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Posts posted by Fyrem

  1. 39 minutes ago, Nik Power said:

    Guys, when starting a KSP I am receiving a message, that MechJeb is not compatible with current version (KSP 1.11, MJ2 2.11.0)

    In game I have drwaback - Stability Assist (SAS) does not working on ANY of probe cores.

    Can anyone advise me, how can I solve this drawback?

    guys! i have the same error message that fills this page from everyone else saying they have this same error message and everyone else telling them that it is ok, and that everythign works fine...

    oh my...

    what should i do? oh i l know.. i will post the same question.. AGAIN

  2. 1 hour ago, RealKerbal3x said:

    @IgorZ I've been using KAS 1.2 for a while and I noticed that the telescopic joint/towbar now looks identical to a socket. Is this intentional?

    welcome to KSP 1.7 with KAS 1.2  it is broken. no that is now how it should work , but that is what you will get at this time until KAS 1.2 is tweeked just a bit to work with KSP 1.7 (estimated 1 or 2 weeks, per mod dev post a page or so back).

    The only way to fix/solve is to do a recomplie yourself (if that even works) or return to KSP 1.6.

  3. in the wiki for "automatic legacy parts upgrade" .. it says the following

    Make distinguished saves for any moment of your play! Quicksave is not the save. The persistentsave (the state at which you leave the game) is not a save at all. Never ever think about it as such!!! Before doing upgrade, ensure you have no progress pending in quicksave or persistent save. If you do, you'll lose it. This is not an exaggeration.

    what does that even mean? i have never heard of a distinguised save, nor do i know how to make one.

    second.. it says. 


    Get the game patched

    Here begins the unique KAS upgrade pipeline! It will replace the old parts with new ones. The exact choice may not be what you would choose, but you have no voice, sorry. The best thing you can do to make this process go smoothly is to detach all the outdated parts, as suggested above.

    Save the patched game

    Regardless to how the process went (there may be some or many errors thrown), save! But do it into a new file. And this file must not be quicksave or persistant.

    but.. there wasn't any actual ... thing that happened there... where are the instructions actuall at?  (perhaps i am misunderstanding the word upgrade pipeline here?  .. am i really supsoed to JUST load the save, click OK on the errors and then SAVE again? if so , the instructions make it seem like tere is meant to be more steps than that.


    third, i get errors from KSP that are not covered by the instructions, ... sure i see the Upgrade-v1.2-Confirmation.jpg messages, that is fine. but THEN i get messages that say "Vessel X is not loaded" and POOF .. the vessel is gone.. no upgrade is going to happen as the vessel has been Deleted from the save completely.  



    help! :) thank you 

  4. On 1/27/2019 at 12:54 PM, Chimichanga said:

    Hi @sarbian Ascent Guidance's "launch into plane of target" appears to be broken again.

    Tested with a new install of KSP 1.6.1 w/Making History:  There are no other mods in use except MJ dev-#858 and ModuleManager. 4.0.1.

    Clicking "launch into plane of target" no longer modifies the inclination in the Ascent Guidance window, and no longer gives me accurate timed launches.  Thank you for all of your hard work - I can't enjoy KSP without MJ!

    I also experianced the same issue with 858 and MM 4.0.1 ... i can try to drop back to 857, or so, and keep mm at 4.0.1 , or other combinations if that would help any one.

  5. 5 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

    [snip] I just tried the manual after the other links wanting to see the other mechjeb model, and I can confirm it tried making me install a sketchy chrome extension. You probably think I'm talking about the in-game manual link which I never tested. [snip]

    what .. exact link are you talking about? i just tried each and every one of sarbian's footer links, and none acted in the way you refer to.



  6. On 5/27/2018 at 2:05 PM, Raptor9 said:

    I think if anything, maybe a dedicated rover for that function would be more appropriate I think, but that's just my opinion.  Maybe even one that could tow HLV-5's around the landing zone, like tugs do at airports.  That was the original justification for putting the DTAL XEUS lander on wheels, so that spent stages could be towed clear of the landing area to a marshaling area for reuse or disposal.

    IV-1 'Meerkat' ISRU rigs are also updated.  Minimal changes, mainly just adjusting the surface transfer port height, tweaking the inflatable heatshield jettison sequence on the IV-1D, and swapping out monoprop tanks with new versions.

    does the https://kerbalx.com/Raptor9/IkeDres-Logistics-Kit-Titan-4N need any updating? or is it 'good as is""?

  7. 1 hour ago, John FX said:

    Anyone know any more details yet?

    no details have been 'offically' given, but.. it is Easy to guess what they would do.

    1) for all accounts on the kerbal store, display a link to download the dlc if account shows a ksp purchase before the cutoff date.

    2) for steam accounts,.. STEAM can tell when you got the item, and either steam, or KSP would send you a email with a Code for free DLC.

    3) you get the idea

    it is pretty straight forward.


    btw: for those that weren't arround back in 2013.. or before....

    SQUAD always, ALWAYS planned for DLC , stop screaming at T2 about the DLC.  it was ALWAYS a Squad plan for dlc and here is the proof.

    • back in 2013, squad said "hey everyone, if you buy before April 2013, we will give you any future DLC expansion for free".   this was a promise Squad made, that T2 is honoring.  stop yelling at them for doing that. for god sake.


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