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Everything posted by WCOLE360

  1. Fat Area, look on a wikipedia image of the ISS, there are supposed to be/or I don't know maybe it's there were supposed to be, 4 nodes at the bottoms, for 2 for MRMs, a docking module, and something else (DONT CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG IM DOING THIS FROM MEMORY).
  2. Actually Asmi, you're right about HTV being the only ISPR transporter. But it's 100% the hatch size, they couldn't fit through the PMA on the shuttle, they were only carried when an MPLM was in the cargo manifest, because they can fit through that. But it's still 99.5% hatch size.
  3. I find it amazing how canadarm2 moves itself between attachment points.
  4. ATV Service Module, http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/?p=17212
  5. Maybe they're not meant to dock together. Inspires Orion-Soyuz.
  6. I could work some more on it, send me what you have, it's probably 99% better than what I've started with.
  7. Well they are meant for modern, non-stop, high quality communication!
  8. Also, wouldn't the altair nowhere near existence in 1989?
  9. Yogui, lets go ahead with Ariane 5's update, I don't see problems that are significant enough to make them wait.
  10. Obviously ATV-4 is a genius because his name is Albert Einstein.
  11. Progress undocks in 4 days, probably not much left. Also, MSL/DSL have a coding glitch for .20 with cleverbobcat, I'm working on tons of different edits to fix them, but I got other projects I'm working on.
  12. CARGO HAS FEELINGS MAN, you just hurt them, you'll never be able to apologize to ATV-4 for two reasons, You're not on the ISS It will burn up in atmospheric re-entry
  13. Yet soyuz just beat there previous record of 6 hours, to a little under 6 hours just a few weeks ago.
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