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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. I decided to rebuild Mir. I'm still missing the shuttle docking module but the rest is done. Turn out its not so easy just with stock parts - especially the solar Panels seem to be either too large or to small. I tried to get the cluttered look of Mir by adding quite a lot of stuff to the outer hull. Who cares about the panorama-cupola-module? We've got panorama-command-chair
  2. Well, I planted my Flag at Duna and Ike After that I got realy bored and decided that, since everyone is rebuilding the ISS, I should rebuild Mir: Well, I got the Core Module and Kvant-1 and 2 up there, with a bit of imagination you might recognize them. Anyways, I'm trying to get the cluttered look (to make it look extra russian) just with stock parts But now it's 0600 over here and I realy need to go to bed...
  3. also: conservation on momentum - if tons of fuel are pumped clockwise around the rocket - the rocket will start to roll couterclockwise
  4. No motivation today - thought about going to Dres.....but meh.....thought about a new space station. So I've launched base-module for new space-station into orbit:
  5. Well, proving that 1+1=2 is not that hard. At least in modern maths....however you first have to come up with natural numbers (wich you can derive from axiomatic set-theory) and what "+" means - I have a book here somewhere that does all this in about 30 pages. Well, it defines not only natural, but up to real numbers. Once, this is done - the prove of 1+1=2 is probably 2 lines long....
  6. Well, today I wanted to tackle another Planet, when I realized that, while comming up with my plan to land on all objects in the Kerbol-System I forgot about Jool. But then I had a idear... I present you Felix Kergartner! At first he was a little sceptical, as we have not yet developed a personal parachute, but upon hearing that there was no ground to slam into, he was willing to become Hero. So, I've buid a rocket for him (the J-Man) and brought him to Jool. Once the capsule was down to comfortable 100 m/s he climbed out and took his big leap. Well, we hope, his death was not too painfull.... That was my day in KSP
  7. a+a=(1*a)+(1*a)=a(1+1)=2*a thats all I can come up with
  8. Johny Cash - God's gonna cut you down Yeah, I'm atheist - but his music is still awesom
  9. .......wait till you watch star wars once more
  10. Ah, Lord Harkonnen - we've awaited your arival, the spice production is at full.....oh...Hakkonen... well...welcome on board. Fly safe.
  11. Their head is lead-shielded....that's also why is so bulky
  12. I think if poland want to do something is space, they should work together with ESA. They allready have the infrastructure, rockets ect. that Poland would have to develop and build in the first place.
  13. I like mechjeb for doin stuff that is just tedious - like launching the fourth identical part to my space-fuel-depot - also is nice in the VAB for checking Delta-v and TWR. However I try to fly more intresting missions by hand.
  14. Don't worry - this is how I lost my first two space stations...but yes, you die a little inside...
  15. Hm, thats a cool gallery. I did see plans for the daedalus ship before, but I never realizen how enormous this thing is...
  16. Yeah, I was talking about that did you do in KSP today However, its allright if you talk about your everyday life aswell I wanna see more pictures of your rockets and stuff however
  17. So, what did you do in KSP today? I'm working on my project to touch down on every object in the system without mechjeb, so everything is done by hand. I launched a rocket (Project D-Man)to Duna yesterday and today I landed on Duna . After taking off, I realized that I could land on Ike too. This way I don't have to visit the Duna-system again. However - it seems I did a slight miscalculation and only reached Ike orbit....with a 30 km apoapsis. So, I converted a space-tug I had in storage into a interplanetary towing service and left for Duna. Yeah, it has mechjeb, because I did all the landing allready and its better than just leaving my faithfull kerbals in Ike orbit (my project - my rules ). So both ships met in Ike-orbit, where I accidently triggered the last stage seperator on D-Man just after docking. However after a few months of waiting for the right planetary alignment - the D-Man capsule is on its way home And yes, I did not have to attend any lectures today - so there was plenty of time for KSP So, what about you?
  18. Well, but this is allready notation and convention - the convention is, that if nothing else is said, we are doing stuff withing the Real Numbes (sorry, I don't know all the technical terms in english). Also, ist just convention, that the symbol "+" means the operation, we call addition
  19. I think in term of impressiveness I'd go with: Impactor < Probe < Capsule < Probe Lander < Lander < Robotic Rover < Manned Rover < Aircraft < Multipart Ship < Station < Base However, it depends - a well constructed airplane, that can land and take of again is probably more awesome than two pieces of equipment, docked in orbit that I pronounce "spacestation"
  20. I usually go by gut-feeling when placing chutes. When landing on Duna however, its heavily recomended to use a combination of chutes and retro-rockets.
  21. Xeldrak

    Hi all.

    Welcome on board, have fun with you rockets - and fly safe
  22. I think think the CSM is allready quite barebones, since this was one of the parts where is was most important so safe weight (since you lose only directly before reentry). Should they really want to cut even more weight - maybe they could fuse some of the tanks inside like they did in the second stage.
  23. Well, as you said yourself - mathematic concepts are universal, notation not so much
  24. Xeldrak


    Welcome on board - fly safe
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