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Everything posted by Scottiths

  1. Could someone make something Dr. Who related? Perhaps a flag with a TARDIS on it? Thanks
  2. Jeb has been relegated to manning my LKO refueling station. Bill and Bob stay in the Kerbal space palace
  3. There has been an update to editor tools. Its in the addon forums somewhere... I can't find the thread right now, but it was the one where the guy is putting together a list of working and not working mods. Sorry I can't be more helpful
  4. Ok, I got it working. This is amazing! Great work! For anyone who had the same problem is me, don't rename any of the folders (I renamed the outermost folder to ISA Mapsat).
  5. I understand its a dev release, but it seems that other people are getting it to work. I took the zip file and put it in the game data folder. I get the parts in the VAB, but when I launch there is just a multi colored pixel cluster box where ISA icon should be. If I click on it it brings up the ISA menu, but the screen is solid gray with sliders around it. What did I do wrong in the instillation process?
  6. Kind of a dumb question. Is there any way to search the add on forum for the [.20] string? Every time I do that search it yields zero results. I would use spaceport but it is so crammed with junk labeled as everything under the sun that it is useless. I just want to browse things that are .2 compatible only. Thanks for the help.
  7. I fixed it by uninstalling KSP and reinstalling it... Something must have had a conflict somewhere... Wish I could be more specifically helpful, but I decided that nuking it would be the least headaches (because I had a lot of mods)
  8. Maybe I am missing something... I copied over the Mechjeb2 folder into game data. I have the mechjeb part available but the plugin doesn't appear to be doing anything... Any idea how I could fix this? I completely removed the old mech jeb.
  9. Is there a way to save the web app to my computer? This is amazing!
  10. I too would like to know how to handle mods now... Do I just leave them in the folder they came in?
  11. Idea. would require starting over with spaceport though When a new file is submitted it is tagged as "new file" and whatever the tags the author wants. you can filter off "new file" parts so you dont see them. The "new file" tag is not removed until there have been 25-50 people who have downloaded the file AND submitted a review of said file. IE: they pick the categories THEY think the craft should go in. After this trial the file is tagged with only those tags that the majority of people used. This would prevent people from going and making a new accounts. Because that would be a LOT of work just to get a few downloads. *edit* Ninjaed by seconds! Great minds think alike
  12. Try having a 1 hour burn with an Ion engine manually... I let mech jeb do it so I can do other things like read forums. There is no reason I need to sit there and make sure it does not pitch off of the node. It would be just mind numbingly boring. Also, some launches are so laggy that it sometimes takes 10 minutes to get to orbit. Why do I need to do it myself if I have already launched that same thing dozens of times? Mech jeb can ease tedium. People who don't use it just don't care that they are sitting there watching a slideshow for 10 minutes for no real gain.
  13. You should watch Scott Manlys Reusable space program. There was one point where his stuff would randomly explode for no reason. I have also had landers that exploded after I landed them, while I was on eva, after 5 minutes being perfectly fine sitting there. The game has moments where it just blows stuff up. Has nothing to do with design.
  14. They would have to license the song and the video from the creator in order to make this an official trailer. That costs money. Why not just let it self promote, seems to be working well so far. Although it is an awesome video
  15. I would love to be able to put my own music in. I do like the current music, but it gets old after a while. I would also like to be able to add some music for stuff in the atmosphere. Something heavy sounding to indicate the pressure of the atmosphere. I just don't like the silence on Kerbin, and I don't have the CPU cycles to spare for a music player while I play KSP ;p
  16. I would imagine that anything you added to the code would be considered a derivative work. Unless he licensed it to specifically allow modification or redistribution you can't do it. You can certainly post the "how to" but you can't post the actual fix itself without violating the basic copyright rights (which is dumb).
  17. Best way I have found to keep things from breaking is to put one strut at the top and one at the bottom of each asparagus piece and attach those struts to the core (or the next inner layer of boosters if you have a really big lifter)
  18. My best failed mission was an attempt to get to Duna. The Mun got in the way of my Pe kicks. It also got in the way on the flip side. I ended up getting into interplanetary space for only 500ish Dv. From there I just went ahead and encountered Jool with plenty of fuel to visit its moons So was going for Duna... Mun got in the way and flung me really fast... got a nice out of phase intercept with jool from it
  19. Main sails don't overheat if you put the small grey tank between them and the orange tanks...
  20. Sorry to double post but I just thought of a way to simplify the question. Is the angle in protractor mode for Æalways correct or does it change over time with relative positions? If it is always correct then I can just set up my kicks around that.
  21. Well my problem is that I have multiple ships all waiting to go. I need to have them able to leave fairly rapidly in order to get them all in the window (I tried building a mother ship to carry it all at once but my computer had a heart attack). An extreme example of the kind of information I am looking for is this: If I were 1 year away from a phase angle window, would it be possible to set up the elliptical orbit such that its Pe was at the appropriate ejection angle for the planetary phase angle in a years time? Some of my probe craft are Ion powered and so have TWR of as low as .09, so I really need as much kick as I can get (I let Mech Jeb handle really long burns while I lurk the forums )
  22. I want to set up a mission to Moho. I have protractor and MechJeb 2. I want to set it up so that my final exit burn is very short. IE: I want to make my orbit very elliptical so that when it comes time to exit Kerbin SOI I just need a short burn. How do I judge where the ejection angle will be when the planet is in phase using the tools I have listed? Do I just burn when Theta is near zero? Or is it recording the wrong ejection angle if the planet is not in the correct phase angle yet?
  23. According to all the indicators in that last SS it should work. The only think I can think of is that KSP does not tend to like pendulum rockets much, and your stage 4 TWR is a little high but within acceptable limits. *edit* Actually, I was thinking about it. Your boosters are set over your fins such that if there is any rotation at all they are going to collide when you decouple...
  24. Also of note, your center of lift was above the center of mass. That equates to an unstable rocket. Stable rockets need the center of lift below the center of mass. *edit* The further below CoM the CoL is the more stable the rocket. If it is really far below CoM you might actually have trouble turning at all
  25. I had 8,000 because it was a planned mission to Jool, not Duna. I just went to Duna because it was there. The phase angle was waaay off for duna (I am talking months) and I still only spent about 1000 m/s. I decided to reload the game (because I quicksave on every Pe kick because of stuff like this ) and see what it would take to go to jool. I arrived at Jool having spent 3145 m/s Dv (according to Mechjeb). Keep in mind that my phase angle was off by 11 days at this point (also my I have no idea what my ejection angle was because Mun screwed it up) I think the double gravity assist from Mun helped a lot. I just don't know how to do it reliably.
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