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Everything posted by Scottiths

  1. Oh, ok. Thanks If I wanted to have 4 (On bigger planets like Eve and Jool) what should I set MNA to for them?
  2. For some reason this doesn't work for me. I put up 2 sats set it up as below. However, they end up 45 degrees apart instead of 180. What am I doing wrong? ORBIT Sat 1 { SMA = 2000000 ECC = 0 INC = 0 LPE = 0 LAN = 0 MNA = 2.5 EPH = 1889.51091796878 REF = 1 } ORBIT 2 { SMA = 2000000 ECC = 0 INC = 0 LPE = 180 LAN = 0 MNA = 2.5 EPH = 1889.51091796878 REF = 1 }
  3. That may just be a clipping issue. Turn on part clipping and see if it works then (Alt+F12 under cheats). If thats not the problem then I don't know
  4. Gilly... Gilly hates me. I can't land there. Literally. I set the landing legs down and the forces produced by an EVA kerbal will knock the dang thing over. The kerbals can't walk around there without getting launched into space, so I end up just using jet pack RCS for all my moving around. Being on Gilly is essentially being in space without the predictability. I HATE gilly, but I love playing around there
  5. Yea, New Icons would be fantastic. Would it actually be possible to make icons selectable? IE: when clicking the T to add to toolbar, it pops up an option to select Icon? That would be awesome. Fantastic work integrating this though. This is great
  6. I don't know how I would launch things with an axial tilt... It would no longer be 1) Start engines, 2) go up some, 3) point 90, 4) orbit at 0 degree inclination by default
  7. My Career save is named: Space Reduction Inc. Sandbox: Config Free Space (I use sandbox to set up mods before going into career)
  8. How the heck do you de-orbit in such a way that your glide scape intersects with KSC runway? I am always overshooting or undershooting by hundreds of Km sometimes. Is there a trick to where you place your Pe in relation to KSC? I would imagine you should try to keep it in front of KSC so you don't over shoot. I can get the SSTO up just fine, I just cant get it down again. I have been just attaching parachutes on the tops of each plane. They land with gears down, but they land like a rocket
  9. I like the work you are doing here, and its a great idea. I was wondering if there was any way to make this dynamic in game though. IE, if I put two parts together in the editor I can then designate them as a single part...
  10. Not working for me either. I put 3 reaction wheels on and it drifts all over the place... It weighs less than 2 tons also.
  11. For the record, landing on the moon for real didn't accomplish much besides saying we could do it.
  12. For sexy screen shots! You can't beat a kerbin rise though a mun arch.
  13. Create maneuver node. Have mech jeb execute it. Come back 30 minutes later
  14. Actually what you do in this scenario is Pe kicks. Burn for 5-10 minutes to raise your Ap then stop. Come back around again and burn 5-10 minutes at Pe to raise Ap more. It takes a few orbits, but you can certainly still do it. Just not all in one burn anymore.
  15. Pretty sure he didn't license that song... Also, Whackjob, thats amazing O.o
  16. Here is something I made with your parts per your request to see creations. BEHOLD! KERLYMPOUS MUN! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=150746928 I used the Giant spherical fuel tanks from the spherical fuel tanks mod. The core of the station is the large hub with a window on it bounded on either side with the skylight corridor. At the end of each corridor is your version of the spherical fuel tank. On either side of the hub are your in line batteries and a lander can followed by the solar arrays. This enormous station holds over 100,000 fuel *edit* Also, I kinda like the compromise between the old and new foil ends
  17. Its under the last tab. Click reload all.
  18. My first landing was moho because it had the first transfer window and I didn't know it was more difficult. I spent weeks trying to figure it out!
  19. Scott manley has a skycrane that is very stable if you watch his videos and is not too hard to copy.
  20. Mapping is cool, but its not something you actively do. Sure, send the probe and get the polar orbit, but then its just a waiting game while you look at the forums. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of fun mapping, buts its not something you really "do." If that makes sense Basically I wish mapping could occur while the game was on rails or under extreme high time warp. I Got something you could do. You could challenge yourself to lift something really heavy. See: I did it over 10 launches, but it holds over 100,000 units of fuel, and is under 150 parts Spherical fuel tanks are awesome.
  21. Its just shy of 300 parts... Station you built probably isn't too much less. Besides, take off 3 Hab units,1 electircal unit, and 3 fuel depot units and the base would look very similar and be under 200 parts easily. My computer is 5 years old, and it slows down near this but it is still playable.
  22. Gonna agree with Moon Goddess here. I like the new sides, but the original on the ends. Not that it really matters, because once connected we will never see the ends...
  23. I like the size of the large tanks. This station has over 100,000 fuel! I made it over 10 launches. The green lights are where ships can dock. The red lights are so I avoid hitting the station.
  24. I actually got the idea for the base from that screenshot, so it looks similar because it is by design. I loved that satellite dish. Also, I wanted to see if I could get it to another planet. I stripped most of the legs to save part count. Some of the launches were more difficult than others, but the hardest part was designing landers for each part that could be readily removed before connection to the base. Here are the pictures of the crane and one of the delivery systems for the tubes: Deliver: https://www.dropbox.com/s/md5opf1ctyv1r9j/screenshot137.png Crane: https://www.dropbox.com/s/346h0t3h07cp5x1/screenshot138.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/vwpyo8pm8gowehn/screenshot142.png I kinda built the crane overly large. I think the next time I build it I will make it half as big (It can currently drive over the entire base with clearance to spare. I also forgot to put lights on the crane itself, so it made building at night too troublesome. *edit* Besides, You idea was just too cool to not turn it into the MARB (Munar Arch Research Base)
  25. No. I built a huge crane using kerbal attachment system. I also had a small rover pushing from the bottom of each piece. I'll post a pic tomorrow when I get a chance. It was epic :-)
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