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Everything posted by JSD

  1. A rough ETA would be; in two until three weeks. That's rough. Something between a week until a month. They sort of did that. Experimental testing wouldn't be more than two weeks. Maybe three. Over 50 people are testing that release. You can catch a lot of bugs in that amount of time with that amount of people. Never the less, they never did an ETA on releases, and they never will. Just pay attention, keep a little sense, and you can do it on your own..
  2. KSPTV is a good concept, but it really needs some work. How much Time zones we are covering here? I don't know. At least it is a lot! It's hard to find a specific item back at the KSPTV stream. KSPTV is for me a weird stream because I almost never can watch "live". I have a different timezone, and there for; it middle in the night, or very, very early or something. My problem with Twitch is, is so focused to watch it live. To watch it right there, right now. With the live chat and all. You guys need to figure something out for the people who aren't live to have the same broadcast experience as the people who are live. If i DO find a specific stream back, as I said before -not easy to find- than I have a stream with multiple questions, explanations, interaction or whatever to the people who where their live right on the spot without a chat or anything on screen. The old setting was easy. Mondaynight, and Friday night. If you missed it, you could find it easily back. This, some sort of 24 hours live stream is a good thought, but you guys forgetting the time differents. Many people arn't live..
  3. Basically it's the (starting) POD. A lander can will automatically being seen a lander. A probe core as a probe. Two, three, four ships or probes docked together = Space Station. Something with wheels will be a rover. You can change all those thing, but that's the way the system will categorize them. Edit: as above said; Starting POD
  4. For the people who missed it: "Sadly that picture could only be obtained after said kerbal had digitally added nonsensical gas clumps to the sky that just look weird." Meaning; Those clouds are fake, not there/added to the picture..
  5. I know ISS is orbitting 407 KM above us. I just don't know the scale used in the Kerbal system..
  6. I totally see what your saying. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion! That's not what I'm trying to say. All I say, be realistic. You said your disappointing. You didn't see what you want in this update. I understand that. I'm just saying; Just because you don't like the features, or you wished there would be others instead it doesn't mean it's still an update. Like I said; You can't always get what you want. You may want resources or something like that, another want Crew stuff. It's hard to please the whole world. Nevertheless, it's an update. It's something new. It's one little step closer to a full version. Their exited enough to share that with us. Maybe you except to much from the game in it current state if it disappoint you?
  7. Every update is a good thing. Every new feature is a good feature in my opinion. It's so sad to see comments with; "What about this?", "When comes this?", "Still no resources?" The one thing I love about this update already is that we get to know this stuff so soon. I love the fact that they try to be as open as possible about the upcoming update. Give them some love for the things they DO come up with instead complaining about the things you want and or have to wait a little bit longer for. Because The Rolling Stones told us; You can't always get what you want..
  8. True, career add's a whole new dimension to the game. Same as the resources; it gives your Space Program a goal. HarvesteR agreed with that. And that's why they start focusing on career now. But you have to understand that both features I named here, aren't really features like flags which can be programmed in one single update. They are so huge! Adding a money system alone will not cut it. You need them in so many levels and directions of the game. It will come. Same as the resources. In little bits and peaces..
  9. They said in one of the latest dev streams; the first little steps to career. That's what I know..
  10. Simplicity is always the best. Easy but so great!
  11. In a nutshell; Public relations means something like the face of a company. You have close bands with your customers (in this case the community) and the company itself. The connection between it sort of speak. Mostly the people who get the most crap on there plates and have to deal with that to keep the costumer happy without putting the company in danger by some weird promise or solution which will cost there money or something. Again; in a nutshell..
  12. I want.. This; (Detecor) (Other view) (Small version) Nova's amazing work. Can't wait to see that on one of my crafts to detect some resources
  13. You nerds! You guys notice the strangest stuff in video's and or photo's. I doubt I would ever see that if you didn't noticed it..
  14. Probably the best flag in here. I love official look too, and the idiotic factor that has it on the same time. You mind if I borrow that one?
  15. Straight from the Kerbal Space Program store; It doesn't say there will be a finished version what so ever. So; all they are selling on the moment is a alpha version. That's the game you bought. If for what reason they ever decide to pull the plug.. To bad, but nothing that we could do about it. We did bought a alpha with the plan to become a full version someday. And that would be your answer. The "big" plan right now is to get it done someday. You followed the Streams a little bit before the forum darkness? They mentioned so many times before they sometimes don't even have a clue. I know they have the plans, the features, I also know they think about a year, year and a half right now. But even that can change down the road. Maybe six months from now they thought about some really new cool stuff that takes it up to two years. Stop worrying over a full-version and stuff like that. Just get exited about the updates their working on. Cause updates are the little steps forward to a full-release.
  16. Your problem is; you hit end flight. Right now end flight means really end/abort the flight. You should have hit on Space center, then the flight keeps existing..
  17. Like the suggestion above; set persistent debris to zero or... Just load/focus on the debris like you would with any other vessel and hit end flight. Both kind of cheating, but those are the easiest ways. If you don't want to cheat or anything; Design the rocket on a way that you have a probe core on the debris you left behind. So you could still control them like a separed vessel and deorbit them. But that's totally up to you..
  18. The way you say it, it's almost like a religion. People can have a opinion. You can and should think for yourself. Squard is run by people too. There not perfect
  19. We all know the devs, but not only them, do a great job. Also the ICT people who had to deal with the server problems and everything. Community Manager for getting all the crap. And go on like that. But I personally don't feel the need to be sorry. My opinion; that topic don't get out of hand. People want to know what's going on. That's all. Damian being cryptic and all. Skunky being almost brutal/hars. Not professional. I don't know how you guys see it, but that for me a big, big questionmark that raises more trouble than it solves it. Right now they do have a serious communication problem. And you know it. Your hear it soon. We got the answer soon. Soon. Always soon. Again, I don't say sorry. I own a site. I maintain a site. I know how it works. They eat me alive if I don't have a good reason why not..
  20. Count to ten Skunk..
  21. Yeah, your right. But still, there is something. I can't put my finger on it.. What is so hard about a little explanation post or update why there not broadcasting? Everything is better then just keeping a whole community in the dark. And then a Community Manager for gods sakes says: There's just nothing to report.. Very, very strange.
  22. Something is up. My feeling is there is something going on back there. Maybe there close to a new release and want some media silent or something. I don't know. All I know; I find it pretty weird. I don't like that " afterward" excuses and bull****. But sadly they do it..
  23. My brother and me just cheated the hell out of it last week. Infinite fuel and RCS, Mechjob and above all; ORDA for auto-docking (5 modules, 4 fails. So 4 manually docks in the end.) But still, we had a lot of fun. We learned a lot. Our first time introduction to docking ever. I wouldn't say you have to start that way, but it's a option to learn more about the progress itself. Where to look for, what you need. Etc etc.
  24. What happened to them though? The one steady thing I always follow. Not live, but still, it's a solid fact. Monday dev stream. Friday community stream. Last week neither of them. Sure; forum troubles. We understand. Too bad. Next week better. No stream this week is a little bit disappointing.. What's happening around there behind the scene's of Squad? I see Daimain is active on Facebook. Sharing some amazing video's and stuff. I wonder though.. Why not making a post with.. " Monday dev stream not happing tonight because: "Give any reason you guys have.." We understand. But now I wait for two straight weeks in a row. Hoping and or expecting to find a steady, normal monday(night; for me) dev stream when there is no stream to be find what so ever. All I want is a little bit info before hand.
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