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Everything posted by WCOLE360

  1. It's goin black and white, I'll send you dev file.
  2. PM me whats wrong with MPLM. Edit: Interior on HTV is practically done, ATV ingame testing with Ariane 5, interior in progress. bobcat I can also work on more interiors, getting better by practice.
  3. You're discussion on your usage of RAM and simplicity of interior textures @devogen.
  4. Devo, for HTV, I did three textures, a white flag with a red dot in the middle for the japanese flag, I did a simple rough foil map, and then I took a high quality picture of a piece of sort of wrinkled paper, and the HTV interior looks pretty well, according to some.
  5. That's a bit demanding saying we already know all of this, and if you looked earlier on the thread you'd see it. The ATV is being tested, posted yesterday, and we know about Leonardo, but maybe someone wants to assemble the station from start to end, have the cancelled modules, etc, they'd want mplm instead of PMM.
  6. No don't change it, you can do what I did: CBM and kerbx port connected. thought its CBM to CBM but there's a kerbx on that other CBM, then you can easily dock dragon, Cygnus, etc.
  7. If you want to legitimately assemble ISS, use mechjeb 2 for Russian Orbital Segment Assembly 🇷🇺, that's how it is IRL, and use canadarm(Buran manipulator) or Canadarm2 for USOS 🇺🇸
  8. Get Canadarm on the station strutted down to somethin them use that to berth.
  9. Make it a challenge and don't attach Kvant-2 solar panels to it, attach them to kvant-1, get the KAS mod, and manually place them!
  10. You're not docking it bro. Mechjeb 2 hates the CBM's, time to learn manual docking as best as you can.
  11. Orbitus plus why do you need an airlock interior..
  12. No it's yogui who needs the statue. Edit, I'm doing a few more interiors now. Bobcat, can I do node 2 and node 3 interiors? Also devo what about unity? I'm gonna try destiny and columbus too. ATV for sure.
  13. We're doing H-IIB Node 3 is already in the pack, re-use node 2. Cupola will be, Z1 Truss will be, Rassvet will be, Poisk and pirs will be the same. We don't need adapter, not necesary yet.
  14. Correction here's the supply manifest: Cygnus: Nutt007 HTV: WCOLE360, Yogui87 ATV: Yogui87, WCOLE360 (testing) I'm doing the interiors for both as well as testing, while yogui makes the actual models.
  15. I however know about two resupply vehicles, but all I can say is ATV's Ariane 5 is in heavy testing.
  16. Yea mexico city, right? Heard it's horrible driving there.
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