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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. Well, sadly my british accent is not very good - got most of my english from watching american movies. But I could try a Bane imitation....
  2. Allright, so we'll stick to english - although I think thats not very classy
  3. @Markus Ja, die Deutschlandflagge in deiner Signatur ist recht verräterisch Ausserdem sag ich nicht, dass ich aus A komme. Ich bin ein deutscher in Österreicht. Also ist "Location" eindeutig "Austria"
  4. *grammophon entstaub, platte aufleg* Gnä Frau? ...ich hoffe mal, dass du eine Frau bist. Sonnst müssen wir uns noch einigen, wer führt.... PS: Und wenn ich doch den Frauenpart bekomme, zieh ich aber keine Absätze an....da tun einem nachher immer so die Zehen weh...
  5. Seriously? You think that you feel like a hero or a villain? Have you ever played a game like COD in multiplayer? It feels more like....playing a teamsport in school. Like football, handball or basketball. Sometime you feel good, because you are the best in your team and got them the victory. Sometimes you feel bad because....well, you have a bad day and suck, so the other team got the uper hand. It has nothing to do with beeing good or evil, with the "fun of shooting" or the joys of digital blood. It like playing a game.....wich migh be, because thats is what you do...
  6. @Death Engineering Well, thats good - I was worried landing near the NAM for 15 points was a very low hanging fruit. I'm fine with it hanging a few centimeters higher....
  7. Jawohl! Ein Tanz! Was hättens den gerne? Lieber einen Walzer oder einen Tango?
  8. No, you have to post a picture, that can beat mine @Markus Da wäre ich bei dir ja nich drauf gekommen. Ja, bin eigentlich auch deutscher.
  9. Hm, off course I have no good picture of my usual assembly. Here, look at the top vessel: I will usually use a big, central fuel tank, then add 6 or 8 radial fueltanks and equip them with the nuclear engines. Then add fuellines, that pump the fuel from the core tank to the radial ones. Now the big decoupler goes to the bottom of the big fuel tank to connect the ship with its rocket. This way its very sturdy and the nuclear engines don't have to bear any load during ascend.
  10. Well, I thought about buying it on steam, but it seems to me, that right now, they have allmost nothing to show other than ideas. Maybe they'll get my money later. Right now it didn't convince me....
  11. Oh god....now I know, that Poutine is. Seriously, if you want to eat 5000+ calories in a single meal, you should do it european style:
  12. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat? Well, actually latin is so....old.....french would be much fancier. I would vote for german, but you lot would only think that I'm screaming orders....
  13. As said before, I'm a COD player - and I'm 26 and on my way to become a math and physics teacher. So, no, not a COD players are like...this..... It's just that the illiterate 12-year-old children, lacking any self-restraint are the loudest.
  14. Well, now that we are all fancy and classy, I vote, that you have to listen to this whenever you are browsing the junkyard lounge:
  15. You see? Now we are in a lounge and people start correcting me....
  16. These kids are eating tortillas, they are made from corn. You should have posted:
  17. No, junkyard was good - it gave me a feeling of..freedom. You know, like the freedom in you living room, to wear only shorts....or nothing at all. Back then I could write whatever I liked, whenever I liked... Now, we are in a "Lounge", I have to wear a tuxedo, eat with knife and fork, drink Gin&Tonic and talk in a grandiloquent way.
  18. "Spec-Ops: The line" was awesome in some rather special way - but sadly the gameplay sucked. Even though I wanted to play it through I could only force me to 2/3 of the game, then read the Wikipedia roundup...
  19. No more Space Shuttle mission patches for us
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