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Everything posted by ZedNova

  1. I might actually watch this, I've never been too fond of anime in general, but this looks interesting.
  2. It is funny just how much better of a community KSP has just for the simple fact that it takes significant time to learn to play it. I suppose the forum moderators are helpful too.
  3. And that's why we haven't been back there since 1972.
  4. I have selective memory loss when it comes to embarrassments.
  5. That's funny, i bought it, made a survival game, lived as a poor hillbilly in a swamp with snowgolem slaves. Later i joined a server, impressed some 15 year olds, and got admin within 2 weeks. But then two of these 15 year olds got into a fight over money, and the server died.
  6. It'll most likely be Dreamchaser and CST-100 in my opinion.
  7. That's why whenever i play minecraft i play Tekkit. I love technology.
  8. No internet? How will you survive??
  9. Just a little poll here, do you install your games, and/or other personal programs on a Hard drive partition other than C:\? Iv'e always done it for the sake of convenience and organization. Steam, origin and every old Cd-ROM game is installed on my E: drive.
  10. They should be bringing an exterminator so that doesn't happen.
  11. Great, another thing NASA has to plan for before sending anyone. Every astronaut going to mars will have to complete a 16 day boulder evasion training course now.
  12. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Unless they're lonely.
  13. Although abit nitpicky, thanks for the correction.
  14. Here's something many people who deny evolution are confused about: Evolution is an observable fact, the word itself just means "Change over time". Things have, and are always changing. There's no dispute over this. The theory's proper name is: "The theory of Evolution by Natural Selection". Natural Selection is an acute observation of nature on Earth made through the fossil record, genetics, and living animals. The theory has been revised over time with new discoveries to better explain Evolution. There are other theories that attempt to explain Evolution, but Natural selection is the most supported one. My father thinks natural selection makes sense, but that evolution is total garbage. How this makes sense to him, i don't know.
  15. You deserve many cookies, and a feature in the daily kerbal.
  16. This is absolutely terrible.
  17. Just another reason why Canada is awesome.
  18. From wikipedia: If this article is accurate, then the answer is yes.
  19. Thanks for the help guys, i opted to do a fresh install since the cloning software gave me an estimated 3 hours to copy. I'm loving the 10 second bootup.
  20. Okay thanks for the help guys, now i have another question; Should i use the included cloning software to clone my Windows install to the SSD? Or should i install it fresh? The C: drive currently has 80gb of data on it.
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