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Everything posted by UAL002

  1. So Neried, I'm having issues in conjuction with FF and the Kerbinside side jobs, contract configurator contracts. It has to do with the Kerbals the missions spawn. Are you ware of this? Is there anything that can be done on your end. Alpha ash made me aware of the incompatability today.
  2. Alpha, is there anyway to utilize the tourist kerbals and just change some KSP code to make them controllable?
  3. Alpha, I have a lot of weird issues with the ferry kerbal side contracts. Or any that involve extra Kerbals really. I like the format of the missions but I don't like taking them because inevitably the passenger Kerbals get duped or if I recover a vessel before completing the contract with the passenger in it he never spawns again. Additionally when I previously tried to recover Kerbals it would bug out my game so bad I'd have to close and restart. Last atempt ruined my save game when recovering a vessel. The original crew is gone, and any time I change scenes I get a recovery window for the Kerbals that disappeared. I have a backup from a few days ago though. Is there a walk through or something on how to properly deal with the extra Kerbals in some of these missions?
  4. Did you get the fixes you needed for the utility pack? I saw you ask in the IR master thread, but I didn't see if you got a response.
  5. Roger thanks. Ive also been working on a simple re-tex of the stock scanner. Let me know if you want/need it. I'm basically making a version of your mod for personal use... I'm making the scanner scansat compatible too...I think. My simple goal here is to remove some EL parts, add some of yours and some code. Add scansat compatibility for MetalOre scanning. Re-texture stock parts for the stuff I really didn't like and violla, I can finally play with EPL.
  6. I remember now. I was having trouble with the scaled image being PNG. I had to make it a truecolor image for some reason. EDIT: Forget above. FOUND ISSUE!!! In your Agents.cfg " logoURL = ContractPacks/KerbinSideJobs/Agencies/jebir256 logoScaledURL = ContractPacks/Kerbin/Agencies/jebirlogo_scaled "
  7. Well, I wonder if it has to do with me being linux. Could the system be more particular on that OS? The smaller agent file was not working properly until I specifically named it like the big one but with like a few extra characters on it. For mine anyway... I'll experiment tonight.
  8. Well Alpha, I can confirm that removing your agent file worked. I know you know how to do this stuff, probably better than I, but I would look over your image's file type file size and naming convention. If I remember correctly, those were my issues. Take a look at my 2 agents in lorefriendly flag pack if you like. Those work for me an don't cause issues. What I'm confused with is how it works for you and nobody else is complaining.
  9. Alternatively, I could just remove the agent and images. Its coming back to me. I remember I had this issue with my flag mod and its agents. The big and little file needs to a certain size, file type and I even think the naming convention needs to be the same. But his agent defs look good to me.
  10. Hey Nereid, how hard would adding a "notepad" to the kerbal decoration board be to type in kerbal notes and feats?
  11. Anybody have any insight to my short clip I post a few posts back? Issue still persists.
  12. This? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6911908/KSP.log Also how would I tweak the transfer kerbal mission to include some atmo only transfers? Just lower the min alt parameter and reword the mission?
  13. I'm having strange issues with no contacts showing up or having all agencies be the same. This started after installing this mission pack and Contract Configurator. Any ideas?
  14. Yea, maybe make them pull from a list of .craft files and all you have to do is follow a certain naming convention to make sure it pulls the right craft for the right mission.
  15. I know how to place the part on my back, what I was doing was letting go of the part far enough away from the station to see its momentum. Had I been on the other side of the station and placed the container against the station without attaching it, it would have flown away at the same speed. It has something to do with the container not having the right orbital velocity.
  16. OK KospY, I have this weird phantom acceleration happening. Watch this highlight. Have any idea what is causing it? Seems like its only the KIS containers. http://www.twitch.tv/ual002/c/6749311
  17. Quick question, do the container mounts have ejection force on release? I had a Gravity movie situation when I released a container with a kerbal in front last night. Needless to say, the container is no longer in orbit.
  18. Well done on the Ignore Funding modlet, and thank you. That was very kind. I'll will continue to deposit my findings here.
  19. I gotcha... yea my suggestion for a 2 mode design with button pushes (compact) (deploy) is by no means a "lorefirendly" suggestion but merely a stopgap. I was thinking like a design that is 2.5 metes and about the length of an orange tank or shorter with a neat looking model that sort of suggest it expands into the big guy. And then when deployed, boom, full dock, and no reverting to compact... and I think now with KIS and KAS adding docking ports later is easy... I think so anyway. I thought I read you can node attach with the screwdriver but I haven't got that far.
  20. Well, that's the trick with the real thing... does that work here. I used to just spam flares and that used to work. I guess I'll try not spamming them right up to impact.
  21. I'm aware of thier origins, but the original author was just here checking in. I was really hoping we could start a discussion amongst us to determine the best way to implement getting them from the ground into orbit. It would be ironic I think that the device we use to build ships in orbit is harder to get into orbit than the thing it's building. Can you explain the crate building concept?
  22. I feel like I can never spoof incoming sidewinders, Is there a trick, or a way to add an accuracy slider, call it something like "shelf life"? Additionally, I like career restrictions, but populating enemy craft with this mod can be expensive. I'd love a way to spawn predetermined craft while in flight and for free. (Spawn "Precached Vessel type" co-alt, 3km"). Also, maybe a button in the editor too for launching from the hangar but with no career cost for those of us with Kerbinside.
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