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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. Nice, so I can expect another entry. Also - why would you build a MM without RCS?
  2. 294. Start sorting their whole inventory alphabeticaly - Beginn by carrying everything thats starts with A to the entrance, everything with Z to the check-out.
  3. Well, as mentioned before, Arthur C. Clarke - (Rendezvous with Rama, Fountains of paradise) Isaac Asimov - I enjoyed "The Gods themselfes.." just a few months ago. Also the Robot-Series should match your criteria. The Foundation-Serie is also awesome, but does not realy match. I further enjoyed Robert A. Heinlein's "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress" not too long ago. I liked it, but the style of it is realy needs getting used to. Also, "The Forever War" by Haldemann - does contain a handfull of scifi-gadgets but in return you get some realy hard scifi
  4. Well, can you achieve a non-inclined orbit by hand with any efficiency? It's really the same thing, just keep your rocket on the orange line on the navball. Start staight up, then do a gravity turn, starting at something between 10 and 15 km hight.
  5. Well, in this case I fear you don't qualify. But you can allways try again
  6. Wow, I'm quite amazed by all the work you guys put into this This is just...phenomenal.... Anyways, I'm fine with landing near you probe, since the NAM is pretty close to the non-inclined orbit. Maybe I should give an alternative target that needs heavily inclined orbit....
  7. 8/10 seen you a few times before, recognizeable siganture and avatar
  8. 04:18 AM near Vienna, Austria
  9. Well, I did not expect so many entries. Considering that by now it was really hard to get into the Top 5, I think I'll just list all entries... @SargeRho Please calculate your points yourself. @Xenonclave By the way, what is the music you used during ascent from münar surface?
  10. Of course, undisclosed location is Austria The user below me has seen . (before me linking it)
  11. Alright, you now clearly lead the Top-5.
  12. False, I'm broke and and don't like CS The user below me is >23 Years old
  13. hmm...allright, so now you two share the first place. Congratulations Changed the requirement to land within 100 meters of NAM, but that changes nothing on your points.
  14. Banned for beeing too good a understanding grammar
  15. Banned for using to complex sentences....
  16. yes, I'm talking about "fake fairings". Check out vidboid's rocket:
  17. Banned for designing submarine parts for a space simulator!
  18. Banned because I cant stand theese rippled ribbons in your signature.
  19. False, never got a plane into orbit. The next user is male
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