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Everything posted by Scottiths

  1. More OCDness... Could you put the skylight on both sides of Corridor C please? I like my stations to be symmetrical
  2. Build a base on a planet now. That is considerably harder.
  3. Could be... I gave up and used hyper edit to put it 30 meters in the air and just used pod torque to turn the whole base. While I have you here... I have a docking port that seems to not want to dock... how do I edit it to fix it?
  4. Ok, this is bugging me. I have changed every value in there. I can get the base to pitch and yaw but I can't get it to rotate A lot of the values don't seem to do anything at all...
  5. I tried adjusting these, again they had no effect. I know I am changing things because sometimes it explodes when I load it Is there anywhere that I can find out what everything in a save file means?
  6. Rot doesn't seem to do anything. Even if I make it weird values it seems to have no effect on the craft
  7. So I just downloaded the new part and it occurred to me that your awesome mod lacks awesome descriptions (N/A is kinda boring). This made me sad as such cool parts need cool descriptions. Here are the descriptions I put into my copy of the game. You may use them in your mod if you like. For the generator: "Who needs solar power when you have the power of... Well noone really knows what powers this thing, but that has never stopped Jeb from strapping it onto his rockets." For the Original Corridor: Bob complained that Jeb kept leaving the airlock open when he left the Hitchhiker can. The Kerbal engineers have come up with a solution: THE CORRIDOR! Now Jeb can go from the Hitchhiker to the cockpit without opening any airlocks. If only they could convince him to be less aggressive on the throttle... For the Skylight corridor: Bill, after seeing Bob get his Jeb problem solved decided that it was too claustrophobic. Now introducing the NEW corridor with MOAR SKYLIGHTS! For the Airlock corridor: Jeb decided that if he wanted to EVA he was gonna EVA whether Bill likes it or not. Now introducing the OTHER NEW corridor. Now with airlocks! Bob says please remember to close them on your way out. For the radial fuel tank: Kerbonaut engineers decided that cylinders are boring. Spheres are all the rage nowadays. Warning: contents under pressure, do not shake. for the window: Bill thinks things are too claustrophobic on space stations. The Kerbal engineers have decided to listen to his demands for a window and interior lighting. Jeb is sad he won't get to use glow in the dark ink for his calculations anymore (as if Jeb ever calculates before pushing the red button). For the 4 way adaptor: Kerbals are big subscribers to "bigger is always better." With that in mind they built the large adapter, now with 100% more big! for the stut tabs: Jeb was tired of sticking his rockets together with crazy glue, and could never quite figure out where to put MOAR STRUTS! The kerbal engineers built these handy tabs to make Jebs rockets fly slightly less like wet noodles. for the battery: It stores energy. The sign reads: Do not put fingers in sockets!
  8. The crew tank with the airlock gave me an idea for a Mun Base. Would it be possible to move the airlock to between the windows instead of on top? Or maybe just put an airlock on top AND between the windows. That way you can land it horrizontally and have the windows looking out over terrain, and still put a ladder up to the airlock so they can get in and out. I like the idea of a 360 degree lookout area. Very cool. Keep up the awesome work -edit- that new piece would make an awesome central tower topper on a planetary base
  9. Not sure if this is the right forum. I recently lost a saved game due to a bug and I am trying to recreate my Mun base (but I don't want to actually launch it again) so I am save file editing. I got the thing where I want it, but I don't know how to rotate it. Which of these paramaters will rotate my entire base180 degrees? pid = fdf8f87dda8c421495410a24a5a37090 name = MARB (Mun Arch Research Base) type = Base sit = LANDED landed = True landedAt = splashed = False met = -2137340.1369746 lct = 2142931.74836987 root = 0 lat = 12.5601713317395 lon = 39.0689332919596 alt = 1196.82812062395 hgt = 2.939428 nrm = -0.003844256,0.9999662,0.007275902 rot = 0.4419692,0.05511956,-0.4585253,0.7690122 CoM = 0.978447,0.4430869,-2.186526 stg = 1 prst = False ref = 2664122383 cPch = 0 cHdg = 0 cMod = 0
  10. The speed with which you can release this stuff with the same quality is amazing! Keep up the good work
  11. Has anyone else noticed that MechJeb does not do a good job of calculating D-v when SRBs are involved? Or did I somehow mess up the instillation?
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31580-Plugin-0-20-EditorTools-%28EdTools%29 There ya go. This is one of my favorite mods I especially like the vertical snap.
  13. I have searched this thread and the closest answer I got was: "it changes the characteristics of the kerbal." So here is my question, what exactly does courage and stupidity do? What does selecting badass do? Does a stupid Kerbal make scared faces more or less often? Does a brave kerbal freak out less? Does badass just change their flight suite color?
  14. There is a mod that makes 2.5m batteries... I think it is the Kerbal X parts or something like that... Its the one that originally had the capola and skipper engine that was incorporated into stock.
  15. About 130 parts is when it turns yellow. Remains playable up to about 215 parts. Over that it starts to become impossible to dock or land. Intel Core Duo 2.4 Ghz, 4gb ram
  16. This is totally OCD talking, but can you either remove the ladders on the tunnel or make them go along the whole thing? I keep having to put 2 of the small ladders between them and it is hurting my part count (my computer isn't the best). Also, would it be possible to make the windows light up like the B9 windows or is that too much work? Just a request. Otherwise, these are fantastic
  17. The new update fixed this... How do I mark this answered?
  18. They should be, but there might be strange behavior with things on Mun surface because the reverted the texture.
  19. For some reason this design blows up spontaneously on Mun surface. I also have trouble quicksaving while piloting it because it often says things like "Can't save while under acceleration" or "can't save while about to crash" even though the rover is 100% stationary (as far as I can tell anyway. Throttel is off, its sitting more or less level, and the game thinks something is happening. What could be causing this? Sometimes when I load the game it sinks a few inches into the Mun and then launches up into the air at high speeds too. here is the pic. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zenvju8d5kzb8lj/screenshot128.png
  20. Perhaps your TWR is too high? A TWR of 4 I have found, can lead to strange structural failures at full throttle.
  21. I am actually getting quite good at landing on Moho. You can do it with 9,000 starting D-v with some margin for error. I have not been to any other plaents besides moho yet because moho had the first transfer window, and I kinda got obsessed with going there after I tried and failed to make it my first exokerbin landing. Now I have a full base on Moho. Final plan is to have a base on every planet with a refueling station and mining so I can use my space plane to ferry tourists to every single planet!
  22. For some reason I can't attach the detachable connector anywhere. I can pick it up, and I can attach it to an open KAS port, but I can't attache it to any surface. It just stays yellow, no matter how close I get. When I click it makes a bleep noise. Any ideas? I could work around it by just putting a port on every vessel, but I was hoping to drain fuel out of debris before deorbiting it. In order to do that I needed to put a port on it but as I said, its not working
  23. Ooo, downloading this right now. Seems most excellent! Edit: So I tried this out for a bit. The small flags are great. However, the larger the flag the stranger it looks because the large flags do not conform to the roundedness of most parts. IE: they stick up on the edges. Otherwise this is indeed as advertised and most excellent. Thanks for the upload
  24. I would also like to know. I tend to be wary of changing things when I don't know what I am changing
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