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Everything posted by TMS

  1. The addition of the UI opacity/transparency setting is great. It's behaviour is a little odd though. I have mine set to 25%, so the difference is quite noticeable. In-flight, it affects the MET clock, navball, altitude readouts and staging centre. It does not affect the portraits, staging sequence or toolbar. The result is that it looks quite disjointed. In the Space Centre view, the bar containing time and go-to controls along the bottom is affected, but not the toolbar or currency bar. Similar issue in the Tracking Station: the flight filters, time control and go-to control are affected, but not the tracked objects bar... yet the action buttons at the bottom are.
  2. Also supporting this request. Two reasons, one subjective, one objective: Subjectively, it's a little too chunky for me. Mouse pointers shouldn't be too intrusive, IMO. Objectively, the current in-game mouse cursor does not honour "ease of access" options in Windows OS, such as colour inversion. I assume allowing a native OS option would do so.
  3. Can also confirm that v.08.2 seems to be working as intended. Absolute life saver mod. Rescues the player from the clickfest of career.
  4. Yep, thought the same thing. The usual hype BS. On the positive side, it's supposedly easier to mod, so maybe we'll get something sensible in the long run. Shame about the implications on game design, however.
  5. Haha! Congrats, man. Hope it doesn't get edited by the PR watchdogs.
  6. It's update time. To mods, that's like full moon to a werewolf. I generally avoid posting heavily the forum until sanity is restored.
  7. I thought something similar when this was first raised. I had also assumed that if fairings are given a second pass, that such a hack would be the 'official solution' used by Squad. Alas, even if that is used, I can't see it properly simulating the CoM of the entire fairing (unless the base CoM was artificially offset by using the additional mass and length values of the fairings as parameters, somehow).
  8. Heh... knew it'd be a matter of time. Welcome back, Skunky.
  9. Horse armour Smoke and dust particle effects when the engine is near the ground
  10. Not a fan of the concept, either. But that's how karbonite worked anyway (back when I last used it): add scanner, and hey presto... insta-scanned! So I'm at least happy that it does actually have some piloting requirement associated with it. I can totally see the logic behind it, in that most scanning orbits will need to be roughly polar and that you don't want to wait for multiple orbits for it to complete, so why not just make it a condition that scanning has to happen in a polar orbit and have it instantly scan? Well, I guess I'd kinda hoped that it would reward accurate piloting proportionately. Stuff up your insertion? Well, guess you're not gonna get great coverage. Missing a patch? See if you can alter your inclination to hit it. Not happy with your orbit? Try figuring out the optimal inclination and altitude (remember the ISA MapSat orbital parameter thread, back in the day?). These are all golden bits of gameplay mechanics - the stuff of player and skill-led randomness that adds depth, detail and reward - which feel like they're being intentionally tossed away. I suspect that stock KSP won't have the depth a lot of us expected it to have two or three years ago. I've kinda come to terms with that! Devs have come and gone, other concerns have shot up the priority list and (I suspect) there are other pressures that exert influence over the development process. It's probably to be expected that some stock features will be heavily abstracted in order to expedite development. What's more important is whether KSP as a platform remains open enough for these choices to be altered by the modding community. Personally, chances are, I'll repurpose the stock parts for ScanSat, then take a look at alternative resource mods.
  11. Didn't the sky already fall when KSP was released on Steam? The forum changed then. I'm sure it'll change again.
  12. A new gorram skybox - preferably one without image artefacts and white lines showing on the dimension joins. Something so simple makes the game look that much more professional.
  13. Settings > General > Show Space Center Crew You'll need to exit the game to do this.
  14. Nice to see you around, man. Hope you're keeping well. Regarding atmo scattering, the dev was looking for some support earlier today: http://boards.4chan.org/vg/thread/101191492/kspg-kerbal-early-access-game-development#p101236948
  15. Yeah, the comment suggested it was more work than it was worth, frankly. Still about as likely as clouds. I'm expecting something relatively innocuous.
  16. Nope. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100570-Devnote-Tuesdays-The-Already-Lining-up-for-Black-Friday-Edition?p=1550616post1550616
  17. ^ I think this man has the solution to the memory management problem: delete all textures.
  18. Ah... a reminder of simpler times. Welcome back. Skunky will be round next.
  19. Irritating cut scenes. We need them.
  20. Like I said, make of it what you will. Leave your outrage elsewhere.
  21. Make of it what you will: From: http://boards.4chan.org/vg/thread/100899842/kerbal-space-program-general-kspg#p101071167
  22. Amazing footage. YouTube alternative:
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