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Everything posted by Rockhem

  1. Check out war thunder, it is a cool combat plane game. (And free)
  2. The one thing that I am unsatisfied about the .21 update, is there is no probe sized or large sized reaction wheels. Any chance of those getting added soon?
  3. Heh that looks like a cool place. ASAS looks just like ours.
  4. I don't see the problem, the new SAS was praised when it was in development and now a lot hate it, i love it and i hope they don't change it back.
  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new SAS, i love being able to add reaction wheels where you can add more torque! best update i have seen since i got ksp (i got it in .18.4)
  6. I know firsthand that it works, i have shared craft files with someone who was using a mac.
  7. This, so much this. everybody over looks the ability to also replace command pods in .20, that was a MASSIVE game changer.
  8. Wow, there is plenty of content in this update, i am super excited for .21 because it will change the way I play KSP. i am pretty satisfied with the list of new content that is coming.
  9. We haven't even got the first update in the step towards career mode, .19 and .20 were infrastructure and they just gave us a candy bar (wheels, seats, and flags) to help buffer rage about no content. .21 has quite a bit of content. Maybe hitchiker Iva (wanted desperately) New SAS Crew management New KSC Better planet details Procedural craters on the Mun Some new parts Bugfixes of course
  10. How other companies get release dates is finishing it before hand then placing a release date or giving them absurd amounts of buffer time (months) which would actually delay development.
  11. What happens.if said entitled kid realises that squad missed the update deadline? All hell will break loose then.
  12. Wow there is so much entitlement in this thread I don't know where to start. 1. Squad is not required to give you any updates or any information. 2. More money does not equal faster development. 3. Don't underestimate infrastructure, would you rather have a broken resource system and career mode done quick or a working one that takes a couple months? 4. If they wanted to they could take space port and the forums down too.
  13. Take them to the nearest scientific research facility and find out why they are so ingenious (building rockets from parts lying by the side of the road) (not smart, two totally different things) Hope that the kerbal survives the research also.
  14. This. Needs. To. Be. Featured. On the next KSP Weekly. Do i have permission to use this as my desktop background, and could you get a 1600x900 one? (my resolution)
  15. Well the guys who control voyager say that once they record a shift the magnetic field, to the galactic one, that is when they leave the solar system. About the oort cloud, it is orbiting the solar system. So once we see the shift, it will leave the solar system offically, the press just misinterprets things, the actual scientists never said voyager left the solar system. (Cut'em some slack, we are at the edge of the solar system.)
  16. New horizons will use its IIRC 34 kilograms of fuel to hopefully fly by a kuiper belt object after it's flyby of Pluto. It will never pass Voyager 1 because it is going slower than it because of the less amount of gravity assists it got.
  17. Is reaching 1% of the speed of light possible with our current technology, it is 300 kilometers/second. Maybe using gravity assists to help also, could make us go 1% the speed of light. I just wanted to start a discussion on this.
  18. Well, voyager 1 is about to reach interstellar space, I can't wait until humans have sent the first object to interstellar space! I think voyager is the apollo 11 of space probes. Here you can get live info about Voyager.
  19. How will the modded career mode tell if something is a rocket part?
  20. If the devs intended the game to be completely stock and never have mods, they would have never allowed mods. There is no point in forcing someone to play through something just to get to the "good bits" It would be like a movie that only had 15 minutes of good movie at the end, and you couldn't fast forward. Why do you have to restrict everybody else because you lack the brainpower to limit yourself, and you have to have someone do it for you?
  21. Why do people care how I play my game? Seriously why? If i want to use infinite fuel and prebuilt rockets, and I have fun why is it bad, do i have to have fun in a certain way? Personally, i don't like hyperedit and stuff, but i am totally fine if someone wants to post a achievement even if they used hyper edit or infinite fuel If it feels like a achievement to them, then it is a achievement. The egos from the opposing side a so big i need to step back a bit. lol
  22. I don't think that a vet is a specific time, different people have different opinions so i will post here, even though i am from .18.4. I remember when the old launch tower was here, good times, good times (except for when oversized mod parts clipped it) Here was my first mun landing (landed on teh nuke engine like a boss)
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