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Everything posted by TMS

  1. Is this a typo or not? 5-6 MB of RAM doesn't sound a great deal. I had assumed taking out the original textures would save much more. What are people's experiences of running the bat file?
  2. Last time I checked, no. CKAN has v7-4, which is the latest official EVE version. This is a work in progress version.
  3. Requested here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94577-Group-flights-together-in-tracking-station Always seemed one of those big UI issues that never got the love it needs. Give it a bump.
  4. As in... people who have craft files packaged as examples of how you can use their part mod? Or people who solely want to upload their latest fail rocket? The latter can, as Ippo says, use KerbalX. The former is acceptable, providing it doesn't open up an avenue for the latter.
  5. This was something I discussed with Sumghai in his blog: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/3451-Truss-segments-and-parts-for-FusTek-Ideas-and-Musings#comments I do wish that something like this could be implemented.
  6. georgetakei.gif Oh my.... Another small visual tweak that makes a huge, huge difference. Stuff like this really shows KSP up for being so damned utilitarian in its graphics. Well done for taking up the challenge, Tajampi.
  7. Info displayed is wrong. See for fix: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v1-0-2-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v1-0-2c-2-9-May-15%29-now-includes-Stock-Plus
  8. Heh, I routinely use tweaked SRBs for my more extravagant launches. One on 5th Horsman's series... Also, nice navball texture, regex.
  9. Ares, to my eye, always looked like Arse. Arse 5, you are go for blastoff.
  10. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/33ys4s/we_are_the_team_behind_kerbal_space_program/cqpnc76
  11. Yep, they're garbage... but I wasn't expecting them to be great, based on the previews and descriptions. The nonsensical mass issues, the frag grenade effect and lack of persistence all contribute towards relegating them to irrelevance. I'm afraid I deleted them and installed the pFairings mod after two short uses. I hope Squad can refine the system somewhat, because the ability to shape the fairing is quite a neat addition. However, suspect the development of that novelty feature got in the way of making them functional.
  12. Ugh, not this crap again. How many times do they need telling? No means NO. Ever get the impression that they're not sure what to do with these kerbal classes?
  13. The 1.0 launcher initialised and downloaded the patcher, but the patcher didn't recognise people's tokens. I assume that's what you experienced? The 1.0.1 launcher is completely busted for me (just a load of lurid pink) and won't download the patcher, never mind boot it. I've had it several years and remember weeks of dev notes detailing it's development and refinement. It used to work (before the dev responsible disappeared).
  14. This frequency would be cool n'all if the damn patcher worked.
  15. Nope. Immediately irritating. Can understand why it was added for IVA, but externally is doesn't make much sense.
  16. A change to RCS and xenon flow was made in 0.23.5, I think. That change mean that those resources drained equally within a stage, prioritising the lowest stage. In effect, this meant that your lifter wouldn't drain your payload. See Harv's response in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74889-Change-to-RCS-and-Xenon-flow-rules Also details some odd behaviours.
  17. This. The critique (from my perspective) has never been about the individuals, but the conditions under which they are expected to deliver. The critique was there when the rush to release was announced... and it's still there. I'm sure there's a few morons who enjoy putting the boot in on a personal level, but... welcome to the Internet.
  18. The most excitement I had with Kethane was when I sent a scanner probe out to Dres (I think) and didn't have enough dV to get into orbit. Instead, my scanner zipped past but caught a segment of Kethane in it's last few segments of scan. I actually laughed out loud. Follow-up missions altered altitude and inclination to adjust for resonance and I learnt a lot about orbital manoeuvres during the process. It's that sort of "tantalising glimpse" and educational reward that the insta-scan doesn't offer. In a game of multiple orbital variations, it offers a very fixed reward. Please don't take that as a bash - totally not meant to be. I think the work you've done on developing the resource system and making it open to other modders is exactly what the game needed - and you were certainly the right chap to do it. This is just a philosophical difference, I think, about what the 'end game' really is. The 'end game' of a fully-scanned planet is inconsequential to the journey and learning process of achieving it.
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