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Everything posted by RawChicken

  1. Well, as my account got deleted this is officially my first post, but ive been playing KSP since 0.16 and ween how it is evolving to an awesome game. Playing KSP is fun, yes. KSP is under development, I know, but since reading that the devs will consider the game "finished" when career mode is completed, I just wanted to throw out there some of my little improvements/details Ive thought could make KSP more enjoyable. VAB: --On a parts "page", being able to browse pages with the scroll wheel, or by clicking the upper "tab" again. --Being able to import saved planes on VAB and rockets on SPH. --Being able to load saved ships/planes while building another ship, this could allow building saving a rover beforehand and building a mothership where you dock a couple of those rovers. --Not having the "radial symmetry" option changed when you hover your mouse while dragging a part over a "different radial symmetry" part. --Being able to select wheels, landing gear, (or any other moving prop) while on the VAB and adjust its position. Example, adding plane landing wheels and have them "raised" in order to have space and continue building. OR, adding landing legs and have them allready "open" when take off. --Being able to manage kerbals if you add more than one command pod to a ship, instead of having it empty (all but the first one placed) --Better highlight when selecting a prop in a ship. Sometimes I hover the mouse over a part I want to remove from my ship and it highlights, but when i click it it selects some other part behind it. This happens most with the new rover wheels, struts, and fuel lines. Parts: I am not going to list parts I would like to have, but I just wanted to say that there are no moving parts for structural purposes. I know there are mods for this hinges and extensible props, but I think this game still needs some default parts as mods can be a bit unstable. I please ask for constructive comments and some dev who reads this could possibly say something? Also, if you agree or not, or if you have also encountered these issues. Thanks
  2. Nice challenge! Hahaha, reminded me of those old boats/ships where the steering wheel was behind! hahaa
  3. Yeah id also like my date changed...but I see why this is higly improbable to happen.. People will keep in mind that the forum crashed and thats why there are so many accounts made on april
  4. Nice! The only downpart is KSP visuals, specially rocket smoke, but the rest was great!
  5. No monster ate the forum, Squad got too close of the magic boulder
  6. Yeah, mine got deleted.. Sad for my posts and rep points :/
  7. I was hoping for this post not to be deleted :/ Hope to see it up again soon!
  8. Could you do like a fast sketch? rocket nozzles allready are glass shaped
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