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Everything posted by Rockhem

  1. So far i have downloaded 60 mb of KSP! YAY??? Much better than last time though, it took me a couple hours just to start the download.
  2. Squad, your servers are dead. 60 kb/s agony.
  3. No , the released it in the 15th at central time (the time they are on) at about evening time (6-8pm). I am certain that is a release date.
  4. A nice discussion thread for 0.23, seems there are none out there.
  5. Im gonna be first: Official/Unofficial .23 Discussion Thread: 5 minutes later it is locked.
  6. I would like this addition,showing your 1km wide station wizzing by would be amazing. For people with lower-power computers it should also be able to be toggled.
  7. This sounds like a great idea when they are refining career mode, using a part a lot should help with costs.
  8. Titan, methane-based life living a couple meters down in the lakes would be shielded from most of the radiation.
  9. How do we know there isn't a sunbug living in the sun's core? We have no proof that it doesn't exist, but all our current theories say it is impossible. So it does not exist as far as we know. So the reason why we don't say that is... Because it is absurd.
  10. If china shut down the US would be no more, so many of our products come from china and we don't have the infrastructure to make it ourselves. And prison camps? nope that is North Korea not China. And contaminated with heavy metals and poisonous air? (ok i will give you that one). But most western countries think that not the same as the U.S= poorly developed. They aren't poorly developed, just different. China practically owns the US and if it shut down today, by next week the US would be no more.
  11. Well, KSP is only 14 bucks, if you got any friends, this would be the perfect time to suck them into *cough* i mean buy KSP. I imagine a lot of people will buy ksp this time around.
  12. The USSR did everything except dock and a lunar landing first. so the USSR won.
  13. The devs are amazing, you guys said to connect all the buildings with roads, if you look at the r&d building pic you can see that everywhere is connected by roads! Thanks!
  14. The devs said they had a 0.22 preview at pax, i need video of it, nao I expected it to come in the weekly.
  15. YEEEEEEEESSSS I CAN STOP PLAYING THIS GAME I HAVE MADE 7.1 BILLION COOKIES. my current CPS is 2.2 million per second. 6 hours.......
  16. My goal is 1 cookie for everyone in the world. I have 4 billion made so far. (world pop is 7.1 bil)
  17. pfft only 70kp/s i have 210 kp/s.
  18. 500 cookies per second..... WHYYYYY I WILL FEED THE WORLD must.... keep..... clicking....
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