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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. well, the first few tries where rather nerve-racking, but I think within a day I more or less got the hang of it. While building my first space-station (6 seperate pieces) it got more or less routine.
  2. Try some punctuation and orthography, so maybe we will understand what you want from us....
  3. Today I claimed Minmus for the kerbiet People!
  4. I have only recently learned of the Nova-Rocket....so sad, they never built it
  5. Just a small tip, to avoid having to deal with the floating decoupler and engine casing for your next trip. If you use two decouplers (you can see it on the very left edge of the spacecraft I posted), you can stage once to seprate from the lander, turn around and couple with the LM and then shed the decoupler and engine casing by staging again. I should look like this: (sorry for littering you Thread with my pictures)
  6. Well, you can't build a protective "bubble". You can however build a potective Donut! All you need to do is build a toroidal spacecraft and send a current through it. This way you get a nice magnetic field and the flux lines never cross your ship.
  7. Well, I also pirated the game back then...and bought it 5 minutes after.... Nowadays I'm asking myself how to give the Devs MORE money - had more fun with KSP than with quite a lot of AAA-Titles, that cost more than double...
  8. And having a life expectancy of 2 minutes? erm....no...
  9. Well, that looks awesome - I tried to rebuild something like this a couple of times, but allways had problems with the first stage. However, I think that having the lander tucked away behind the CM is the only cool way to get to the moon. My current Saturn-V "copy" goes to orbit on a single aspargus'd Stage.
  10. Buzz Aldrin punching this guy was not the right way to deal with these people. Still, it was awesome.
  11. I also got a save with 18 active flights but I dont see why you are all so down about this. At least I've got a pretence to start over again - once the update is out I will have to go to the Mün and plant my flag again.
  12. You can get everywhere you want on conventional rocket engines. My First 'capital' ship went to jool on four poodle engines. Just a few days ago I sent a mapping probe to Moho on a single LV-909 engines with several droptanks.
  13. Today I continued my work in my apollo-style Mün-Rocket, tomorrow I will try to land it by hand (no Mechjeb and stuff). Here you see me pull the MM (Münar Module) out of SMA (Spacecraft Münar Module Adapter)
  14. Thank god I had just installed the escape-tower and wired the abort-button...
  15. Played around a bit with alternative Propellants Turns out - RCS has a terrible ISP
  16. Maybe you would die - but would Jebediah Kerman die too? I don't think so....
  17. stock-parts of course - my coolest station was my Mir-copy
  18. Tried to build a Mapsat-Probe for the Jool-system, when I ran into some technical problems...
  19. Drove my Rover around Duna, I'm on my way to the next anomaly......
  20. I'd like to see a picture of this. Does this thing have any steering?
  21. hm, you should mention this - ssto simply means single stage to orbit...
  22. I built a SSTO once: This thing was actualy able to leave Karbin SOI, if I'm not mistaken. But building SSTOs realy is not my speciality.
  23. Read a Book....just 400 more pages of a Feast for Crows....
  24. Well, build a Rover (I realy love the new rover-wheels) and sent it to Duna...
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