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Everything posted by RawChicken

  1. With that in mind, one will always need mechJeb. I have never used mechJeb and jet made pretty much everything you can do in ksp... I really think it spoils the game.. Just saying, if you want to improve your skill (which isnt bad), I recommend not using mechJeb.
  2. sal vager explained it pretty much..get to a low orbit, then kill horizontal velocity and control vertical speed with your rockets till you land. Like everything in ksp, it will take a couple tries and then piece of cake
  3. Yes, to avoid this, always add at least a power generator. Rockets and jets make electricity when they are on.
  4. Yes, when firing the rockets you should not put it on a vertical position, its better giving it some inclination so that the apo rises on top of you, then cut engines and get to apoapsis and burn to circularize there.
  5. Awesome pa1983! how did you manage the jets to work at such altitud?
  6. Well.. Do you dully understand orbital mechanics? Watching a couple videos on plantary approach should be enough. Of course, this will get easier for you after practice. I remember I coudnt even get to Mun and now thats not even a challenge. Dont worry, you will get better at it. There is no other method than how you mention, of course, you can download mods that help with this. One is called Engineering redux, gives you tons of info, maybe it it useful. Also, using this website could help you making your burns http://ksp.olex.biz/
  7. I think its more fun having to rescue sranded kerbals or just regular space missions within kerbin, Mun and minmus. Also, having a mission not working well a.k.a out of fuel and having to dock and all (as in the first missions!), rather than going to the Jool system.
  8. Yes it is a fantastic game and teaches lots! haha
  9. Hi dovah4, welcome to the forums. There is no activation after you buy and download the full version of the game, are you using the demo or the full version? Mod installing consists on copying files to the game files and its all done!
  10. Hi! Welcome to the forum and good luck on your launchings! Yes, the devs said they were going to make the code more efficient and I guess, they will also implement multiple core management.
  11. Great! just keep them away from my space stations!
  12. I go for 160km orbit because you get 1 additional XTime for time acceleration, useful when docking. Also, a space station can be used to assemble a huge mothership and send it to the Jool system, where you can then visit all the moons at once!
  13. AWesome! good picture, wich mod are you using?
  14. Kerbin is not the Earth and you cannot make comparisons between them. It is a game not a simulator. You can have mods with better thrust ratios and you can clearly see hoy they are overpowered.
  15. Great! Now, try adding a small manned lander attached on the spaceplane with a docking port, and once in LMO, you go and land with the lander, then, back to the spaceplane and off to kerbin!
  16. Yeah, helicopter wings are pretty damn complex. Even simplified RC models. Nother problem with a car achieving flight is that once its airborne, wheels stop giving you speed so you loose speed and lift. You would need a mechanism to transfer the engines power to a propeller! Sounds like a nice weekend project!!
  17. Wow chobit, relax.. This is the only I enjoy watching.Any plane/rocket crash/failure is bad and no one with common sense should find a laugh in one of these throwback to science. Its a huge loss of invested money and human talent, non to mention lives loss... When a catastrophe happens, the least we can do is learn from our errors and make it better next time. Today, Ill go to sleep with this in mind, instead of this forum post: First Time Test Flight For Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo Engine
  18. Then you have flying cars!! Ahh...if it was that easy... (sight..)
  19. 7/10 have seen you several times
  20. WOW, looks awesome! So, how did you did this?
  21. Wow awesome entry ThePsuedoMonkey, you go in first place... at least for now..
  22. Hahahahaa, I feel your pain! Good luck with your future space missions! Hope to see some screenshots on the forums soon!
  23. Good news! Yeah, I wanted then slider-based planet generator. I like the idea of opening the game to modders..gives so much to the game
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