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Everything posted by lpam

  1. Looks good, nice to see some more probe parts
  2. Looks like SQUAD will need a bigger VAB hahahah
  3. There is still a working download for the Angara pack in the depths of the forums, I downloaded it last week and got some of the fuel tanks 0,20 compatible
  4. The smallest SRB's in the KW pack are near enough identical, you could use them if you like?
  5. Hahahaah that made me laugh, Drum & Base, UK's finest export.
  6. I agree, also there is roughly enough Delta V in the Ariane 5 to get to Duna. Other than that though, it is brilliant.
  7. Your plan to keep acceleration low sounds good. If i were you I would model the engines with the covers as one part, that way you wouldn't have to model the complex plumbing and also it requires one less part. I agree with you about the lack of pictures too, Cygnus doesn't get much love!
  8. I believe so. In this picture you can just make it out, although it is difficult. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/328386732934430720/photo/1
  9. Googled around for some images with dimensions etc and the best I could find were on Orbitals website itself. http://www.orbital.com/Antares-Cygnus/ Look at the various fact sheets on the right hand side, they show some pictures with basic dimensions.
  10. Those are KW fairings. You are either attaching them wrong - look at the YouTube video on the first post to see how to attach them correctly. If that doesn't work then the nodes are in the wrong place, so report the bug to Winston on the thread.
  11. The real thing is 3.9m in diameter, the 64% rule says that it should be 2.496m (aka bang on 2.5m)
  12. I thought so too, I have not seen engines like that before.
  13. Please use the official thread, this is one is redundant and will soon be closed.
  14. I didn't say it was anyone's fault, perhaps I jumped to conclusions that you left KSP. I can only apologise. If there are any moderators reading this, please close/delete this thread.
  15. Apologies, as your mod wasn't compatible with 0.20, and your thread was closed I decided to make your mod compatible. Now you are back this thread will be closed.
  16. Fixed! Thanks for the advice, I thought it was all one word. As I don't actually own the pack, I can't make modifications other than making the mod compatible. Feel free to make changes to your personal download though.
  17. Tested the fairings now and I can't seem to replicate your problem. Try using the fairings again on a different rocket design and if you have the same issue re-download using my link and see if that works. OK, it seems that the official KW link has not been updated properly, until that happens I will keep this thread open.
  18. Can I ask which size fairings you are using? And did you follow these steps to attach them?
  19. Seems Winston has made KW compatible, this thread may be removed tonight depending on whether or not the official pack is compatible.
  20. I would post an updated version of that too, but i believe frizzank is still active so you could expect an official release off him.
  21. Dimensions on Kerbin are 64% of real life size. As for vehicle mass, engine power and Isp; I think it is a case of trial and error to match real world performance; for example mass to LEO. In the case of the V1, try to get the maximum altitude close to 206km. Hope that helps.
  22. Seen as Kickasskyle and Winston have been away for some time now; and that the official KWRocketry thread has been removed; I took it upon myself to update the pack to be compatible with 0.20. I should stress that I am not a part of the KW team, and if Kickasskyle or Winston return to KSP then this thread will most likely be removed. Feel free to report any bugs. DOWNLOAD *REMOVED*
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