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Everything posted by TooManyErrors

  1. Farewell Damion, you were a great leader on the forums. I think Damion should be a Kerbal engineer's name instead.
  2. When my GPU died, I was stuck with Intel HD 4000. I was actually surprised at how well it was able to preform in all of my games, but I still wouldn't recommend it for gaming though.
  3. And now that image is forever ingrained in my mind.
  4. Get working on that rescue ship now! Jebediah needs to be back on Kerbin promoting the space program so KSC can continue making (and breaking) rockets.
  5. So, Harvester, you're telling us that the server has 16GB of ram, while your own computer has 32GB?
  6. Isn't it a shame that the controls just input everything to MechJeb?
  7. This is the first version of my VTOL. Yes, I know its not the smoothest of GIFs.
  8. Didn't the people who flew in Vostok have to parachute out the capsule?
  9. You forgot that no one learned how to fly giant spacecraft, so MechJeb had to be used to move it distances more than 1cm.
  10. I don't think this thread has much purpose being a sticky anyore. Shouldn't it have been removed as a sticky by now? And gmpd2000, you should be happy you didn't lose 300+ posts, 2+ rep, and your entire account.
  12. Rings are mostly empty space, but they will probably use something similar to the terrain scatter feature.
  13. Its planned, but KSP needs more optimization first.
  14. I'm pretty sure that Nvidia Physx will work on GPUs.
  15. Stop trying to trick everybody, its not working.
  16. Looks interesting. I hope the final result turns out amazing.
  17. You could try looking for something in "the Spacecraft Exchange" section of the forum. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a rover there.
  18. MechJeb is probably more efficient, but its definitely not as fun. (Well, for me at least.) Suicide burns are probably the most efficient way to land, but you take the risk of lithobraking if you don't time it properly.
  19. That is one of the largest cacti I've ever seen.
  20. The Orbital Observatory and Science Station (OOSS) is still under construction, but it is now habitable. Hub piece Communications Module Observatory Module The entire station as of now. Jebediah seems to like it so far, Bob isn't sure, and Bill is probably sleeping in one of the crew modules. The rocket that carried them to space will now serve as a life boat. The 45° orbit that it is on.
  21. Its less that the solar panels are overpowered and more that KSP doesn't have that many parts that suck power constantly.
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