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Everything posted by KissSh0t

  1. I place batteries inside the body when using those small square ones... not like you need to select them when flying the craft so there's no reason having it outside the crafts body really... Unless your Scott Manley and using them to illuminate docking port xD
  2. Heaps cool~! I reckon you could get back up into orbit again.. You have lots of fuel left over. Your craft looks like it needs a battery.
  3. I have not... was talking about your orbit image. You have heaps of fuel~
  4. That's the challenge of SSTO!! It can be tricky.. but when you do it right... it is quite fun. You actually have lots of fuel after getting into orbit!!
  5. Connect all fuel tanks both ways.. so fuel can run back and forth. A good way of testing fuel drain is to build the body of the craft without the wings, load it up on the runway, put the break on and turn the engines on, maybe throttling down so the engines don't push too hard on the craft with it's breaks on xD Watching where the fuel drains from.
  6. You are almost there... what the design lacks is air intake.. I was having troubles getting the speed needed before switching to the nuclear rockets. If you provide it with more air intake I believe this design will be able to get orbital. Right now your design has a max air intake of 4.80 ... Try to get it to 10. One thing I noticed while testing it was the top and bottom wing not being connected to one another.
  7. Lighten it.. keep tweaking.. Basically make an aircraft that can fly on 30/40 thousand without cutting out on the Jet Engines.. and go for speed at that altitude... Once you are as close to 2000m/s as you can get, turn off Jet Engines + Close Air Intakes, and do the rest with rockets. Remembering to throttle down as your craft gets to the limit of the air intake.. As long as you are still accelerating and not falling.. Only slightly Climbing.. At the very limit your craft can fly level.. you will be able to get into orbit~ It's a bit different than flying with Simple Rockets.
  8. sO mUCH aWESOME ( • ◡ •)
  9. Perhaps you should build larger if you are having such difficulties getting a small SSTO like that into orbit when a nuclear engine is in the mix/// Basically your craft as it is... is too heavy.. and does not have the power at altitude to get up to speed. Try building an SSTO from scratch using 4 to 6 TurboJets with only 2 Nuclear Rockets and enough Air intakes to give you about 10 to 15 Air Intake. You can circularize an orbit using only Jet Engines. Challenging! mwhahahahaha~
  10. RocketTurtle.. Go to the first page of this thread.. I have a few SSTO's there that you could try out or use to learn from. Interplanetary SSTO's can be tricky.. If I was you start of by just trying to get into orbit and then landing back at the runway after 1 orbit.
  11. I rebuilt your SSTO... and I still cannot get it into orbit... Action groups are 1 = Air Intakes & Turbojet // 2 = Basic Jet Engine "turn off when up at altitude" // 3 = LV909 // 4 = Nuclear. It really lacks power for it's weight at high altitude when using only Two Turbojets, Perhaps make it lighter or add 2 extra Turbo Jet Engines and more Air Intake for getting the speed you need to get into orbit. The redesign I have put those double jet engines.. and I have also done different fuel lines, The way you were doing fuel lines was very strange xD And added spacers between the body and the wings.. I didn't like how the flaps were passing through the Jet Engines and Rockets, I have also turned the flaps away from the body on both sides. Here is the edit of your craft >> http://www./download/sg33k3aaqcy75nh/Phoenix%2520Mk3%2520%255BKissSh0t%255D.rar Other than that, it flies pretty good.. a little twitchy.. but it is easy to land.
  12. Wing parts can also carry fuel ;> Give me your ship and I will have a fiddle with it.
  13. Here are some screenshots showing how the Cubic Octagonal Struts are placed and what the Double Engine looks like. One Cubic Octagonal Strut is placed in the spot you would normally connect the engine, then another is placed on that one and inverted back onto the first. The Turbo Jet Engine is placed on the rear of the second Cubic Octagonal Strut, and the basic jet engine is placed on the outermost side of the Cubic Octagonal Strut.
  14. You dont need fuel lines for this type of engine setup. Cubic Octagonal Strut's allow fuel to pass through them, so as long as you stick it on a fuel source.. whatever you stick on those Cubic Octagonal Strut's will recieve fuel from where you stuck the first Cubic Octagonal Strut... You can build long rows of Cubic Octagonal Strut's and the fuel will flow through them all.
  15. You could try a basic jet/turbo jet combo engine.. it will fit inside the area you have there already on your aircraft. I am using this type of engine on my new SSTO, and it works very good.. It lets the aircraft go faster at low altitudes, while being able to fly in the upper atmosphere. When you get up high, shut down the basic jet engines with an action group and then push yourself as fast as you can with the turbo jets. The way I do this is basically using a Cubic Octagonal Strut, with another Cubic Octagonal Strut placed on the first and then inverted back into the first Cubic Octagonal Strut. Have the Turbo Jet first, then place the Basic Jet Last... and the two will conform to each other nicely making it look like a natural combination.
  16. Trying to dock a new SSTO to my little space station.. only to discover I had not put rear lateral RCS thrusters on xD So I couldn't dock it... but I did at least learn how to meet up with an object in orbit in a shorter time period.. compared to my previous attempt of 3 hours.... This time took about 40 minutes Well.. may as well land it, then keep working on it : U
  17. Testing a new SSTO and on it's maiden flight I saw the mun go in front of the sun~ I've never seen it do that myself.. only in other peoples screenshots xD
  18. With more ion engines... would the burn be shorter? I have actually never used ion before so I do not know anything about them.
  19. Full thread HERE Quite impressive this design.. good work.
  20. Part Clipping is over rated... Part Clipping while not using "Part Clipping" is where it's at.. *does awesome gansta pose*
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