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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. Allright, since the voter fraud is now just unbearable, I will restart the the vote. I've restarted the vote. If you want to vote - PM me your email adress. You will receive a mail with a personal link to the vote - dont worry, the vote will run till Sunday december 15th, since this process will obviously need more time. I'm using condorcet-method vote - you will be asked to rank the entries. Don't worry, it's fairly simple - If you want to vote for a single entry, leave all entries on the lowest rank and move your prefered entry to rank one. The way you can also vote for any number of candidates. It sound a little wierd but it's a perfectly sound voting system - you can check the wiki page (And I've got a fairly professional page that offers this service). On a sidenote: 1. I've removed bombo1's entry, because it violated the Guidelines. 2. I've added bizmar's entry, that he submitted in time but that I overlooked (so, it's not his fault). Please note that his .craft file has to be downloaded seperately at this point.
  2. Yeah, this obvious cheating is...more than annoying. I thinking about restarting the poll on a more secure site. Why can't people behave?
  3. All submissions are closed. If I let you redesign you craft at this phase, everyone else could demand the same (with the same right), I would have to setup the Poll again, redownload all .craft files, an so on and so forth. I've put some thought into this and I'm really sorry, but I will have to disqualify you for violating the one design per capita rule (I.II 3). This is partly my fault for not realizing, that you posted two skycranes and a single lander. For that I'm really sorry - this simply had not happened yet. But you are still in the listing - and I'd encourage people to write reviews for your submission aswell.
  4. Hm, well I've been thinking about disqualifying bombo1 on the "on entry per capita" rule. He basically submitted two designs you have to stick together yourself. Well, I'll think about it for a day. Voting is still open for ~45 hours.
  5. haha, thats incredible, that people are still doing it apollo style Sorry for the delay - you two have been added.
  6. Well, I didn't get to your lander yet, but this will get you a plus Yeah, you can drive a rover with the navball pointing up, but I like if the navbal does not suddenly work in a diffrent way, and the roll control does not suddenly turn into the yaw controll I did Mun-exploring that involved some jumping and intuitive midair (midvaccum?) position controll suddenly becomes very important. Thats why I allways but a second probe core on a rover. (note the navball)
  7. Well, thanks Kasper. But back to topic: Tested some of the entries and was rather supprised that noone I tested uses a second probe core on his rover to makes sure that the Navball points to where the rover is heading, instead of just up.
  8. Well, it's an engineering challenge - and we are having a competition. Seriously, there will be a winner. I don't seery very many threads in the exchange the crow a winner and die pretty much after that.
  9. Well, thanks for the kind words about my rover - I just wanted to mention that the CRAATRV can upright itself on most worlds (well, not on Kerbin) using it's ASAS. Since someone criticized this.
  10. You could have used the link if provided to download all at once
  11. Ah, sorry - I can't edit the poll now. But, you can do something that is much more important to the challenge: Go test the entries and write some reviews They are allways a nice read and the participants are allways happy and thankfull to read thoughts on their crafts.
  12. Lets start the primary votes! I will once again use the dot-voting system. Since we have less entries this time, you will have four votes. Primary votes will run for three days - so you have more time for testing. Be so kind and do not vote for yourself - it's undignified and not objective. I also encourage you to tell us for whom you've voted and why. These post are basically the best part of the challenge Also, you can tell me if you think the new voting system is an improvement. The vote will close in three days. Do not forget to read the Challenge Guidelines Mk.II - this is not about the most beautifull craft. You can download all .craft files >>here<< in a single zip. >>VOTE HERE<< Results can be viewed here.
  13. I wrote a pm - I'm kinda attached to the "BSC: *craftname* - *news*" format, wouln't like to change it
  14. Submissions are closed! Give me some time - you should be able to start voting within the hour. Allthough I would prefer if you spent some time testing first In the mean time, here is some smooth jazz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NEc3bluGGc
  15. Well, yes - the first two BSCs had 8 and 12 entries As I said - last time was the exeption.
  16. why on earth have we been moved? It's a challenge! You can win this thread, not an exchange!
  17. Oh, well, it has wallways been around 20-30 entries. I guess last time was a exeption, because EVERYONE had allready build a Kerbal X style rocket. Not everyone hast build a rover - it's also much more complicated. So I'm neither supprised nor worried. Also - chrismas is drawing near, maybe the people got less time for KSP
  18. Only ~30 minutes left, if you want to enter the challenge, hurry up
  19. The CRAATRV! Features: 58 parts 8.97 t mass -A combination of drogue and normal parachutes for soft landing on planets with atmosphere -Landing light -SRBs to help seperation -Can be used manned or unmanned -dual probecore, use the central during decent and the secondary while driving and you navball will allways make sense -Wide wheelbase -Three RTGs for infinite Fahrvergnügen -powerfull four wheel drive -rear brakes for save breaking in low g environment -deployable antenna >>DOWNLOAD<<
  20. Basically...yes. However, while working on my own design, i realized the reason for big fueltanks is probably the fact, that I asked for being able to land on Duna and on the Mün. You can go down on Duna almost completely on parachutes, the mun requires some fuel fuel, however. @Lions: Well, bringing down a lander on a "skycrane" is a advanced technique. And the problem with the stock craft is allways, that someone else designed it and you are supposed to use the craft. @Kasuha: Never understood that either - making a handfull of good screenshots seems to be such a low hanging fruit to me
  21. Hm...Heron...now I'm thinking Eve.... Anyways, right now ~ 1D, 11h left. You should be able to check the time yourself right here. (No Guarantee)
  22. And why on earth, should Han (space pilot!) mix up units of time and length? No matter how shady he is, no car salesman will ever try to sell me a car that can drive ten kilometers in under thirty yards.
  23. Still working on my own design - I think I'll go the Lunar Rover way. Manned and a littlebit bigger...
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