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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. owned by much cooler girl by the same artist
  2. No one (in this story) is cooler than the cheshire...
  3. The realization that leaves me awestruck every I think about it is: They did not use Computers (in any scale that we do nowadays, like AutoCAD), nor did use Calculators, they designed this rocket with pencils, paper and f*cking slide rules! Slide Rules! This: Im becomming math teacher and have no idea how these things are operated....and they built the Saturn V with it!? They would draw the original blueprint by HAND und write manuals with typewriters....thats just....*shakes his head*
  4. I did some housekeeping in my own (apollo style) challenge. Made an etry to the Apollo Style Duna challenge, the Better Stock crafts challenge and the 90 seconds to Orbits challenge. So I gues, I was rather busy...
  5. Realy? Cosmo & Wanda? Pokemon? You just got owned by Alice...
  6. Alright, so here we go again... - Apoapsis of 72.08 km after 52 seconds - Got to 70.4 km within 80 seconds - circularized at 100 km - docked to my old "station" Just a small question....what time counts now? Because with jodo you have used the time when he was on a trajectory with an apoapsis >70, with SkyRender you use the time when he actually reaches 70+ km altitude
  7. Well, these are two new and awesome submission. Now please calculate you points NoMrBond Also, love you LM - it look realy gorgeous...
  8. Well, there you go: I needed 52 seconds to get my apoapsis above 70km, then circularized and docked with my "spacestation". It's all stock exept for MechJeb to provide the numbers....
  9. Actually it's not very enthralling, but here we go. I slapped a Mechjeb onto the rocket, so you can see some numbers. Also excuse the picture overload - but I guess you can't read the numbers without full resolution. At the launchpad, 912.17 tons of explosives Also, only the first three stages are made for "hitting space", the rest of the rocket is operated my mouse. So the other stages are rather messed up A few seconds after liftoff, 7 Mainsail engines produce 10500 KN of force. TWR at liftoff 1.18 MET 02:03 (reallife about 6 minutes), 3 seconds before staging. TWR 2.25 and it only weighs 475.15 t now A few seconds after staging - it's time for the 7 Skipper Engines to take over. Dropping the first stage got rid of ~100 tons, TWR is down to 1.28 After spending almost 200 tons of fuel, I got the apoapsis up to 100 km In a circular orbit at 100km, with ~500 m/s dv left in the second stage. The vessel still has a mass of 162.52 tons. You can also get a good look at the escape tower. In the actual mission I used the leftover fuel in the second stage for a part of the interplanetary burn and shed it during the maneuver. Without the second stage we are down to "just" 78.01 tons. Getting rid of the escape tower, wich actually weighs over two tons Antenna set up, solar pannels deployed - this is the cruise configuration: Originally I wanted to dock the lander at the nose of the CM for the interplanetary burn, but in this configuration the ship is much wobblier. So I use the lander's ascent engine (Poodle, just like the CM engine) with fuel from the CM. Also the satellites are actually glorified fuel-tanks. The one for Ike needs a few litres of fuel, the one in duna orbit got sucked completely dry before deploying it.
  10. Thanks I allmost gave up when I realized half of the screenshots were missing
  11. Well, since my submission was to late for the challenge. Here is my chemical deep space probe (if put on of these things in moho orbit). Talking about chemicals get you only to minmus...
  12. Allright, since you all go the Ion-engine way, I'll take up the cudgels for good ol' chemical rockets! Yes, it's a tad more complicated than the standard-probe, but all you need to know is "if one of the tanks is empty - hit space". Also beginners can learn about droptanks and aspargus-designs. After all, how are they going to learn if nobody shows 'em? According to MechJeb it has a dv of 9992 m/s Also, I want do disprove the myth (that many veterans seem to believe too) that you have to go nuclear to go farther than Minmus. I've succesfully but a probe like this into Moho orbit. Hanbook: -Push 1 to unfold antennas and solar pannel -hit space if a tank is empty Download Edit: Meh, just saw, that submission were closed.....well, I'll just leave this here...
  13. As said before - if one has sub-orbital speed and one has orbital speed....a rather expensive crash is what would happen
  14. It's done! However, KSP decided to simply stop doing screenshots halfway through the mission. So you won't see some of the best shots Also, you will have to believe me, that I splashed down on Kerbin... Anyways - do I get extra points for deploying a science package with a altitude difference of 2000 meters? How about driving 30 km on Duna? Base: 50 3-kerbal mission +10 2-kerbal lander +10 2-stage lander with separate ascent stage (descent stage stays on Duna) +20 Launch escape system (LES) escape tower +10 Duna lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20 Lander tucked away behind some fairing +5 Perfect landing - no damage to LM +10 Dock with LM's ascent stage prior to leaving Duna's SOI +10 Ascent module de-orbited to burn up in Duna's atmosphere +5 Plant at least one flag +3 Splash-down on Kerbin (water landing) +5 Kerbal fatality -20 each (if any kerbal is left on the Duna surface after the ascent module leaves the surface or the CM leaves Duna orbit, they will die). Flight goals: Launch vehicle should avoid using solid-rocket boosters during its ascent. This *does not* include use of Separatrons that are not used for ascent purposes. If you use a SRB for ascent -10 Complete the mission with only chemical rockets (no nukes). The KSC already has a crate of chemical rockets on hand and you get a bonus for not having to accelerate development on the nuclear engine +15 Aerobrake around Duna to achieve orbit +10 Less than 75 days from game start to Duna orbit? Launching when the game saves starts and performing a standard orbital transfer gets you into a Duna orbit 75 days from when the provided save game starts, day 129 in the game. Find a faster way to get into a Duna orbit using another transfer faster and earn +1 point for every day less than 75 days it takes to get to Duna orbit, from the starting point of day 54, where the provided save game starts (calculated by 129 - day when Duna orbit is reached). Water sample return bonus! Land on either polar icecap AND return a sample to Kerbin (either as part of the kerballed lander or a robotic lander) +10 Rover: At least one rover on board +5 Rovers can seat at least one Kerbal +5 Additional rovers +3 each Distance (score for one only and counts only for a kerballed rover) Drive beyond 100 meters of the lander +2 Drive beyond 2.5 km of the lander +5 Drive beyond 5km of the lander +10 Drive beyond 10km of the lander +15 Orbital Science goals: Deploy orbiting satellite around Duna +5 Deploy orbiting satellite around Ike +10 Duna surface science goals. Each science package must be a powered probecore with at least one scientific instrument. Deploy one science package at landing site (on the LM itself counts, if that part of the LM stays on Duna's surface and remains powered) +5 Deploy a science package at least 2.5km from the landing site +10 (score first one only) Deploy a science package at least 1000m +/- different alititude from LM or any other science package +15 (score first one only) Deploy a science package adjacent (within 100m) to any anomoly +10 (score first one only) Deploy a science package at least 10km from the landing site +10 (score first one only) -------- 276 points if I'm not wrong
  15. Well, I did a challenge a few weeks ago that produced some impressive reenactments! You can see my meager attempt and some rather awesome ones.... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39630-Doing-it-Apollo-style
  16. Any comic is owned by angy beavers....
  17. quantum physics is owned by Erwin Schrödinger
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