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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. What do I get for starting a thread with ~600,000 views and ~8000 replies?
  2. The ChemRock 3*Vader Crew Vehicle (13 Points) The ChemRock 5*Tarkin Crew Launch Vehicle (11 Points) The ChemRock 8*Chorkun Heavy Cargo Lift Vehicle (11 Points) (I'll post albums of my missions, so you don't have to take my word for these claims )
  3. Thank you. Well right now I'm hesitant to post many pictures because I'm tweaking stuff here and there so quite a lot is still open to change. But talking about new parts: while constructing my heavy lifter I came up with the following problem: Does this count as six liquid fuel engines? Because there are clearly six nozzles, but KSP counts it as three engines.
  4. Hey there guys! It's been a while since I've been active in the forum. I was is the mood for some KSP and so I decided I might tackle this challenge. Right now I'm still in the the preliminary stages of my "Pressure Drop Programm", which is my label for this whole endeavour This is the Design for my Ares I equivalent, the "5*Tarkin": Since I have no Orion equivalent yet, I used a placeholder I named "The Shrimp". After considering the other designs here I guess I kinda overdid it, but who cares - it's for fun after all. The 5*Tarkin can put The Shrimp into a 80km circular orbit without touching it's fuel suply. Update: This it the first prototype of my Orion-equivalent, the 3*Vader Craft. Included is a Album of a unmanned suborbital flight using a 5*Tarkin rocket. -Supports at least 4 crew (+4) -Each crew over 4 (+1) -Self-contained multi-purpose spacecraft (+2) -Service module (+2) -Safely touches down on land and water (+1) -Solar/battery electrical only (no RTG) (+2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Points
  5. I forgot them more than once, however last time I succeded with a improvised powered landing.
  6. Yes, I know the feeling, I'm at a ksp-lowpoint right now aswell. I usually spent time by hosting challenges over at the challenge-forum. Which leads me to: Try a few challenges. I came up with this challeng to keep myself interested: Doing it Apollo Style
  7. Wait, what? The lights can now be colored?!
  8. Also, you do realize that there will be no balance of a single aspect of the game? Just imagine - posting a rocket that will only work in career or sandbox. Everybody that likes to design rockets would have to cosider if the craft should be viable in career or in sandbox. Just because some people don't like certain parts? That would be absurd.
  9. I, for one, am completely happy with the AMR parts.
  10. Well, I like the new Ion-Engines at least they are a viable option now. However, making them more or less useless in atmosphere seems like a reasonable idea to me.
  11. a) Soon You should know by now that I won't tell you in advance.
  12. And the winner is: 1st: Giggleplex777 - R-2 SSTO 2nd: oo0Filthy0oo - Wholphine Hybrid 3rd: Cruzan - BSC Bolt Giggleplex has won once again. Can nobody stop this better stock craft building maniac?! It was fun as allways - especially since this was the thread-of-the-month special edition. Once again thanks to all the participants and congratulations to the winner! The challenge would be nothing without you guys
  13. Not entirely sure what you are trying to tell me. I sure hope that it is possible to vote when you are logged in. You can vote if you like - it's public however, people will see what you voted.
  14. The primary vote has been closed! The results can be looked up here. The following craft will enter the final vote: Cruzan - BSC Bolt Giggleplex777 - R-2 SSTO Heagar - HOTOL II c 4 MiniMatt - Mallard O-Doc - Gecko oo0Filthy0oo - Wholphine Hybrid WaRi - Peregrino The final vote will close on march 28th.
  15. One last reminder: The primary vote closes in two hours!
  16. Yes, you can still submit. This challenge is still alive, although the maintenance-cycles are longer than they used to be. You have been added
  17. A megatonne would be 1000000t. 1000t is a kilotonne. I know, some people might consider this nitpicking, but do call yourself CalculusWarrior.
  18. Since so many of you are still testing, I'll close the primary vote on March 25th 2014 21:00 CET
  19. Allright guys - the first round of voting will stop in about 24 hours. So if you are still testing I sugggest you come to a close
  20. Well, I think it's best to put your own craft in the last category, objectivity is allways hard when you are judging your own creation.
  21. I'm sorry - your not only kinda late. You are too late. But thanks anyways for your submission - maybe you can take part next time.
  22. @Upsilon Yeah, sorry, that is actually a mistake I should not make with my english skills.
  23. I would suggest voting your own craft in the last category. Objective voting one something your built yourself is allways hard (maybe even impossible)
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