Number of times your craft blew up randomly Number of planets/moons busted Number of sun dives Number of flat spins Amount of radiation spewed over Kerbin
Kerbals survived EVA from orbit to Kerbin Times your craft lithobraked Gravity assists gone horrible wrong Times flown through the Mun arch Longest EVA in orbit
Inspired by the suggestion "Statistics Menu Option" in the KSP Development section. Just come up with as many statistics as you can. Number of steps taken Number of jumps Distance fallen Distance walked Distance flown Amount of oxidizer/propellant/monopropellant/electricity used/created Number of rocket parts blown up Longest Kerbal scream How many times you've scared Kerbals Seconds burning up on reentry Amount of Delta-V spent Highest jump (Not using the jet-pack) Distance driven Distance covered in orbit Number of ragdolls
You could create a vehicle with Clamp-o-tron Jr. on it, and add other at the same height on the vehicle that you are refueling. Thats what I do. I would give screenshots but I can't use my main computer at the moment.