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Everything posted by sarbian

  1. One way would be to edit you command pod to add the MJ2 module. You can do that for all you commande pod with modulemanger, and its extenssion Put those 2 dll in your Gamedata folder ( anywhere) https://github.com/Ialdabaoth/ModuleManager/blob/master/ModuleManager.dll?raw=true ( from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31342-0-20-ModuleManager-1-3-for-all-your-stock-modding-needs ) http://www.sarbian.com/sarbian/MMSarbianExt.dll (from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/41616-Extension-for-ModuleManager-with-wildcard-and-conditional-v0-2-24-july-2013 ) Create a MJ2.cfg in your Gamedata folder ( anywhere) with this : @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]] { !MODULE[MechJebCore] MODULE { name = MechJebCore } } You have now have MJ2 on all your command pods.
  2. This time the Internal is not already here, so you need to remove the @ to add it. But i don't know if this internal will work with 0.20 @PART[crewCabin] { INTERNAL[crewCabinInternals] } }
  3. @darkstrike Can you try with this version of the dll ? http://www.sarbian.com/sarbian/MechJeb2.dll
  4. The thread for the Maneuver Node Improvement is here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/42716-0-21-1-Maneuver-Node-Improvement-v1-2?p=547589#post547589
  5. I have an other version of the .cfg for those with the problem trying to turn hard at launch. This one has no included command pod at all, so the game won't make it control the ship. https://raw.github.com/sarbian/MechJeb2/Raf04_Sarbian/Parts/MechJeb2_AR202/part.cfg
  6. Your code add a new module to the part, and you want to edit the one already here. You need to do this : @PART[HL_AirshipEnvelope_Una] { @MODULE[HLEnvelopePartModule] { @envelopeVolume = 50.2 } }
  7. Well, this one was mine For those with problem with the ascent guidance could you try to replace the part.cfg of MJ2 with this one and tell if it's better: https://raw.github.com/sarbian/MechJeb2/0_21/Parts/MechJeb2_AR202/part.cfg Same thing for Kocour.
  8. I have a working version while you wait for the official fix : (with other fix from Raf04 as usual) DLL : http://www.sarbian.com/sarbian/MechJeb2.dll Updated Part.cfg : https://raw.github.com/sarbian/MechJeb2/0_21/Parts/MechJeb2_AR202/part.cfg Source : https://github.com/sarbian/MechJeb2/tree/Raf04_Sarbian
  9. 0.2 is released. Can't edit the first post now since the forum is dying with .21 release. Link in first post Now you can use ! to check if a module is NOT here, and # to check a properties of the part ( like module = Winglet ) you need to use HAS ( all uppercase ) instead of Has Edit all fixed wings @PART[*]:HAS[#module[Winglet]] { @maxTemp=200 } Add MonoPropellant to all tank who don't have any : @PART[*Tank*]:HAS[!RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]] { RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant amount = 750 maxAmount = 750 } } Edit all part from the Propulsion category who don't have any SolidFuel and XenonGas @PART[*]:HAS[#category[Propulsion]:HAS[!RESOURCE[SolidFuel],!RESOURCE[XenonGas]]] { @maxTemp=200 }
  10. A security for the "abort" would be nice since It's next to the cycle vessel
  11. Looks like http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-1-jarfr-tri-hexagonal-structural-strut/
  12. Yes there is. Ok, finished the condition check. New thread to keep this one clear http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/41616-Extension-for-ModuleManager-with-wildcard-and-conditional-v0-1-23-july-2013
  13. This is an extension for ModuleManager ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31342-0-20-ModuleManager-1-3-for-all-your-stock-modding-needs ). It does not woks when ModuleManager is not installed. ialdabaoth suggested to do extension for things that he don't think fits in the default ModuleManager. This one let you search part with wildcard and conditionals. Most of this code come from ialdabaoth's code. You should be able to do things like searching for "any PART that contains both a ModuleAlternator and a ModuleEngines MODULE and a ModuleGimbal, but only if the ModuleEngines contains an Oxidizer PROPELLANT." @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines]:HAS[PROPELLANT[Oxidizer]],@MODULE[ModuleAlternator],@MODULE[ModuleGimbal]] { xxxxx } Add mechjeb to every probe core, but not to crew capsule (capsule don't use ElectricCharge) @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[@RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]]] { !MODULE[MechJebCore] MODULE { name = MechJebCore } } Edit all fixed wings @PART[*]:HAS[#module[Winglet]] { @maxTemp=200 } Add MonoPropellant to all tank who don't have any : @PART[*Tank*]:HAS[!RESOURCE[MonoPropellant]] { RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant amount = 750 maxAmount = 750 } } Edit all part from the Propulsion category who don't have any SolidFuel and XenonGas @PART[*]:HAS[#category[Propulsion]:HAS[!RESOURCE[SolidFuel],!RESOURCE[XenonGas]]] { @maxTemp=200 } You can also do things like @PART[b9_*] or @PART[b9_Cockpit_???] ( * or ? ) Feel free to post any bug with the .cfg file you used, or point out how horrible my code is Changelog : 0.1 : Ready for testing. 0.2 : Now you can use ! to check if a module is NOT here, and # to check a properties of the part ( like module = Winglet ) you need to use HAS ( all uppercase ) instead of Has Source : https://github.com/sarbian/MMSarbianExt/ Download : http://www.sarbian.com/sarbian/MMSarbianExt.dll Install it by dropping it in the gamedata folder. Put your patch .cfg files anywhere in the gamedata folder or subfolders. Licenced under CC share-alike license.
  14. As ialdabaoth said IF/OR are overkill. And would remind me to much of a CS test 15 years ago I did not have much time to work on it but here is what I have : https://github.com/sarbian/MMSarbianExt/ ( I'll change the name later ) Wildcard search works. I need to implement the condition search. I found out that the parenthesis are not parsed by KSP, so I had to change them for brackets : @PART[*]:Has[@MODULE[ModuleEngines]:HAS[PROPELLANT[Oxidizer]] It's less friendly to read ...
  15. Thanks I'll see how I can do that. A DLL that would only process node that the default modulemanager dont process, and call modulemanager function do do the editing. Your syntax look nice, I'll check how it's parsed by KSP. Won't do it in mine. You are right, it's over-engineering
  16. I found a few landing bug with low TWR ship (engine "stutter") but I did not found a fix so they land where they should and still not do that. It may be related ? You can send me a save or ship, I'll have a look.
  17. @Benie You didin't crash ? The landing autopilot tries to keep the falling speed to what it can stop before you hit the ground. So if you have a powerful engine it won't slow down early because it can do a last second high G breaking
  18. I'll wait for a word from ialdabaoth. More complex test will make the code ugly fast, and there is limtation with how KSP parse cfg files ( can't use = )
  19. I have a version with wildcard pattern (* ?) and test for things like module = CommandPod. The code is not too ugly. But I won't post if without ialdabaoth consent.
  20. I made a patch for modulemanager that let me do a file with only @PART[module,CommandPod] { !MODULE[MechJebCore] MODULE { name = MechJebCore } } It adds the module where module = CommandPod. No reply from ialdabaoth yet
  21. No, since an app can only use half and the other half is reserved for the kernel ( unless you use the /3GB switch )
  22. The light code is the MechJebAR202.cs file. It seems to check for transform named "light_green" and "light_red" . ( https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/blob/master/MechJeb2/MechJebAR202.cs ) And you ll need to add the MechJebAR202 module to your part
  23. KSP is a 32bit app, it cannot use more than 2GB
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