is connected to the stability enhancers. As soon as I launch and leave the docking clamps the fuel is consumed as per normal.
  12. Love the mod! Makes refueling and balancing planes a breeze! Keep up the good work! I have been testing out the new version you posted yesterday, and I believe I may have found a bug. Any craft that should be uncontrollable, such as unmanned craft, spent rocket stages with small amounts of fuel left, probes out of range of remotetech control, all appear still to be able to transfer fuel from one section of the ship to another. Would you consider removing this feature during your development so that only controllable craft are capable of fuel transfer, or is it something that you have intentionally kept in?
  13. Don't get me wrong, I love it! Just had a quick google and I think I found the same website that you got your sound from.
  14. oooooooo, sounds, nice! The gforce_damage.wav kinda sounds like a small speedboat engine?
  15. I believe I may have encountered a bug of some kind. If I have a simple craft (smallest heat shield provided by you, the tiny black/grey 1 man command pod, and the small parachute that fits on top) and re-enter with the heat shield facing the direction of travel, the parachute that should be shielded by the rest of the craft and the heat shield actually heats up more then the other two components and then finally overheats and blows up. Has anybody else encountered something like this or is it just me?
  16. I appear to be having the same issue as Hades described a couple of pages back. The configurable ASAS modules for the core probes appear to make them uncontrollable. They only rotate if they are turned by a gimbled rocket engine. Apart from that, they no longer want to turn. Any hints on how I should be setting up the Kp/Kd values?
  17. Me again, sorry. I still don't quite get how this is supposed to work. Using an FL-T400 tanks with an LV-909: standard liquidfuel + oxidizer, action group menu says 370 isp, mechjeb delta-v/engineer redux give 3663 delta-v liquidH2 + LiquidOxygen, action group menu says 460 isp, which would lead me to believe that it would be a lot more efficient and therefore provide more delta-v, but mechjeb/engineering redux say 1481 delta-v Seriously, what is is i'm missing with this mod?
  18. With the update of version 6.0 and the implementation of the multiple resource support, does anybody know if it has support for or is able to be used with the modular fuel system fuels? Or is it as easy as just adding: MODULE { name = KethaneConverter SourceResource = Kethane TargetResource = NAME OF FUEL TYPE ConversionEfficiency = 0.25 SourceConsumption = 2 PowerConsumption = 8 HeatProduction = 300 } to the converter parts?
  19. Thanks for the link! That should keep me entertained at work for a while. I'm not sure if it is because the fuel used by the sabers cannot be changed or if its because of another reason, but if i build a simple craft (command pod -> fuel tanks -> saber engine), and click to modify the fuel that is present within the tank, I don't get the option that appears with other engines saying "Configure Remaining Volume to {engine mixture}". Am I missing something?
  20. First off I want to say that I have just started to use this mod and really like what it has done with the game. I seem to be having a problem with the B9 Saber Engines. Been looking over the comments not too many posts above but not sure if they relate to the issues that seem to be having. I want to apologies in advance if this bug/misunderstanding of the mod has been talked about before and fixed/on the list of things to do. I seem unable to modify the fuel properties of the Saber engines in the VAB. I downloaded the latest release of the configs (V1.2 posted above) which allowed me to modify the properties of other B9 engines, such as the low profile one, but the Saber engines still appear to be un-editable. From the names B9/saber being thrown around already on this page am I to understand that this is something that is already being looked at or am I just being thick in not understanding how this thing works?
  21. Pontiac, have you uploaded your version which ignores the "no available nodes" issue yet? Or are you still working on it?
  22. My first successful VTOL!! Managed to land it on the mun too!!
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