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Everything posted by Fel

  1. I plant explosives on the support structures, the government forbade action against trains, not bridges.
  2. It's a SSTLS (Single Stage to Lunar Surface). Is it odd that right now I'm thinking about how I would do that?
  3. "Modern" is just fashion forced upon consumers due to dwindling sales. By being exposed to it constantly you begin to accept it and view it as an improvement instead of simply reverting to 16-bit colour schemes. Long live the wormball! - - - Updated - - - Usually there's a gain to be had, be it better relations with foreign investors, or removing yourself from the past and presenting yourself as having new goals and new visions. A logo change means quite a bit and is never done simply because someone wanted a new artistic style, research was actually done to verify that the new logo would have a large enough benefit to warrant the change.
  4. -49 (-) What are you talking about, after you post we will be half way there!
  5. -47 (-) The positives fear us, they know they're facing the inevitable.
  6. Of course, Xena is unbelievably brave, Zeus. GREECE
  7. I sit comfortably in my realm, as the destruction continues outside it. My Hill
  8. Granted, you simply don't sleep at all! Now you can go to uni but fall asleep in class, win-win I wish KSP would have an April 1 update that adds this feature
  9. Press the button to gain a new button for the game (the old button was lost)?
  10. -45 (-) With all my might (to PAAARRRTY!)
  11. -45 (-) Well of course it is there, I just stuck my fork into it 30 seconds ago... hey, who stole my fork? Wait, hey who stole my cake!?! Mark my words endersmens, you will rue... the centennial anniversary that you took cake away from my clutches
  12. Granted, unfortunately when you reveal your crime to your lawyer she turns against you and submits her testimony as evidence to the court. I wish there was a simple and easy way to get people to abandon ideology they hold dear and seek out their own ideology as an individual.
  13. -45 (-) Yeah, of course I do... /me takes the plate of cake in front of Endersmens. Thanks
  14. Strangers travel aboard round Terran rescue'n exploration Kraft. Stargate
  15. The electronics industry refers to them by code, 1209 and 509; 6V batteries designed with specific parameters to fit either of those carry that numeric label. "Super Heavy" and "Heavy" doesn't matter, mAh and battery discharge characteristics do. Now, granted, it seems as if most 6Vs Lantern Batteries are following those two specifications, likely due to it being a niche market and all; I don't think I really had a point in that statement, I really just wanted to say "Fine, I looked up a battery with a higher mAh rating, big deal." http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/pow.html The standard unit for power is the watt (abbreviated W) which is a joule per second. - - - Updated - - - Yeah.... I'd accept that. Really, all I can say is that I suspect it was exaggeration for effect.
  16. Who says he lives in western society? There is also a such thing as exaggeration for effect, sure gold is valuable, but do you know the price for 1 (torr?) of gold? Hey may have undersold somewhat and just exaggerated to make the point about value.
  17. Power is J/s, the question if it can do it at all rather than "This small aspect of what you're saying is wrong and I'll ignore all attempts to point out the possibility of multiple batteries." I've been advocating that from the perspective of the misconception, there is still enough reasonable doubt to actually TALK about it rather than repeat the same old "It just cannot."
  18. You linked to the first link on google which is a forum. Or are you saying you didn't even read the webpages just "google"? "Heavy Duty" and "Super Heavy Duty" aren't really electronics industry terms, they're consumer advertisement terms. If anything the implication is that "super heavy duty" should have greater amp-hours than "heavy duty" which means "heavy duty" should be less than 11mAh. Again, ignoring the idea that you can use multiple sets of batteries. I gave a fairly valid reason for only hooking two up at the same time and it is believable that the detail was omitted.
  19. Oh, I don't give myself credit; it's a very old technique but it IS a very strong technique. I just wanted to explain to those who didn't grasp what I was doing and were responding to it faithfully. This may be true; the content of what you wrote shows you know more than you're letting on, but the manner in which it was written gives a very "it is what it is" aspect. USUALLY, your argument hinges on underlying reasons; I attacked with references I knew to drive out those underlying reasons, but the manner of your speech is rather conflicting with the ideology I figure you hold. So again, referring to the questions, if you truly do believe that "individuals have equal capacity to hold full responsibility for themselves" (I strongly suspect you do, which is still just a minor variation of what I initially posted) then seeing how far you'll go is of interest.
  20. Are you SERIOUSLY telling me you didn't even pull up a datasheet? That you used a FORUM for your information? http://data.energizer.com/PDFs/1209.pdf As referenced Actually, the rate of energy release is extremely important. The sun can easily radiate the same amount of energy on that slab of aluminum over the period of 1000 years as the energy required to melt it (yes I don't care to calculate it, if you do fine, it is besides the point). The problem is that the slab is able to release energy unto the environment at such a rate that it does not increase in temperature. IF the batteries provided 100% of their energy at a singular moment to the mass of aluminum the "losses" would also change, (Admittedly though, there are other effects that I haven't even considered that would start to take place when you apply that much power to a small piece of metal.) Hence, "power" is what is important, not Joules. Hence my comment about most of you being trolls. You have shown nothing except that you disagree with Xannari. If it is very simple to show it will not work, why don't you argue it with competence? Why don't you even read the first post instead of skimming it as Xannari CLEARLY says he uses the ELECTRODES from the batteries, not the batteries themselves? And my additional refute of pointing out that replacing the batteries until the ingot has fully melted wasn't even attempted to be disputed by you, who is only saying that the "energy" of two batteries isn't enough. Ignorance isn't not knowing something, ignorance is when you are unwilling to understand your opposition's point of view and unwilling to open your mind to possibilities that conflict with everything you know.
  21. I do apologize for those who did not understand what I was doing. This is a very strong form of argumentation in which you adapt an opponents argument to meet undesirable outcomes. Use of sarcasm only weakens it, it has to be said with very similar goals that the person is presenting. While I do not believe Randazzo is actually a social darwinist, I do believe the ideology being shown is "A Strong Belief that the People are Willfully Ignorant, and that through internet education this can be corrected." She/he doesn't believe him/herself to be superior to others, but feels people should learn whatever information he/she believes they should learn. This argument isn't really used with economics as much as with people who have issues with the government, and it is often in argumentation that you'll find someone masking their true argument with meaningless surface arguments. The Elenchus is well known for revealing this trait. Randazzo's choices here would also show his true beliefs. We've been "pretending" that the consumer can judge the worth of an item and thus have an effect upon the manufacture, therefore not needing government protections. By bringing up old arguments from social darwinists who DID believe in that stuff, and taking in the quality, even the manner of which the reply was made you can show what the true beliefs of the individual is. Even the lack of a reply is telling in itself, she/he did respond to the initial bait about net neutrality while pretending ignorance (I recognize the arguments, even if you try obscuring them).
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