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Everything posted by lpam

  1. start your gravity turn at 25km, that should work
  2. I found this video, could give you an idea on the type of vehicles they planned on using.
  3. I have a Samsung Laptop, i3 processor and 4gb ram. windows 7. Nothing special. When I have been testing what ports work with which I use auto dock with MechJeb 2.0
  4. Sorry I ment two ISS CBM's. They work fine for me.
  5. CBM cannot dock to any other port because it is "nodeType = size5" whereas most other ports are "nodeType = size1". I fixed this in my own .cfg however the CBM still would not work
  6. Right click on the JEM Pressurised module to deploy the EF, and right click it again for the arm animation. Also I don't think the cupola was finished.
  7. BUG REPORT: Tried docking Dragon with Node 2 using the Dragon CBM and the ISS CBM and it didn't work. Checked the .cfg for both docking ports and found that the ISS CBM was node type 5, so I changed it to node type 1, reloaded the game and they still wouldn't dock. Tried docking the Dragon to Mir docking port drogue and it worked fine. So it looks like there is something wrong with the ISS CBM
  8. Excellent work for everyone involved, just assembled the ISS in the Space Plane Hanger but I can't find the Japanese module, other than that it looks absalutley brilliant. EDIT: Found it, thanks.
  9. Very exciting, love to see what you come up with
  10. It also looks like the leg can fold, so the telescopic pole fits in the groove of the A-frame. I guess that is what Elton means by "nested"
  11. Latest tweet by Elon Musk: "Elon Musk (@elonmusk) tweeted at 6:54 AM on Sun, Apr 28, 2013: First test of the Falcon 9-R (reusable) ignition system. Not long now before the hold down fire" https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/328386732934430720/photo/1
  12. Im guessing he means a little RC vehicle, like this http://www.horizonimaging.net/rcgroups/hexacopter/complete/hexacopter_complete_1.jpg Either that or Elon has been very busy!! ;-)
  13. Beautiful pack, however whenever i launch an aeroplane it falls apart on the runway (even with 6 struts connecting every single part), does anyone else have this problem?
  14. It was in the VAB with custom windows showing Delta V, Acceleration, Part count and the like
  15. MechJeb 2 is causing my game to crash, its the only plugin installed. Here is my crash file. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-wDGzeDISakazhPUFYwMS1MazA&usp=sharing
  16. http://www.newspacewatch.com/articles/grasshopper-flight-scheduled-for-wednesday-.html Looks like someone screen captured the launch in time
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